How Long Is Forever? (Gajeel and Lily)

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(A/N)Song from Sword Art Online II. 

"You've gone and done it now, Gajeel." My exceed said as we sat on a golden hill, side by side after he just arrived in where ever we ended up when we kicked the bucket.

"What did I do? It's not my fault you're dead!" 

The cat sighed and muttered to himself "Why is my best friend a total idiot?" I growled, I wasn't a complete dunce! I could even count to a thousand while doing push-ups. Though I love my cat with all my heart, he could be really annoying when he wanted to sometimes.

"You really have no regrets? Nothing that don't feel bad about doing?"

What ever he was getting at, I didn't understand. Why would I regret anything. I'm Black Steel Gajeel, a dragon slayer and heck of a singer. What more could I possibly need?

"Hey, by the way. Where's the shrimp at these days?"

Panther Lily stiffened a little. "You really don't know do you?" Just by listening to the tone of his voice, I knew something was wrong.

"What are you getting at, cat? Is she alright?"

The little furball then stretched his bird like wings and floated onto my lap. "Levy escaped the city shortly after the first wave of dragons attacked. But something bad happened, she got hurt really bad while on a scouting mission and she is still recovering."

The cat on my lap then used his paw to motion to the right side of his face. "She has burn scars above her eye across her forehead. And her cheek down to her chin."

Wow, she took that much just to scout out a safe haven for the survivors of humanity. Not to mention she is still alive. But that still didn't sit well with me. "Will we see her soon?"

Lily shook his head. "No, she is making a good recovery and before I died, she was elected leader of the main shelter."

Amazing. I was proud of the short stack for gettn' as far as she did. Even so, it was always more interesting when she was around. Talking about every book under the sun. Sometimes, she even started speaking different languages mid sentence. Groaning, I stretched out and lay back on the grass. "We'll just have to wait then."

"Wait for what, Gajeel?"

"For her to get here of course. To tell us all about it." I then closed my eyes pictured what she would look like as a leader. Standing, making speeches, and leading people with a sure and steady hand. If anyone's fit to lead, it's her.

She's smart, witty, and full of spunk. Everyone likes her and no one can stop her when she makes up her mind. I'd trust her with my life if I still had it.

"We might have to wait awhile. Levy is tough, she'll live long."

I then heard his voice grow sullen. "We might have to wait forever."

Forever, huh? "That's a long time Lil'."

"Yes it is."

So for years we would wait, ready to spend forever waiting. People joined us and we talked with them. Lucy even stopped by and chatted about her adventures in a second timeline, or whatever she meant. I would never understand how crazy shit like that works. But we stayed waiting, and waiting for forever to end.

And when she gets here, we'll spend another forever talking about. 

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