Making friends - Chapter 11

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*the next day*
You woke up early this morning so you went down stairs to watch a movie In the film room.
"There you are" you heard Justin say as he entered the room "I've been looking everywhere for you!"
"And why may that be Mr.Bieber"
He laughed at the nickname before continuing "some of my friends wanted to come over and hang today and I thought you'd might want to join us and get to know them?"
"Um yeah sure, I'll go and get dressed"
"Why? You look great wearing that old washed out top and joggers with yesterday's dinner down them!"
"Oh shut up dickhead! It's not funny! I didn't bring a lot of clothes with me"
"You could always walk around naked" he joked
"Yeah I bet you'd love that wouldn't you?"
You just rolled your eyes at him
"Whatever Bieber" you flicked your hair sassily and exited the room

"So Y/N this is Caitlin, Christian, Chaz and Ryan, guys this is Y/N" Justin said introducing you to his friends "Hi, I don't know if you remember me but we've met before"
"Yes! I remember you from a few years ago!" Caitlin said sounding happy
"Right guys go sit down in the living room and I'll bring the snacks in, Y/N you wouldn't mind giving me a hand would you"
The others left the room leaving you and Justin alone
"You okay?"
"Yes it's just a bit much meeting them all at once, last time I just felt a bit left out" you said looking down at the floor
"Hey" he said lifting your chin up with his finger "they'll love you"
You didn't feel much better
"Ya know me and the boys could go out for a bit and let you and Cait have a chance to get to know each other?"
You smiled
"I'm sure you girls will get along really well, you wait here and I'll go and speak to them"

The boys left soon after and you and Caitlin got the chance to spend the day together shopping. You arrived home with your shopping bags and carried them up to your room.
"Wow! This is amazing" Caitlin said admiring your room
"I love the colours and your wallpaper is great" you smiled "thank you Cait, wanna go and grab food from the kitchen?"
"Yes! I'm staving! I'll have to go soonish, my mum wants me and Christian home early tonight"
You walked downstairs to find Justin and the boys sitting round the dining room table laughing and messing around
"Yo girls" Ryan said as you entered the room
"Yo Ryan" Caitlin said imitating him
You grabbed some of the boys leftover pizza and took a seat next to Justin
"Buy any new pyjamas babe?" Justin said teasing
"Actually yes I did so shut up" you said poking your tongue out
He smiled at you and Ryan gave him a confused look across the table

An hour later everyone left leaving you and Justin alone again
"So did you and Caitlin have a good time?"
"Yes actually! You were right we got along really well, I'm seeing her again tomorrow"
Justin laughed "I told you so"
You stood up to leave the room "hey show me what you bought today?"
"Sure, come upstairs and I'll give you a fashion show.. Woah that sounded wrong" you said going red
Justin burst out laughing "gladly" he said following you out the room

"Right sit on the bed and I'll go and put on some of the clothes".
You walked out the bathroom wearing a new black mini dress
"Wow" Justin said biting his lip "looking fine girl"
"Justinnn" you shouted throwing a cushion off the bed at him
"What just telling the truth sista"
"There's not that many more clothes, I didn't buy too much so it won't take long to show you them all"
"Proceed then" Justin said smiling big
You left and then returned wearing a red tank top with black high waisted shorts
"Shit" Justin said stunned licking his lips jokingly, well at least you think he was joking.
"NEXTT" he shouted pointing toward the door
You laughed before getting changed again.

Later on that night Justin asked you if you wanted to watch a film so the two of you sat down on the sofa to watch the lion king.
About a quarter of the way though your phone started ringing
Justin paused the movie urging you to go ahead and pick it up
"Hello, Caitlin Hi!" You said realising who it was
"Y/N I can't chat for long but I just wanted to ask you a quick question"
"Go ahead" you said slightly worried of what it was going to be
"Ryan is hosting this party tomorrow night at this club about an hour away from here and I just wondered if you wanted to come along with us?"
"Um yeah that'll be cool, I think" you said laughing "I used to go out quite a lot but I'll be okay so yeah I'll come!"
"Great! We're all going together in a limo so we'll pick you up on the way at 8"
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then"
"Bye Y/N"
"Bye" you replied hanging up the phone
You turned your head and looked at Justin, you were sat very close so you didn't have to speak very loud "will you be there?"
"Be where babe?"
"At the party?"
"Whose party"
"Omg Justin get with it! Ryan's party, the one he's hosting"
"Oh shit yeah, no I can't, I've gotta have a late night in the studio working on my new single"
"That's too bad" you said disappointed
"Sad I can't come?" He said smirking
"I guess it would've been nice"
Things were definitely changing between the two of you and you didn't quite know where it was heading. What you did know for sure was you were both flirting just as much as each other, were things going to go back to the way they were before he left or couldn't you go back to that know that you're both older..
"Maybe some other time"
"Maybe" you replied with a yawn
"Am I that boring that I'm sending you to sleep?" He chuckled
"No" you laughed "I'm just tired that's all"
You studied him for a second before laying down on the sofa and placing your head on his lap
He placed his arm across your body and pressed play on the film
God it felt nice laying there with him, it felt so good to be with him again even though right now you didn't really know what you and Justin were, the bond between you was obviously still there but brother and sister no more, your relationship now was far more mature than that and it was slightly confusing as you didn't know how you felt. When you are with him he makes you feel good, he makes you happy, but deep down you knew that part of that feeling was more than 'just friends'..

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