I See Lights, They Are Stars (Lisanna and Bixlow)

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(A/N) Song from Sword Art Online

I sat on the outcrop that leap to the forest we gather from. Tonight was clear from clouds and the tiny points of light were visible from Earth. In my head, I traced the points to create their constellations. Star gazing used to be my favorite pass time, but I barely got the chance anymore.

A chilled breeze blew, making me shiver and shake even though I was wearing a sweatshirt. But before I could get up and go back in the insulated cave, a blanket came down on my head.

"You shouldn't be out and about on your own, you know?"

I pulled down the part that covered my face away so I could see who had joined me. It was Bixlow, he took the spot at my side.

"Sorry," I then hugged the blanket closer while returning my eyes to the sky "But the sky was really clear tonight. I couldn't pass it up."

The taller mage just scooted closer to where our shoulders touched. "Just try not to come out alone anymore. You don't know what will happen."

A light blush reach my face, dusting my cheeks in a rosey pink. Ripping my eyes away from the sky, I finally took the time to study his face. His mask was off revealing his sharp face and tattoo. His dark blue hair stuck out in several directions and was tossed lightly.

"What's so interesting about star gazing anyway?" he asked meeting my staring irises. I blushed a deeper red and returned to looking at the big dipper.

"Each star has a story. I like to look for those stars and imagine their constellations performing their tales of heros and adventure!"

Bixlow snorted, returning his attention to the sky. "Their just a bunch of dots to me."

I also gave a small laugh. "I guess. Unless......"

"Unless what?"

"Unless you make them something more."

The man beside scooted a little closer, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. He knew I liked it when he did that, so I buried deeper into his side, relaxing as I breathed his familiar smell.

"That doesn't sound bad at all."

Though the sky tomorrow would be dangerous, and I would return to the hospital wing to assist Wendy, me and my fiance would still have tonight to share the sky. To share the quiet lights it brought with through the darkness.

The lights called stars.

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