Chapter Eight: Two Years Later

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//Naomi's P.O.V.\\
Time is flying by right in front of my eyes. Logan and I are already on our sophomore year in high school. Logan still hasn't gotten a call back from that one audition. I hope he does, because lately he's been the class clown here. Don't get me wrong he's passing all his classes, but he tends to get a bit goofy and talkative from time to time. He looks so cute though. Darn it, this crush for Logan just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I don't want our friendship to get ruined though, especially if he doesn't feel the same way about me. Sometimes I wonder if he feels the same thing I feel when we're together.

Anyways, Logan and I were in chemistry and we were going to work on a lab. He got the aprons, goggles, and beakers filled with liquids we were going to work with. I'm so glad that I came with contacts because if I would've came with glasses, I wouldn't have been able to put the goggles on. I can't see very well without my glasses, and I would've probably been with protection but too close to the liquid that could probably cause a reaction. Thankfully that didn't happen. I put on my apron, I tied my hair up, and I put my gloves on. Mr. Milan has always told us that we had to tie our hair up, have our protective gear on, and always wear closed shoes in case an accident happens with any chemical, beaker, or fire.

Anyways Logan looks like a scientist. Haha he should be a scientist. I don't even know what he should be anymore. He looks like a scientist, a doctor, an actor, and a singer. I don't know. I guess he'll figure out what path he wants to take. Speaking of acting we're both in theatre company, an advanced theatre class. It's so much fun to act. I've been thinking that maybe I should become an actress. I don't know yet.

Anywho, we were working on our lab and the room was a bit loud, but I heard Logan's phone buzzing. "Logan you're getting a call," I told him. "Oh thanks Naomi," he said getting it out of his pocket. "Oh my gosh," he said excitedly. "What? What is it Logan," I asked. "Hold on I'll tell you right now. I just need to take this," he said. He asked Mr. Milan if he could answer the call because it was important. He went outside through the back door and took the call. "Okay thank you," I heard after a while. He had opened the door and that was the only thing I heard. I had already finished writing down the data in my notebook and then he just copied what he missed, which wasn't much. I had just cleaned up our station and I put the goggles, apron, and beakers away. Then the bell rang to go to lunch. Logan was so excited that he couldn't even write, but he was able to finish copying what he missed. We walked to our lockers which were on the second floor. We were on the third floor right now.

"So what was that about? You seem really excited," I said smiling. "Oh my gosh! I'll tell you when we get to our lockers, it's probably already empty," he said patting my shoulder. We got to our lockers and the hallway was already empty. "Okay. Now I can tell you," he said. "Okay go ahead I want to know already," I said getting excited. "I got the part," he told me raising both hands in the air. "What?! Really?!! That's awesome. Congratulations Logan," I told him excitedly. "I know. Thank you.Thank you so much," he said. "For what," I asked. "For supporting me and telling me to go for it," he said smirking and he picked me up and spun me around. "Logan put me down," I said laughing. He just laughed and put me down. We both got our lunch and went to find a quiet place to sit. We found the perfect table and we sat down and chatted.

//Logan's P.O.V.\\
I finally got the part for Friday Night Lights!! I'm so excited this is my first time acting on camera. I can't wait. Naomi is supportive and I keep falling for her even more. Every day we hang out and talk more, the crush I have on her keeps getting bigger and bigger. I wonder if she feels the same way for me. I'm scared that if I try to make a move and she doesn't feel the same way about me could ruin our friendship. That's why I chicken out when I think of confessing my love to her and asking her out. I really wish I had the guts to do so to stop having these doubts.

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