Chapter Eleven: I Miss You (Three Years Later)

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//Naomi's P.O.V\\
I miss Logan. We agreed that we would stay in contact, but I guess he's just very busy right now. I'm starting to feel sad and a bit depressed, to be honest. I know he's busy, but I feel like we're growing too distant from each other. I guess it must be because we were always together and now we have both gone different ways. Or maybe it's for the better, maybe our lives are like a book and those chapters in our life have come to an end and it's time to move on. I've been calling him and texting him and sending him DMs. We both got a Twitter account our senior year and I followed him and he followed me back. Today I found out that his account has been verified which I think is awesome. I keep tweeting him, calling, and texting him, but he never replies. Everyday he gets cuter and hotter; listen to me talking nonsense. Oh well, he doesn't reply, I should really stop insisting. I wouldn't want to annoy him. I think he probably doesn't and never felt the same way for me as I did for him.

//Logan's P.O.V\\
I had to turn my phone off so that I wouldn't get interrupted or distracted when we were filming. We had a lot to do, so I even forgot about my phone. We finally finished after about twelve long hours, because we did a few scenes and then we began rehearsing for our first tour! I'm super excited for this tour. Once we finished, I went back to my trailer and I turned my phone on. I noticed a bunch of missed calls, texts, tweets, and DMs. I checked out the missed calls and texts first. It was Naomi! Oh my goodness I feel so bad for not answering my phone. I miss her so much. I still love her as much as when we would hang out together. I really miss her and we've been too distant from each other. I'm going to call her right now, I hope she answers.

Hmm that's strange she didn't respond. I'll try again. Still no response; maybe she's busy. I'll give it some minutes and I'll call her again. I let ten minutes pass and called her once again, this time she picked up.

"Hello," I hear.
"Hey Naomi," I say.
"Oh hey Logan what's up," she says not sounding like herself.
"First of all I want to apologize for not replying to your texts and DMs or answering your calls. I've just been very busy and I barely finished a rehearsal right now. Secondly, I miss you so much," I said, smiling and feeling happy to hear her voice.
"It's okay I know that you're busy. You're famous now, so that's how it's supposed to be. I'm sorry for insisting so much. In other words, I'm sorry if I annoyed you. I miss you a lot too," she said sounding sad.
"No, you weren't annoying me. You've never annoyed me. What's wrong," I asked her concerned and feeling horrible when she said "you're famous now, so that's how it should be." I brushed it off, but it hurt me a little.
"Okay good. I just don't want to be annoying. Nothing's wrong, it's just that I got a bit emotional hearing your voice because I miss you so much," she said, her voice breaking a bit.
"Oh okay. Are you sure that's why you sound like that, that wasn't really convincing," I asked her.
"Yeah I'm positive," she said laughing a bit.
"Hey would you like to meet somewhere," I asked her excitedly.
"Sure, where would you like to meet," she asked me.
"How about we meet at Starbucks which is somewhat close form where I am located currently," I said.
"Sure just give me the address," she said.
I gave her the address and she wrote it down.
"Okay did you get it," I asked.
"Yeah I got it," she said.
"Okay meet me there in ten minutes," I said.
"Okay see ya," she said.

We hung up with that, and I felt super excited I'm seeing the girl that I love again. The thing that worries me though, is that she didn't sound like herself and I wonder what's going on. She sounded sad and a bit depressed. I hope she really is okay. The way she said it though, didn't convince me. If she's not okay I really hope she tells me what's up; I definitely know that something is bothering her. But I can't wait to see her!

I'm making my way to the Starbucks in my car. I parked my car and later on, I saw a car park behind me, it was Naomi. I saw her through the rear view mirror and she has gotten hotter. Damn, seeing her made me feel nervous. I took a breath, when I saw through the rear view mirror again, I saw that she had already gotten out, and that's when I got out of the car.

//Naomi's P.O.V\\

Logan finally called me. We were chatting a bit, but I lied to him. I'm not okay. I tried my best to cover it up, but he asked me what was wrong. I told him that I didn't want to be annoying and he told me that I wasn't being annoying. He was talking with me excitedly, but I couldn't talk excitedly. I'm excited that he finally called me and it was so nice to hear his voice again, but right now I'm not able to hide the depression. But I'm glad that we're going to meet up. Hopefully when I see him in person, I feel better.

I asked him for the address for the Starbucks we're going to meet up at. I wrote it down and I drove there. I parked behind a really nice car. I got out of my car and walked into Starbucks. I ordered a caramel frappuccino with extra caramel and I sat down. Then I saw Logan walk in, my heart began to race and I began to feel a bit better.

Logan ordered his drink and went to sit down in front of me. We began to chat and we did a lot of catching up. He told me about how much fun he's had in Big Time Rush and rehearsing for the tour. The more he talks the more I fall in love with him all over again. I think that what is really bugging me right now is if he really is going out with Makenzie Vega. I don't know why I'm feeling jealous, I'm not like this. I just brushed that thought off right now and continued listening to him. I'm feeling way better now.

//Logan's P.O.V\\
Naomi got out of her car, but she didn't know it was I who was parked in front of her because the windows in my car are tinted. She went into Starbucks ordered her drink and took a seat. I should've walked in with her. I walked inside and ordered my drink. Then I went and sat down in front of her. Then we caught up on everything. I saw her and she looks gorgeous. I'm falling in love all over again. I'm falling for her again, but I still see in her eyes that something is bugging her. I really wish she would tell me what is bugging her.

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