Chapter One: Meeting Each Other

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It is my first day of middle school and I am super excited to be back in school. I love studying, yes I'm the nerd of the class, I get made fun of for loving school, but I don't care what people think. I am also nervous and a bit scared because I don't know anybody here. Plus, the school is really big and I'm pretty sure I'll get lost easily. Another thing is that I'm pretty shy, so that will probably make it more difficult to befriend anyone.

I'm sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Naomi Smith. I'm a girl in 6th grade hoping that the day goes by fast so that I can go home because I am starting to feel a bit homesick. This is strange I typically don't feel homesick when I'm at school, but maybe it is just the first day's nerves. I miss my friends, but they all wanted to go to another school that was "better," that didn't have fights or graffiti, or that didn't have "a bad reputation."  I didn't care about that because, well this one was the one that was closer to my house. It is only one mile away and my mom could be able to walk me if necessary. But, yes, I have heard that there are fights here and graffiti which entails that the school has a bad reputation, but it depends on who you hang out with and whether or not you care to go see the fights. I am the type of person who does not like to get up and go watch a fight, so I know that that won't happen. It is dangerous to go watch a fight because you never know when you might accidentally get hit.

I am waiting for my homeroom teacher to get here and I am the only one waiting. I'm the first one which is a bit scary, but luckily I brought with me a book which is always fun because I get transported to a different world. I was waiting by the staircase in front of the classroom. I had checked my schedule many times and then I got bored so I took out my book to read while I waited. Then, I saw a shadow move towards me out of the corner of my eye. I just kept reading and ignored it. When I heard a voice I got startled. I jumped and looked around me very scared only to see a guy standing in front of me. "Woah don't be afraid of me, I just want to get to know you. It's my first day and I don't know anyone here. You seem like a nice girl. What book are you reading," he said.

I was too startled to speak, but finally, I was able to take a deep breath. "Um are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you," he said apologetically. I was finally able to speak, but I had some difficulty. " You scared me! I'm okay, just a bit startled because I was so deep into the story. It's okay don't worry about it. Oh and I'm reading 'If I Stay' by Gayle Forman," I told him. "Oh that's awesome. I love that book! Are you excited for the movie," he asked me. "Yeah super excited," I replied, feeling more comfortable. "Me too! I'm sorry I'm having a conversation with you and I didn't even introduce myself. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Logan and you are," he said extending his hand out to me. "Haha I'm Naomi," I told him shaking his hand and smiling. "Naomi what a beautiful name. And that smile is very beautiful as well," Logan said. "Thank you, your name is really nice too I like it. Logan," I said still smiling. He smiled. "Aww your smile is really cute," I said noticing his dimples. "Thank you," Logan said blushing a bit. We released each other's hand and the bell rang. The teacher finally arrived. "Aren't you going to go to your homeroom," I asked him. "Oh, this is my homeroom. I should have probably mentioned that earlier," Logan replied, smiling. "Oh that's great! We can sit together and keep going with our mini conversation, if possible," I said happily. He nodded his head and smiled. We walked into our homeroom and I felt better and I felt that this day was going to be a great one. The best part was that we were able to sit together because the teacher allowed us to pick our seats. I feel that Logan and I are going to become great friends!

By the end of the day, I got picked up by my sister and my mom. Logan was waiting with me at the front of the school. He didn't leave me alone, he was there with me the whole time. My mom and my sister asked me who that was and I told them that it was a friend I made. They told me that it was good that I made a  guy friend, since I only have girl friends and the one best guy friend I had moved out of state, I forgot where he ended up moving to. Since I had my window down, Logan looked at me, smiled, and waved goodbye. I waved back at him, smiling as well.

My sister looked at him for a while. "Sweetheart can we please go, your sister is probably hungry," my mom told her. "Oh yeah I'm sorry mom. I'm sorry baby sister. Let's go," she said driving off slowly, but staring at Logan and back at me. I don't know what she might be thinking, but her looks were starting to scare me, or perhaps she was just tired from work and stared without meaning to. My mom noticed this and tried to make conversation with me, "So Naomi sweetie how did your first day go?" I couldn't help but smile. "It went well. I felt a bit homesick and the school is big which made me feel scared, but then Logan came and we started having a conversation. We met at homeroom, but it turns out that we have all of our classes together. I'm very happy," I said cheerily. "That's good to hear sweetie. I'm glad your first day went well. I'm sure that you and Logan will become great friends," my mom told me, smiling. I just nodded and smiled. The good thing is that I had a great day and I made a friend. 

//Logan's P.O.V.\\
I had the most amazing day today. I was nervous that I wouldn't make any friends. It's tough adjusting to a new and big school. I thought that I wasn't going to get anyone to talk with me, but I did.

I met the most amazing girl I had ever met. She is so pretty and down to earth. It was funny how I didn't know what to say to her, and I was stupid enough to talk to her while she was reading. I'm so dumb, I can't believe I did that. I found it cute how she jumped though, she is really pretty. I thought that it was interesting that she was reading If I Stay by Gayle Forman because that is one of my favorite books. Also, it is pretty cool that we have all of our classes together. However, we cannot sit together in all of our classes because some teachers assigned seats. But, it is still awesome that we are together in all classes, as if it was our destiny trying to tell us something. 

Anyways, afterwards I apologized to her for startling her and I introduced myself. She gave me her name and we shook hands. She smiled and I did too. When she gave me her name and that smile, I felt a bit paralyzed. But I was able to keep my cool. "Naomi, what a beautiful name. And that smile is very beautiful as well," was what I said. I wanted to say 'Naomi, a beautiful name  for a beautiful girl' but I couldn't because we just met. I don't want her to think I'm creepy. I just think about what could happen in the future, but we're just friends... For now.

My mom came to pick me up and I lost my train of thought. Once I got in the car, I told her about my day and that I made a friend named Naomi. I sighed after I told her this, a sigh that took me by surprise. She was surprised too because she looked at me as soon as that sigh came out. "Logie are you crushing on her," my mom asked me. "What me?! Crushing on... Haha pshh no. No not at all why would you think that. Besides, mom, we just met," I said starting to get nervous and giving away the response with my awful lie. "Aww you do like her," my mom said pinching my cheek. "MOM, eyes on the road you're going to kill us if you keep looking at me," I said startled. "Aww, but you do like her. Tell me: is she pretty," my mom asked me keeping her eyes on the road and getting the wheel with both hands. "Okay, okay fine you caught me. I can't lie to you because you know me so well. Yes, I do like her. She is the most beautiful and amazing girl I've ever met," I told her. "Well that was fast to get out of you," my mom said. "Yeah might as well come out with it rather than try to hide it from you because I know that you know," I said. "Haha that is true," my mom said. "But first focus on your studies, and then maybe if you do like each other and if time permits, you can date her," she told me. "Okay," I said. "Her parents probably tell her the same thing," my mom said. I nodded my head in agreement. 

Our conversation died and I still kept thinking about her. We got home and since it was the first day we didn't get any homework, so I put my pajamas on, ate, and after that, I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I lied on my bed thinking of her and I smiled and fell asleep happy, thinking that I'm going to see her again tomorrow.

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