The longest 3 months - Chapter 5

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It was one month into your community service and today they'd had you picking up litter in the town gardens which are a 20 minute walk from your house. Your shift started straight after school and the time was currently 6pm meaning you'd been there nearly 3 hours, you decided to walk home instead of catching the bus as it was surprisingly a nice evening.

Your shower time was cut short when you could here your phone vibrating on the towel on the floor, you had to answer it just in case it was your mum who you haven't heard from in just under a week. No caller ID. 'Great' you mumbled to yourself before swiping the screen accepting the call and putting the phone to your ear. "Y/N??" A rough voice sounding impatient on the other end of the phone asked. You recognised that voice anywhere. Mark. You whole body went cold at the thought of him, you hadn't seen or heard from him since you all got arrested and last week you found out he was charged and sent down for a couple of months. You looked at the calendar and realised his time in jail must nearly be up. You gulped hard before asking him what he wanted.
"I need you to do some jobs for me" is all he said.
"No, I've been doing just fine without you and without the others" you said trying to keep you voice from shaking
"We'll see" he said before the line cut off and a loud beep was heard.
What the hell was that suppose to mean?

Later on that evening Justin crept into your mind again, he'd been in the news and magazines a lot lately because of his album and also because he'd been spotted with a few different girls. You felt slightly jealous but seeing as you haven't seen him for about 3 years you knew you couldn't feel that way as technically he wasn't 'yours' anymore. You decided an early night was necessary so you fell asleep reminiscing over some of your memories with Justin.

You woke up around 3am after hearing a massive crashing noise that sounded like it came from downstairs. You were the only person who was suppose to be in the house so you shot out of bed to try and see where the noise had come from. You cracked your door open and slowly made your way down the stairs. "Mum?" You called out "mum? Is that you?" No reply.
You rounded the corner and faced towards the living room door. The room was dark so you crept in to try and find the light switch, you patted the wall a few times making a lot of noise until your palm hit something soft. All of a sudden the lights flicked on and Mark just stood there staring down at you. "W-w-when did you get out?" You stuttered
"I got released about an hour ago and decided to come straight here"
"B-b-but there's nothing f-for you here" you stuttered again, come on Y/N, come on, be brave the voice in the back of your mind shouted.
It all happened so fast. One minute Mark was a safe distance away from you and the next we was inches away with his hand gripped strongly around your arm. You tried pulling your arm free but it was no use, he was too strong. "Let go of me" you growled through your teeth and all he did was laugh. He loosened his grip for a slight second to get something out of his pocket maybe? You couldn't quite tell as he was stood way to close to you for you to be able to make out his actions.
A few seconds later you were on the floor, You cried out in pain as your side hit the hard wooden floor beneath you.
Now you could see perfectly what he was doing a few minutes ago. He held something tightly in one of his hands, a knife. Mark was holding a knife. "There's things I still need from you Y/N. And I'm not going to stop until I get them".. Now you were more than scared. You were terrified.
Mark positioned himself over your crumpled body on the floor, trapping your legs between his feet. He was a pro at things like this, 'crime' was his middle name and he wouldn't stop at anything to get what he wanted. The next moment there was the feeling of pain spreading quickly throughout your whole body. The feeling in your stomach was excruciating. You screamed out in pain as the tears flooded over your eyes and onto the cold floor around you. You couldn't bare to look down at the knife you knew was buried deep into your stomach. You felt sick. You felt pain in your leg which made you look down to see what was now happening, Mark had his foot with a heavy builders boot worn on it crushing down right onto the bone. As you cried out in pain again your eyes suddenly focused on the knife. Your white shirt around your stomach area had turned completely red. The room around you suddenly started to spin, You felt like you were about to pass out. You started to loose consciousness as you were loosing a hell of a lot of blood. Just before you went under you felt a jolt in your arm as Mark grabbed it and started to drag you out. He must think I'm dead you thought to yourself before you heard one last thing come from the monsters mouth "I told you I wasn't finished with you. Looks like you messed with the wrong man Y/N"...

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