Times have changed - Chapter 9

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[YOUR POV] *5 days later*

Nothing had been the same since you moved. You some how felt even more alone than you did when you practically lived by yourself. Your mum was still in New York and the others had been at the studio most days leaving just you in the big house which you still hadn't seen much of.
You walked into the kitchen still on your crushes and poured yourself some cereal. Justin sat at the dining room table so you sat down too sitting opposite him. Ever since the little moment on the stairs your first morning here you and Justin hadn't shared a single conversation, it came across as in he didn't want to speak to you and he'd gotton out of everything you were both involved in like meals just so he could avoid you. Every time you'd tried to get his attention he'd just make up an excuse and ignore you.
As soon as you started eating he went to get up from the table even though it was obvious he hadn't finished his food. "Oi Bieber" you'd had enough of his stupid behaviour. "What the fuck man! Is there a reason you're leaving just because I've sat down? Huh? Is there something about me that's so terrible that you can't be around me? Is that it? Because years ago you managed just fine and if I remember correctly we were as close as two friends could be. You were like a brother" you trailed off before you got too angry.
"Y/N I can't do this right now"
"Oh of course silly me, let me guess, you've got to be somewhere? Where is it this time huh? A girls house? The studio? An unnecessary shopping trip which is pointless because you already have everything?"
"Please Y/N I just can't do this right now"
You felt anger boil up inside you
"Just tell me what your fucking problem is Justin before I lose my frickin mind"
He looked shocked as your tone of voice got louder and full of hatred
"I've done nothing but try and talk to you Justin! The least you could do is show a tiny bit of interest!"
"Please" is all he said
"Please?? Please what Justin?? I miss you okay? I miss you? See there I said it! At least one of us misses what we used to have, I.." You quickly stopped talking as a sharp pain was felt in your stomach. You dropped your spoon to grab your side before hunching over in agony. Justin ran around the table to your side with worry plastered across his face, he tried to help you but you pushed him away "don't act like you care" you said between your teeth "I'm fine". You looked up at him to see that his face expression hadn't changed "I said I'm fine alright? The doctors said I shouldn't be under a lot of stress that's all" you went to stand up but you collapsed back in your chair again. The next second you were in Justin's arms and he carried you into the living room and sat down on one of the large sofas. You could feel the tears fill your eyes but you couldn't hold them back, Justin just cuddled you as the tears flooded your face. You buried your face in his chest as you sobbed quietly to yourself. "It's okay" you heard Justin whisper and you felt his warm breath on the back of your neck causing you to shiver. Justin must've felt your reaction because he sat you down besides him and left the room.

God. You thought to yourself. Things really are different.
2 minutes later Justin unexpectedly returned to the room and passed you a tissue "here" he said handing it to you. "We'll talk soon Y/N, I promise, just not now"
You just nodded not wanting to argue with him. "I'll see you around" he said before disappearing upstairs.

The next few days were almost the same, the only difference was that Justin actually smiled at you occasionally instead of outright annoying you every time you were in the same room. The good part about more days passing was the fact you were no longer dependent of those god damn crutches.
You walked up the stairs a little faster than normal after lunch and headed straight for your room. You pushed the door open only to jump half a foot into the air after seeing someone was sat on your bed "JUSTIN!" You shouted trying to breath normal again "don't do thaaat" you whined and he laughed. It was so nice seeing him smile.
"What are you doing in here J?"  You felt slightly weird still calling him that now that you weren't so close anymore so you corrected yourself "J-Justin, I meant Justin"
"You wanted to talk" his voice was calm as though it was rehearsed
"Oh so you've finally got time for me?? Does your girlfriend know that you're here actually going to talk to me properly?" He just sat there staring at you.
"Justin speak for god sake! I don't know you anymore! I don't know what to say!"
"Are you done?"
"Are you finished?"  He said calmly.
You nodded your head yes before sitting in a chair opposite the bed.

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