Chapter Eighteen: Disneyland Day

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//Logan's P.O.V.\\
I got scared when I saw Phil LaMarr at the beach. I felt my heart racing really fast, but I tried not to show it because I have to protect Naomi. I don't know why he was acting the way he was. Naomi told me that he doesn't seem trustworthy and that he seemed suspicious. I agreed with her in my mind, but I tried to brush it off and I told her that it was probably because of the way she saw him act in the show. She calmed down a bit, but I put my arm around her to make he feel safe. This was horrible and I need to ask Kendall, James, and Carlos about him. Anyways, when I dropped off Naomi at her house, I told her that I was going to come pick her up at 6 am tomorrow. She nodded and asked me where we were going and I told her that it is a surprise. I told her to wear something comfortable. She just nodded her head and smiled. I smiled back at her and she gave me a kiss.

I got home and I decided to call James. He answered immediately and I asked him about Phil and he didn't know who I was talking about. Then I told him Hawk and he understood, but he told me that he didn't know anything about him because he never really talked to him. Then I called Carlos and asked him the same thing he didn't know anything either. Finally I called Kendall he didn't know anything either. He told me that he talked to him once and that he seemed like a nice person, but he said that he isn't too sure about that. I told the three of them about what happened and they said that they will help me get to the bottom of this.

Then I told them that I'm taking Naomi to Disneyland tomorrow. They all cheered and told me to have fun with her. I hung up and went to sleep. I had a bit of trouble falling asleep, but then I was able to go to sleep. I had a horrible nightmare that Hawk, I mean Phil, kidnapped Naomi and that he hated me and did whatever possible to separate Naomi and I. I woke up sweating and trembling. I noticed that it was already 5:30 so I decided to get up because anyways I wasn't going to sleep for a few extra minutes. I got up and took a quick shower. I put on my jeans a t-shirt and my converse. I got my keys and headed to Naomi's house. By the time I got there it was already 6 and I rang the doorbell. She opened the door and she looked gorgeous. She was wearing a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and her converse. We were practically matching clothes except that she was wearing shorts and I was wearing jeans. We both had our sunglasses. Then she got her phone and put it in her little purse and we took our leave.

While I was driving, Naomi looked at me and smiled. I turned on the radio and we began to sing along. I put my hand on her hand and then she told me to keep both hands on the steering wheel. I laughed and did as I was told. "Logie," she began. "Yes Naomi," I told her. "Now are you going to tell me where we're going," she asked. "Not yet," I said teasingly. "Aw okay fine," she said, pouting. "Hey no pouting," I said chuckling. She just chuckled as well.

About ten minutes later, I decided to tell her because we were already approaching our destination anyway. "Now I can tell you. We are going to...," I began excitedly. "To where," she said getting excited. "DISNEYLAND," I said excitedly and changing lanes because our exit was coming up. "OH MY GOSH! You're amazing Logiebear," she told me kissing my cheek. "No babe you're amazing," I told her smiling and getting out of the freeway. We got there and we parked in a nice space because we didn't have to go up and down stairs. We got there at around 7 which was a great time.

We got on the tram to go to the entrance of the park. We got there and I had already bought the tickets, so we just went in. I bought the tickets to go to both parks so that was the other part of the surprise, which I'll tell her later. We went on all of the rides and thankfully it wasn't full so the lines were short. We also took pictures with Mickey, Minnie, Aurora and Phillip, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Jasmine and Aladdin, and other characters we saw around the park. We finished going on all of the rides, and then we went to eat.

Afterwards, we watched the parades and then since we were done with all of the rides, I told her that we had to leave. She looked at me a bit sad and asked me why we were leaving early. It was barely 5 pm, but I just smiled at her and took her hand. She seemed a bit disappointed, but she just followed. "Do you trust me," I asked her. "Of course I do," she told me. "Okay then just keep following me," I told her. She nodded her head and kept following me.

We finally made it to the main entrance and we got out. The good thing is that Disney California Adventure is right across. We headed to the entrance and went in. Since that park is smaller than Disneyland, I thought that it would be nice to go to both parks. Naomi just kept following me still holding my hand. Then we made it to the entrance of the park and there wasn't a line. We went inside immediately. The first ride we went on was the Tower of Terror. "Oh my gosh I love this ride," she exclaimed excitedly. "Haha I love it too," I told her. She was the one leading the way now. I love it when she gets excited. We got on the ride and our picture was hilarious. After that, we went to Grizzly River Run. Then we went on California Screamin'. We went on all of the other rides and this was just perfect. After that, we went to the little shops there and I saw Naomi looking at a Minnie mouse hat, she got in line and was about to pay for it, but I paid it for her. She stared at me. I stared back at her. "Logan why do you do this to me? You should let me pay for one thing at least," she said. "I love you so much and you deserve everything," I told her. The cashier smiled at both of us and she gave me my change. "Aww you guys are so cute. Have a nice day," she said. We both smiled. "Thank you. You too," we said in unison. I took out the hat from the bag and put it on her. "Thank you so much Logan. I love you," she told me hugging me. I hugged her and kissed her forehead. "It's nothing my love. I love you too," I told her. We took a lot of pictures and then we headed out of the park. "This was an amazing, fun day," she told me happily. "I know right," I told her. "Just spending every little moment with you is already an amazing and fun time," she told me. We were taking our seat on the tram heading to the parking lot and we kissed. "Same here babe," I told her. We smiled at each other and she put her head on my shoulder. We stayed like that for the little ride to the parking lot. Then we got into the car and we went home. Today was the best day ever!

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