Chapter Twenty-Two: LaMarr vs. BTR

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//Logan's P.O.V.\\
Exactly two months have passed since we bought our bullet-proof clothing. These have been two peaceful months, maybe too peaceful, but it has been nice. We all still were cautious and alert about everything in our surroundings though. It was nice to not have anyone trying to ruin our days. I was going to pick up Naomi because I was going to take her to the movies. I still needed ten more minutes to get there. All of a sudden, I see LaMarr behind me. I didn't want him to find out where Naomi lives so I took a detour. I think he didn't recognize me because he didn't even bother to follow me, thankfully. I went and returned to the road I was on and finally arrived at Naomi's house. I picked her up and we left for the movie theater.

We had so much fun at the movies and we came out pretty early so we decided to go eat. When we came out of the restaurant, I noticed that Kendall, Carlos, and James had been sending me texts nonstop. Naomi checked her phone and she had the same messages too. It was a bit weird because I had already told them that Naomi and I were going to go out. Anyways I brushed it off but one message caught my attention. It said, "Dude Logan you need to come to our house NOW!" I wonder what their emergency is. Naomi told me that they had sent her the same message. We decided that we might as well go and see what is going on.


"You guys are finally here! Thank God," said Carlos out of breath. "What's the emergency," Naomi and I asked simultaneously. "LaMarr," said Carlos a bit startled. "What about him," I asked getting a bit irritated at the little pieces of information being thrown at me. Did I come to put the puzzle pieces together or what? "Carlos you sound annoying right now, just let it out. It sounds like you want Logan to put together pieces of a puzzle," said Kendall. Someone who understands my frustration. "Guys come on hurry up and get in here," shouted James. We all rushed inside and sat down.

"So about LaMarr, obviously you know he hates you and wants to get rid of you," Kendall began. I nodded and did a gesture telling him to go on. "We need to confront that guy. It's six against one," he said. "I think you counted wrong. There are only five of us in this room," I told him. "No, I didn't count wrong! I know that there are five of us in the room! I was counting officer Hawthorne," he said. "Oh, my bad. But it would be more than six then because he has his partners," I told him. "Oh yeah that's true," he said. "Well anyway let's just say six for now. But that's not the point! The point is that we have everything to win and beat Hawk! We will outnumber him," Kendall shouted getting excited. "You know that is a good idea," I told him. "I don't think that it is safe for us to do this though. I feel like we're putting ourselves in a lot of danger even if we have officer Hawthorne to back us up," Naomi said with a worried tone. "Naomi my love don't worry. Everything will turn out fine. If we all work together we will be able to go back to living our lives peacefully," I told her hugging her and kissing her cheek. She looked at me and nodded. Then James came and gave her a big hug and kissed her on the forehead. Kendall and Carlos did the same thing. We all agreed on this idea.


We all went outside for a while and then we got bored so we went to the park. We went and walked around a bit and just took a deep breath of fresh air. Then we sat down on a bench and took in the nice view of nature. All of a sudden, LaMarr appeared out of nowhere. Good thing we always wear our bulletproof clothes, because he was approaching us and approaching us fast. I look and see that Kendall, Carlos, and James weren't there anymore. I noticed that they were behind the tree behind the bench, which I think was a great idea.

"Logan baby," LaMarr said. "Don't you Logan baby me," I said firmly. He stepped back a bit. "Ooh well someone's very sassy today," he said looking at me and back at Naomi. "I'm not sassy now can you please let me have some peaceful time with my fiancée," I said calmly trying not to explode. "Logan, what did I ever do to you? I just want to have a conversation with you" he said ominously. "Don't. Push. My. Buttons. LaMarr. I know perfectly what you want to do and that's not okay. I have nothing to talk to you about so if you could kindly leave," I said between my teeth and calmed down knowing that Naomi was right there next to me. "Logan honey he's just testing you," Naomi whispered in my ear. "Well well well what do we have here. A weak pathetic girl who thinks she can help out her fiancé. What did she tell you," he said. "Hey, you leave my love out of this! And she is not weak she is very strong. Remember that time you shot her?! It's none of your business about what she said to me," I exclaimed. "What do you mean? I never shot her," he said trying to act innocent. "Don't play dumb with us. We perfectly know that it was you," I said. "Well, if it wasn't for her interfering I would've killed you right on the spot," he shouted. "Huh. You do realize that you just admitted that you did it," I exclaimed. "You guys are pathetic. I hate you," he shouted. "You can hate me all you want! You're never going to earn more than I do because you're just a simple nobody and a hater," I yelled.

"I'VE HAD IT LOGAN HENDERSON! THIS ENDS NOW," he said pulling out a knife. I was ready to take a stab, but Naomi was the one who stopped him. She grabbed his wrist tightly. Making him fall to the ground. "I've had enough of you," she yelled at him. "Oh you think you're so wise," he said laughing maniacally. He tripped her and I tried to run to help her get up. All of a sudden, he pulled out a gun and aimed at my open abdomen. I let him shoot though. The bullet didn't even reach my skin but I had to act as if I was hurt to make him feel like he had just won. He smiled. Then I whispered to Naomi softly what my plan was. She understood and began to cry. LaMarr began to laugh. Then he was coming in closer to shoot me again.

"You know what that's enough," I heard James shout. "Have you no mercy? Don't you see that you wounded him already," Kendall said sounding hurt. "Yeah you should stop it already," Carlos said. I was still pretending to be hurt and Naomi was still crying at me. "Oh, would you look it here? It's the whole gang from BTR! Why don't we just have a party now that we're at it," he said cynically. "Will you just leave our friends alone? They haven't done anything to you," said James. "Oh yes I'll leave them alone now I'm sorry," he said hypocritically. James charged at him. He told him to get off him and shot him. James pretended to be wounded. He lay on the floor. "Oh look it's only two against one. And the one... has a gun," he said looking at his gun.

"Alright you win," Kendall said. "Hahahaha that's all I wanted to hear," he said. All of a sudden, the police officers came and surrounded him. "You played me! How dare you do this to me," he yelled. Officer Hawthorne came oh my gosh I'm so glad. Kendall, James, and Carlos called and left their phone like that so that the officer could record them. I wonder if any of them took a video of it to give to the officers. Anyways, the good thing is that this is all over now. "I will get out of jail! And when I do I'm going to get rid of all of you! Do you hear me? All of you," he said frustrated. "You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do will and can be used against you," one of the officers said. "I hate all of you," he said. They locked the doors of the car and made sure that he was handcuffed tightly. Then they took him away. We finally get to live our lives peacefully without the fear of someone trying to kill us.

"Kendall, James, Carlos, Logan, Naomi are guys okay? Thanks for calling Kendall. Once I got your call I knew what I had to do. I dropped everything I was doing and immediately got out. Did any of you happen to get a video of this whole situation," he asked. "Yeah, I got the video. Oh as a matter of fact it's still recording I put it on the tree," James said. "Perfect," officer Hawthorne said.

"Oh and we had to act as if we were hurt because we couldn't get up and have him shoot us down. He could've run out of bullets and looked for something else to kill us," I said. "That's fine. It was done for protection; I understand," he said. "Thank you so much officer," we all said. "It's what I'm here for," he said. "Oh wait officer, how long will he be in jail for," I asked him. "Well, let me tell you one thing Logan: he's not going to get out at all. He tried to murder someone else too. You're not the only one he was after. He did murder someone a couple of years ago for the same reason. We didn't know about this, we barely found out today. But don't worry, you are all safe from now on because he's not getting out of there. He won't even be able to escape either. Well, you kids take care I must be going now," he said. "Okay officer I'm relieved to hear that. Thank you so much once again," I said. "You're welcome. You know that whenever you need me you can call me anytime," he said. "Sure thing officer," James said. "Alright bye," he said getting in his car. "Bye," we all said. We watched him drive away and we saw the sunset. We all went home happily, knowing that we are free to go anywhere without fear.

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