o.23- A Hampton Holiday

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It was the 23rd of December and everybody should be rolling in today. We just got to the house like three hours ago and it was overly big. I'd talked to Tristan earlier and he had let me know he would be rolling in before dinner was finished. I was in the closet hanging up clothes since we were going to be here for about a week and a half.

"Anaya" I heard a voice yell out but I could figure out who it was. Leaving the closet going into the bedroom I bumped right into Nik. "Hey boo long time no see" I hugged her "I know right, look at you!" She looked at my belly "Hey yall" she bent down talking to my stomach.

"You staying" I asked as we walked out the bedroom going downstairs. "Only until tomorrow night" We walked into the kitchen where Trey, Forrest and Norie were mid smash session on a whole cheesecake. "Yall could have at least cut pieces" I laughed

"Nik baby, how you" Trey came and gave Nik a hug "I'm good bro, what about you" she stuck a fork into the cheese cake eating some too "Living good" Trey flashed a smile.

"Quick question nigga" Forrest blurted out causin everybody to look his way, even Norie. "Why you don't ever get fat when she pregnant, this the second time and you ain't gained not a pound" Forrest shrugged

"Nigga that's because my baby don't really gain a lot of weight, she gain beauty you feel me. So she get finer, I get finer and we just be fine" Trey explained causing me to laugh "Babe stop please" I shook my head.

"Anyone in here" I heard my dads voice coming from the foyer. "Let's go get grandpa sticky" I grabbed Norie off the counter putting her on the floor. "Come on Norie" I ran slowly, she was right behind me.

"Is that grandpa's baby" My dad kneeled down to Norie's level. She took off to him immediately "Well somebody was missed, Hey Joy, Hey Aja" I embraced the both in hugs "Hey Naya" Aja squealed as I wrapped my arms around her tightly "We have gifts in the car, we gone probably need some help getting them in" Jay told me

"Your son-in-law in there make him do it. Matter fact, Tremaine" I yelled out for Trey "What's up everybody" He appeared at the end of the hallway "They need help with gifts, will you help" I wrapped my arms around his waist

"Fasho, Ruski come in here boy" He yelled out, Forrest and Nik came around the corner. "Let's grab these bags" Trey directed him towards the door.

While they guys went to grab bags, the girls returned to the kitchen. We pulled out everything we had here already to prep, since Nana and Mama were out at the store grabbing some last minute stuff. The tide of people kept coming, you know mostly Trey people because my family was pretty small.

Once Mama April came in with the real food, we started cooking. Music filled the house, along with laughs, those side debate conversations somebody always have to start. The kids were outside playing in the snow with Kai and Gia, Norie kept going in and out my baby wasn't use to the snow yet.

Around 7:15 I got a text from Tristan saying he was outside. As I headed to the door, I got nervous. The babies started to move a bit as I grabbed the door knob. There were three bags sitting there at the door, I looked up seeing him bring another one with a female behind him. "You are pregnant as fuck" He chuckled grabbing me into a hug.

The nervous feeling went away, it was like an instant connection there instead "I am, come in out of the cold guys" I let him go so they could come inside. I grabbed one of the bags bringing it inside "You good, I got it" Tristan grabbed the bag.

"Boy bye" I swatted his hand away. "Trrreeeeyyy" I called out hoping he heard me over everything. He did "Nay" He held a crying Norielle "What wrong baby" I held my hands out for her "She ain't like the snowball fight they were having it got to real for her" Trey laughed

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