Chapter Twenty: I Hate to Say This, but... I Told You So

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//Naomi's P.O.V\\
I told Logan! I knew that that guy seemed suspicious. I can't believe that he wants to get rid of Logan just because he hates him and because he makes more money than him. That's so stupid! He's such an envious, evil man. I was so scared that I told the guys to stay with me. We all stayed awake discussing this problem. We couldn't come up with any good plans. We weren't even able to sleep. I was scared for them because what if he was stalking us and we didn't even notice, but I know that that didn't happen. I guess I'm just paranoid at this point. It's now morning, but we were all awake and tired. We were all silent for a long time.

I decided to break the silence. "You see Logan," I said. "What," he asked tiredly. "No matter how much I hate to say this, but... I told you so," I said tiredly as well. "I know you did my love," he said grabbing my hand tightly. "Wait a minute, what do you mean by 'I told you so'," asked James. "I told Logan that Phil seemed suspicious because when we went to the beach, he approached us and I got a bad vibe from him," I told him. "Wow and you didn't believe her," James exclaimed in disbelief. We all jumped and were awoken by the tone in his voice.

"It's not that I didn't believe her, James," Logan exclaimed back. "Then what was it," James asked angrily. "It was merely that I didn't want to judge a book by its cover. I know that there are times when we think things like that and the person turns out to be the opposite of what we might think. And I wanted to obtain evidence about his true intentions," Logan said. "Oh, you better. If I had a girl like Naomi and she told me something like this I would believe her immediately," James said. I blushed a bit. "James I do believe in what Naomi tells me. It's just that I didn't want to scare her so I brushed it off. I wanted her to feel protected. I only did it to protect her because I got the same feeling she got. I felt the bad and negative vibes coming from him as well. I just didn't tell her because like I said I was protecting her and I didn't want her to become more worried than she was. I don't want her to think that I'm a coward," Logan exclaimed. "Never mind then. I would do the same thing because it's the correct thing to do," James said, calmly. Logan nodded his head.

"Okay, I think we should all just take a deep breath and calm down. We're all very nervous right now and the worst thing we could do is argue with each other. I know that we all feel paranoid, but let's take things slow," said Kendall. "Yeah you guys, Kendall is right. We should all do our best to calm down and not argue with one another. You know what? I'm going to go make us some tea to help us with our nerves. I'll be right back," said Carlos. We all just sighed. "I'm sorry bud," James said patting Logan's shoulder. "It's fine," Logan said. "I'm sorry, Naomi," he said hugging me and kissing me on my forehead. "Nothing to apologize about, James," I told him returning the hug.

I didn't say anything because it's not something to complain about. Also, Kendall and Carlos are right: we shouldn't argue with one another and we should try our best to calm down. "Naomi, you know that I did believe you and I did it to protect you," Logan said. "Yeah, I know Logan. I think we're all just nervous so it's natural for James to react like that. Also, you don't have to provide explanations," I told him. "You're right. I love you," Logan told me, hugging me. "I love you too," I told him.

Carlos came back into the living room with a tray. He had brought us all a cup of tea and he set the empty tray off to the side. He took his seat and we all took a sip of our teas. We all sat in silence, but it was not an awkward silence. It felt nice to sit silently for a moment.

The rest of the day we just stayed at my house. We didn't even want to go outside because of what happened last night. Nonetheless, we managed to have a bit of fun playing games and singing. We all sang BTR songs and also other songs. Through these games and singing, we finally came up with a good plan. We were trying to keep our minds clear for a bit, but the situation still came popping back into our minds. Now we feel relief that we have a plan and a couple of backup plans in case our first one backfires. Fingers crossed that it will work.

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