Chapter Four: Later That Day

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//Logan's P.O.V.\\

Today in the morning, Naomi called me cute. I started blushing and I thought that it wasn't noticeable, but it was. She pinched my cheek and I blushed even more. It was embarrassing, but she found it cute. She's so adorable. Apparently she was talking to me and I was so into my thoughts that I have no idea what she was telling me. She had to wave her hand in front of my face to snap me out of it. Then we went to class. Now were in our science class where our teacher, Ms. Christie, was giving us directions on how to do a project and I kept spacing out, but I acted like I was paying attention. What this beautiful girl does to me... Geez. Good thing that Ms. Christie gave us a rubric sheet with a list of materials. We can pick our partners, which is great because I have always been paired up with someone who doesn't cooperate and I end up doing all the work and they just get all the credit. Naomi and I can work on it, she's pretty good at working on projects. Finally, the bell rang to go to lunch. I'm so glad because I've been dying to talk with Naomi.

As soon as we got out of class, we went to our lockers and put our science textbook in there and we got our History books. Then we went to get lunch. Once we got lunch, we went to sit down at the bench we sat on earlier today. She was really quiet, not only because she was eating, but I felt that there was something else that had her very quiet. She also kept a distance between us. I wonder if she's mad at me. If she is, then why? I haven't done anything to her. My brain was going on and on and I felt that I was about to get a headache so I shutdown the thoughts and broke the silence.

"Naomi..." I began but trailed off thinking she had not heard me. "Yes Logan," she said in her sweet voice. Okay she's not mad at me phew. "Can I ask you something," I asked. "Ask away," she said moving a bit closer. "Can we be partners for the project we have to do for science," I asked. "Sure," she said. "Can I just ask you for one thing," she asked. "Sure, what is it," I asked. "Can you promise me that you will contribute and cooperate in this project we will both be working on? Promise me that you will not just use me to get a good grade and get all the credit," she asked. I just stared at her without meaning to. I can't believe she's been through that too. I mean I know that we're friends and all, but she's right because this is the first project ever that we will work on together. The other times we've had to work on projects, our teachers have chosen our pairs or groups. "Well Logan? Did you hear me? Don't just stare at me," she told me. I blinked and sighed. "I'm so sorry Naomi I didn't mean to stare at you. Yes I heard you. It's just that... It's just that," I said but couldn't get the words out for some reason, geez spit it out dude.

"That what Logan," she asked. "That I've been through the same thing you have. I completely understand how you feel. But I promise that I will work my butt off with you on this project. I promise that I will do anything and everything I can in order for us to get the best grade and win first place in the science fair," I said getting excited. "Really? You've been through that," she asked. "Yes I have," I said. "Woah I love your enthusiasm, but who said we're having a science fair," she asked me getting excited as well. "Ms. Christie said that and it's also on the rubric sheet. Were you not paying attention in class," I said and I teased her with that last sentence. "Oh wow did she really say that? Omg I've always wanted to be a part of the science fair! And yes I was paying attention," she said punching me playfully on the arm. I pretended to be hurt. "First of all ouch that hurt," I said pouting. "Haha that's a lie I did not punch you hard," she said playing along. "Haha I know I'm just kidding," I said laughing. "Haha I know you are," she said laughing too. "Second of all," I began. Naomi just laughed at the way I said this, since I became very serious. "Yes she really did say that and here is the rubric if you don't believe me," I said getting it out of my backpack and handing it to her. She read it and smiled. "Wow I missed that," she said. "And third of all you were not paying attention even if you say you were," I said. "Haha okay I admit it. I was paying attention and then I spaced out. I only skimmed through the rubric and I didn't notice the science fair part," she said blushing a bit. "Haha I knew it. It's okay I spaced out too, I just like to tease you, but I heard when Ms. Christie mentioned it," I said. She punched me playfully on the arm again. I laughed, then she laughed. She has such a beautiful smile, she's just perfect.

Since she was still blushing I decided to say something about it. "Aww you're blushing," I told her. "No I'm not," she said looking away. "Yeah you are, but you know what," I asked. "What," she asked still looking away. "Look at me," I said. "No," she said. "But you know what," I said again this time getting closer and I got her chin and made her look at me. I got lost in her big beautiful blue green eyes. She started blushing even more. "You look adorable when you're blushing," I told her giving her a kiss on the cheek. She turned as red as a tomato when I did this. I wanted to kiss her on the lips so badly, but I couldn't. "Aww thanks Logan, you're too sweet," she said still blushing. We finished eating our lunch and we kept talking about other things and Naomi stopped blushing. Then the bell rang and we went to history.

//Naomi's P.O.V.\\

Logan is such a teaser, but I like it. I can't believe the things he does to me...geez. He caught me that I wasn't paying attention in class. Damn it Logan why do you do this to me, I spaced out and I was daydreaming about things that will probably never happen. I heard Ms. Christie talk about the project and then I spaced out. Haha the funny thing is that he spaced out as well and he just wanted to mess around with me so I punched him playfully on the arm. He pretended to be hurt and I told him that he was lying about me hurting him, but I knew he was kidding and I decided to play along. He just laughed and then he said I'm kidding and I said that I knew it. Then he became very serious and kept going with what he was saying. Then, when I told him that I skimmed through the rubric and I didn't notice that it said something about the science fair, I began to blush. He told me that he knew it and that he spaced out too but he had heard her say about the science fair, I punched him playfully on the arm again and he just laughed. His laugh is so contagious that I began to laugh too and I felt that I was still blushing.

Then he noticed that I was blushing and he pointed it out. "Aww you're blushing," he said. "No I'm not," I said looking away. "Yeah you are, but you know what," he said. "What," I asked still looking away. "Look at me," he said. "No," I said. "But you know what," he insisted again. This time he got closer to me and got my chin and made me look at him. I got lost in his beautiful chocolate eyes. I began to blush even more, I'm pretty sure that I was as red as a tomato then. "You look adorable when you're blushing," he said. Once he said this he did something unexpected, he kissed me on the cheek. I felt out of breath, and I felt like my face was burning, now it was certain that I was as red as a tomato. I thanked him and I told him that he was very sweet. Then we started talking about other things and I finally stopped blushing. Then the bell rang and we left to our history class.

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