Conversation at last - Chapter 10

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Justin looked nervous as you sat waiting for him to say something "please speak" you said, for once not sounding impatient.
He cleared his throat "I'm sorry Y/N"
You frowned at him but before you could ask what for he continued
"I'm sorry about ignoring you, tbh I'm just sorry about everything.."
"Justin what's everything?"
"Everything means everything Y/N! I've been a complete arse! Us losing contact was my fault, you getting involved with dangerous people was my fault, you almost losing your frickin life was my fucking fault! I blame myself Y/N. None of that would've happened if I'd been a better friend and the only thing I can do is say I'm sorry"
You were quiet
"I thought you'd be okay ya no? I thought once I was gone I wouldn't be holding you back anymore, I thought you'd make friends with the other girls in our class..I thought you'd be happy"
"No let me talk!" He said cutting you off
"I don't know how to confront you anymore, we're no longer kids and we've both changed"
"Justin I'm still the same person I used to be"
"That might be true but from what I've heard thats quite hard to believe right now! You got fucking arrested Y/N! You broke the law! The Y/N I knew would've never done that! When I was told about it the Y/N in those stories wasn't the Y/N I once knew and loved"
Your heart kind of broke hearing the last part was in past tense
"Justin please"
"No Y/N. No. I made you into that bad person! I was such a dick! I got too caught up in my career that I lost who I was. I left behind who was most important to me to follow my dream and all I did was let her down in the process!!"
He started getting a bit emotional
"I just wish we could get back what we once had. Even though we were young and our biggest problem wasn't being aloud out to play but you were the only person that I knew was there for me apart from my mum, when I left it was hard being away from you and the want I felt inside to have you near me only grew as the years went on"
"Justin we can try and get that back, yes it will take a lot of time and we both have to be committed but I need my brother"
Justin showed a small smile
"I miss you Y/N and I need you back"
"I miss you too, J you never truly lost me, I thought about you everyday that you were gone!"
He got up to leave the room but stopped in the doorway and turned around to face you "and Y/N? For the record I don't have a girlfriend, you mentioned it earlier and I just wanted to say that you were wrong"
He turned in one strong movement before walking away.

"Good morning" Justin sang as he walked in to the kitchen the next morning to get breakfast. "Morninggg" you said smiling at him.
Your phone buzzed on the table and you picked it up seeing that Austin had text you saying that he hoped you'd settled in alright
- yes, things were rocky at the start but I think and hope that this week will he better than the last, how are things between you and that boy?
He replied back almost instantly
- good good:-) me and him are doing great! I went round his house for dinner the other night and met his family, I haven't heard from or spoken to any of the gang since I left.
You smiled knowing that he was okay and safe
- I'll FaceTime you soon Austin:-) have a good week x
"Who's that?" Justin asked being nosey
"Just this boy from back home, he's names Austin, he's really nice, you wouldn't know him"
He gave a look which you couldn't make out "what?" You asked with a slight laugh
"Nothing nothing, I was just asking that's all"
Jealously. That's the face he pulled. Justin Bieber was jealous.
"Whatever Bieber" you smirked as you headed upstairs.

A bit later on you could hear a loud banging noise coming from the other end of the house. You walked up to Justins door and loudly knocked on it to try and get his attention. "Come in" he shouted from the other side of the door "what the hell are you doing in here, you're being.." You trailed off as you realised he was on the phone "I'll see you tomorrow then" you heard him say before the call ended. "Anyone important?" You asked curious as you watched him bounce his basketball again. "Justin stop! It's so louddd" you whined and it made him laugh.
"It was just this girl from the studio, she's making an album and wanted me to be featured on it"
"And are you?"
"Um I don't know yet, she was pretty hot"
"Right okay"
"And her voice was pretty great" he continued "and she.."
"Right okay Justin I get the message! You're trying to make me jealous and it won't work!" You said laughing at his attempt
"Who said I was trying" "oh shut up J. I know you okay? Just because we haven't been friends for years it doesn't mean I don't know what you're like"
It kind of stung saying the part about you saying you weren't friends.
He smirked to himself before speaking "don't act like you're completely innocent! What was all that in the kitchen this morning about that Austin kid"
You actually laughed out loud at his face, he looked pissed
"What's so funny? He's obviously important to you!"
"Yeah he is" you replied bluntly watching his face drop
You went to walk out the room but stopped in the door way just like he'd done in your room yesterday "and Justin? For the record Austin is gay" you said followed by a big fake smile
"Yeah Bieber, no need to be jealous, I'm not really his type"
"Oh you wish I was jealous babe"
"No not really" you sang as you walked out of his room hearing him chuckle.

God what was with you two flirting recently. He used to be your big brother. You pushed the thought out of your head as you skipped along the corridor back to your room.

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