Chapter Twenty-Three: Thank God It's All Over Now

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//James's P.O.V.\\
I'm so glad that all of this is over. It feels like years have passed because we were not able to live our lives peacefully. Now, we are all back to living our normal lives. We go outside without having the fear of that day being the last one in our life. I'm so glad that LaMarr is no longer going to bother us. I used to wake up with fear thinking that Logan would not be there to see another day. I'm so glad that that didn't happen. I'm so happy that he finally went to jail. Logan and Naomi don't have any wedding plans yet and honestly who would after all of this chaos going on. Recently we have had ups and downs making our lives feel like a roller coaster, but finally, it's over! I hope that Logan and Naomi get married someday and end up living with each other for the rest of their lives. They're so cute together! Anyways only time will tell when they'll get married. I can't wait for that day to come.

//Naomi's P.O.V.\\
I am glad that this nightmare is over. I used to wake up terrified that I would lose Logan. I would also be terrified that I would lose James, Kendall, and Carlos. I was horrified to think that the next day they may have been dead. I'm glad that we finally confronted that guy and that he ended up going to jail.

Despite all the chaos we went through, I was able to graduate with honors from my university. Thankfully, the gossip that the magazine published did not affect me in my professional career, especially since everything was cleared up. I am so grateful for all the great professors I had and for the peers I encountered and also for the friends I made along the way. I created a lot of great memories that I will cherish forever. I was able to do a lot of internships and I also received a lot of job opportunities. I took the opportunity that was best for me because I was doing what I love, which is reporting. My family is proud of me and they all attended my graduation. Logan, Kendall, Carlos, and James also attended my graduation and they are all proud of everything I accomplished as well. They are all very happy that I get to do the things I love and that they will be seeing me on TV. It was a surreal moment. I will forever cherish this moment.


Logan and I are still together which is a good thing. I love him so much. It's been two years since all of that chaotic stuff happened. Logan has been taking me to stores to see what dress I like for our wedding. We finally began to talk about it, but we still haven't decided on what day. We went to many different boutiques because he would tell me to try on so many dresses, but they were not my style; I didn't show them to him though. I was only seeing them in the fitting room and talking with the sales lady that was helping me. Most of them were too fancy for me. I want something simple, but elegant. All of the dresses I tried on were too puffy and just too much for me. Logan was very patient when I was trying on all the dresses. Once I was done trying them on, I told Logan that I wanted a simple and elegant dress and he just chuckled. He said that whatever I want is what he will buy and that he cannot wait to see me in the dress and he is very excited for the moment to come.

We finally went to the last boutique and I found the type of dress I wanted. He noticed that the dress I touched was more my style and he wanted to buy it for me immediately, but I stopped him because we didn't even know what day we were going to get married. He kept insisting, but then the sales lady told us that she could put it on hold and if I want it, we can call and then just come and pay for it. We agreed to that and then we went home. James came out at us excitedly and asked us if we had decided on a day for our wedding. We told him that we hadn't, but that I had already chosen a dress. He just smiled, hugged us, and said that he can't wait for that day to come, and then he walked away.

Three days later, Logan and I were talking and we finally decided on a date for our wedding! We decided to share the news with the guys and they were so happy. We called the boutique to let them know that we were going to buy the dress. Logan went to pick up the dress and I called the wedding planner to help us get started. After months of planning before the big day, I called my friends and officer Hawthorne to invite them to come to our special day. I let them know that I was going to be sending the invitations soon. We ended up having a small party because it was just our family members and friends, but it was very well-organized which was very satisfying. We were all very happy.

The day of the wedding came and we all had a lot of fun. Logan was so surprised to see me in my dress and he cried tears of joy. "You look stunning, my love," he said wiping away the tears. "Thank you. You look handsome hon," I told him. He hugged me and then the ceremony began. I felt that I was shaking and all of a sudden a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt super happy and nervous at the same time for this new chapter in my life. I never thought that I would find a person like Logan with whom I would share the rest of my life. We ate and laughed and celebrated life. We all spent the rest of the day dancing. We were finally able to live peacefully and return to normal. That's how my adventures with Logan, Kendall, James, and Carlos came to be the most beautiful memories. I can't believe that I get to say that Logan Henderson is in love with me. Better yet, I'm married to Logan Henderson and we love each other.

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