Waiting On Forever (Levy)

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(A/N) The song cover is by [Lizz]. She does amazing covers so check her out!

It rained. I don't know why it rained, but it did. It was hard, it was cold, and it was amazing. Instead of having to walk the mile down to the river in the woods, we just had to set out pots and collected the rain from outside.

I didn't have to risk lives of my comrades so that we could have the lifesaving liquid. No one would have to die today. I couldn't help but watch as everyone sat down at the tables we had crafted by the trees we cut down with relief.

But I knew as I cracked a walnut open with a hammer had created with my magic that rain doesn't last forever. We still had to make the harrowing journey to the valley to survive.

The only certain hope were the allying dragons. I had gotten back from one of the missions to meet with a group of pro-humanity drakes on the other side of the mountain we were using to cover our heads. They agreed and are on standby.

I looked down at the book I used to document our forces. Who was still alive, who was expecting, who was married. And who was dead. The names that had a date in the DOD row made my heart sink every time.

"Miss Levy?" I looked up from my musings to see Eddie, clutching a cup of water in his tiny fingers. "Daddy told me to give you this." The white haired boy then placed the cup down next to my book. I smiled at the little one as he met my eyes.

He had his mother's amber eyes that sparked when the light hit them. "Thank you." Ed grinned and turned heel to run towards his father and mother who were talking with Bixlow and Lisanna. The four adults stopped to acknowledge the runt as his father bent down to ruffle his hair.

The sight almost brought a tear to my eye. Such small pleasures as just talking seemed extinct to me as time had gone by. Becoming the leader changed me. I still held my spunk, but I grew more confident in speaking my mind. I haven't cried, complained, or put myself above anyone else.

I tried to be the leader they deserved.

It made me wonder sometimes if I could do better. If anyone could do better than I could. Someone like Mira, or even Erza if she was still here. But I know they could do better than me. It always made me wonder if I was doing a good job.

A soft commotion at the entrance of the shelter caught my eye. Peeking up at the walkway that led to exit, I saw our area scout, Yukino come back. Sting almost took out all the shelter inhabitants to get over to her. It was amusing to see him dote over the dripping wet mage. It was a wonder they weren't married yet.

After a moment of giggles to myself, I got up from my table spot and walked over. "What did you see Yukino?" Yukino looked up at me with a slight smile. "We have a group of drakes to the north, but they were just passing through. Other than that, everything's quiet."

That news was music to my ears, these mountains were too low for a dragon to nest on, so it was very rare for them to land on our home. "Alright, carry on with your boyfriend!" I said with a bit of humour tinting my voice.

The dragon slayer just wrapped an arm around Yukino's waist. "Can do, Levy!"

A quick laugh and smirk later, I went back to the table, gathered my books and charts, and went to my office. When I entered, I crossed the stone room to my desk. While I do like peace and quiet while I work, it's good for me to be around the people I lead. So I do a bit of work in the common area on most days.

But when I need a moment of calm to myself, I retreat here.

As I sat down in my chair, all my muscles relaxed and my grin dropped on a dime. I leaned back in the seat, my head resting against the wall behind me. It was almost a blessing to just unwind and forget being in charge. Forget acting strong.

Forget pretending I'm okay.

I stared up at the rocky roof with drooping eyes. It sucked holding everything back in front of everyone, but being around others tricked my heart to be happy. But when it was just me, I could just sit and be as depressed as I wanted without anyone to worry about me.

"What a fool I am......." I let my eyes close completely. "....... to think I could be as strong as you." Something wet fell down my cheek as a talked to him like a madman would to nothing. "How can I keep moving forward if I can't even look towards tomorrow?"

I didn't know I was crying until the choking feeling on my heart that just about took my words away. "You always told me you'd make me big, to stay by your side as your partner and friend."

Fighting back a sob, I continued on. "So why did you have to die, Gajeel?"

With no answer and a raspy breath, I just sucked in the cool cave air and opened my eyes. I wonder if that dragon slayer was happy somewhere. Calling me shrimp behind my back and munching on iron next to Lily. Wearing a proud smirk.

That stupid smirk and laugh I missed so much. For I don't know how long, I sat and recalled all who had to go to soon. Every friend, every brother.

And every teammate.

But after my moment of self loathing about outstaying my welcome on Earth, I tried to smile at the fact I would try to live for everyone. One more day at least. Until I can repay every debt I owe to Fairy Tail. To repay the limitless kindness they showed me.

For giving me the hope I needed to survive.

"Well.....one day you'll answer me." I then, with a grunt of effort, stood up and walked over to the curtain that separated me and the main cave. I wiped away the tears and my face softened to a smirk.

"But don't wait forever."

With one last lingering blink, I stepped out of my shell to hold the closing day meeting. I was no longer the weak girl who cried alone. I was a leader who left her heart where it belonged. On the pages of a worn out journal with the names of her charge.

With the names of her friends.

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