o.30- Back at It

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Happy New Year loves!!! 2016 gone be great for us right, claiming it! 


"Everything is alright Kae, stop tripping you just go get your man" Maya laughed at Kae as she worried about everything being in place for Chris surprise party. They were finally letting my brother out of jail. "Okay I'm going" Kae gave us both hugs "I'm going to gather my household we might be back a little after Chris makes it here" I told them "Okay boo" Kae got in the truck, Maya went back inside the house and I left.

I walked into our bedroom to a sleeping Norie, and TJ propped up with his body pillow shaking on of his toys at the TV as the Backyardigans played. "Hi man" I climbed in bed with them. His face lit up showing me his two bottom teeth "Give mommy kisses" He leaned forward "Muah" I smiled causing his to burst into a fit of giggles. "Look who here Tae" Trey came out the bathroom holding Tae all wrapped up. "Babe" I sat up grabbing Tae from Trey. "Everything straight over there" He asked "Yeah, its good they all had a bath" I questioned "Of course" He walked toward the closet "Well I'll dress them while you get ready" I grabbed TJ up heading to the twins room. Trey was on a roll today the babies clothes were already set out so getting them dressed was super easy. TJ rocked his little curly fro while I put Tae hair in a poof. "Now my babies are cute and handsome lets go back and see if daddy ready" I picked them back up heading back down the hall.

"Oh God look at your head" I laughed at her hair all over her head "You want a poof too" I set the twins up so I could do Norie hair "Yeeeess" She clapped her hands together

"Your turn mama" Trey came out rubbing his hands over his head "Daddy got the ponytail" Trey gave me a kiss "Don't have my baby looking a mess" I went into the bathroom getting ready.

2 hours later

We still made it back to the house before Karrueche, but they arrived shortly after us though. The back yard was full of Chris close friends in the industry, his day ones and family. Since he missed his birthday we had him a birthday cake and everything. Kae guided Chris to the middle of the backyard before taking his blind fold off. "Welcome home" everybody yelled out "Aw man, yall too much" Chris hugged Kae and kissed her. The music started back up and Chris made his way around the backyard making his last stop to us.

"Welcome home bro" I stood to hug him "Good to be here sis" He kissed my cheek "Is that my baby" He grabbed up Norie. She overly excited to see him "Nigga welcome home" Trey stood up to shake up with Chris "Nigga, I done though of some much shit for us to do" Chris bounced Norie up and down "Can't wait to hear this shit" Trey sat back in front of the twins.

"These my new lil niggas" Chris walked over to the twins as the slept in the rockers "Nah yall gotta wake up" He put Norie down grabbing TJ "Aye lil man wake up" TJ's eye popped open and he was giving Chris the meanest look ever. "What's up Lil man, let's go over here" He walked off "Okay so here are the Neversons" Maya walked up with the iPad sitting it in front of us.

"Hello guys, I'm Miranda. I'm one of many people working on bringing the brides vision to life in the next three months" The lady on the screen was so bubbly "Hi Miranda" I waved "So I contacted Maya to let you all get a glimpse of what's going here since we have started on getting everything together" Miranda took the camera turning it around so we could see the space "Damn babe that's big" Trey shield the screen from the sun "It is babe" I grabbed his face

"Here at the entrance I have a quick question. Would you guys rather have a fountain or an ice sculpture" She questioned "What you think Trey, what would go right there"

"I say put a fountain" Trey moved back to grab Tae as she woke up "Okay so I will be frequently getting in contact with you guys as the date gets closer and closer. It was good talking to you all" Miranda waved as Maya walked off with the iPad. "babe we're getting married in three months, you have an album coming out three weeks" I laid my head on Trey's shoulder "Don't forget our vacations baby" Trey held Tae up high bringing her down quickly.

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