Chapter Fourteen: Is This Real Life? What Happened?

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//Logan's P.O.V.\\

I woke up and found myself at the hospital. It was 6:00 am. I was in the waiting area and James, Kendall, and Carlos were there with me. They were sound asleep. I thought that I had just had a horrible nightmare, but then I realized that it actually did happen. I shake my head in disbelief, but then realize it's real. Naomi actually took the bullet for me and that's why we're here. I take a deep breath, get up, and go get myself a cup of tea.

On my way to the cafeteria, I was greeted by a young nurse. "Good morning handsome," she said flirting and smiling widely. "Good morning," I said smiling slightly. "What's a good looking guy like you doing here alone? How about you and I go grab something to eat," she said stopping me, winking and brushing her hand on my arm. "I'm not alone I'm here with my girlfriend," I said firmly, pushing her hand away. She kept flirting with me despite what I had said; wow she's such a flirt. I don't care, girls can flirt with me all they want. I'm just not going to get a sudden interest in someone else, when the love of my life is injured from taking a bullet that was meant for me! "I'm sorry I just want to go get a cup of tea," I said walking away. "Ooh playing hard to get. Rawr I like it," I heard her say, but I just kept walking. I finally get to the cafeteria and I get the cup of tea. I tried my best to shut down all of the thoughts that are floating all over my mind. Tea really is a miracle worker.

I finished my tea and I headed back to the waiting area. Kendall and Carlos are still asleep and James was barely waking up. "Good morning sleepy head," I tell him. "Good morning Logan," James says smiling but also sounding half asleep. James began to stretch and then went to the restroom. He came back from the restroom looking more awake. "Ah I feel much better," he said wiping his face and putting his glasses on. Kendall and Carlos are still asleep.

By now it was already 6:20 am. The doctor came and talked to us. I asked him if we were able to go inside and see Naomi. He allowed us to do so with one condition: to stay quiet. I've been waiting so long. James and I went in and I saw her there lying on the bed, looking so peaceful. She had an oxygen mask on her face. I took a deep breath. James just looked at me with watery eyes. "Hi Naomi," James said. I hit him softly on the chest with the back of my hand. "Hey what was that for," he whispered. "The doctor told us to be quiet," I whispered back. "That doesn't mean that we can't say something to her very quitely," he said. "Yeah I guess you're right I'm sorry James," I said. "That's what he meant by stay quiet. In other words, he said don't be loud so that you wake her up., which you almost did. And that's okay," James said. We kept whispering this whole time. "Okay," I told him. James took a seat on the chair that was closer to Naomi.

"Hi Naomi. I'm James you and Logan will be the perfect couple. You're beautiful, I'd date you, but I wouldn't do anything like that to Logan. Thank you for being such a great friend. I know that we're barely meeting each other, but I've heard amazing things about you. I really want to hang out with you once you get out of here. I really appreciate you protecting Logan. I hope you get well soon and get out of here ASAP," James whispered with tears beginning to roll out of his eyes, holding her hand, and fixing a strand of her hair that got out of place. James got up from the chair and let me sit down.

"Naomi, my love, I just want to say that you are the most amazing girl I've ever met. I've never met anyone who knows me as well as you do," I got interrupted by James clearing his throat. I look back at him.  "I meant I've never met any girl who knows me as well as you do. Because I have met 3 awesome best friends who know me as well as you do. I also wanted to say that I really appreciate what you went through, but I really deserved that shot, it was meant for me. But I really appreciate you coming into my life. I am in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," I said to her with watery eyes. I was holding her hand and I kissed her cheek. I really wish I could kiss her lips because they look more perfect than usual, but I can't take that mask off. I get up and then James looks at me and asks me if he can give her a kiss on the forehead. I tell him to go for it. He kisses her on the forehead and that moment was very sweet. It made me smile. James looked at me and saw me smiling. "There's a part of the Logan I know," he said smiling. I just smiled at him and we headed back to the waiting area.

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