To Atone Is A Long And Lonely Road (Minerva)

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I didn't know what I was thinking. To be honest, all I could think about was how I would be received by the rest of the survivors. How would the surviving members of Saber Tooth react? Had they moved on with their lives and forgotten about me? Did they still harbor ill emotions toward my rash actions?

I wouldn't know until I stepped through the gate to the small settlement that was in progress. The wooden arch itself wasn't anything special. I could have just used my magic to easily splinter the frail posts with a headboard that read 'Camp Fiore' in black, bold letters. 

Though it was pathetic, I couldn't knock it down. I couldn't just snap my fingers and make it go away.

Right now, I need to focus on talking to their leader. Maybe, if I offer my services and power to the group, I can forgive myself. 

Being alone for so many years has been a journey. It was...difficult. I missed the feeling of just taking jobs and cooking in my apartment. I missed mock fights with my guild mates. In place of my usual anger, I found that I missed these things. The words-no, the truth that was told to me by the Titania of Fairy Tail herself haunted me for years. 

I'm done running away.

I stepped with poise that had been practiced for decades of my life. The mentality to never let anyone see your weakness, friend or foe, was drilled into me throughout my whole life. That part I could never truly let go of so soon. 

People scuttled along on their daily business, carrying bricks and stones, towing carts through makeshift streets, or just talking outside buildings. No one paid mind to me as I walked forward. But after striding through the middle of the dirt road, people looked up. The look of fear hung on their faces with a grim demeanor. 

But it was their eyes I was staring back at. Eyes were always the one part of the body I couldn't forget on a person. I remember my father's eyes were full of hatred and disgust for anyone of lower stature and power. The eyes of the blonde Lucy, brown as a doe's skin and with just as much innocence and as much life and spring burning into my heart. And the eyes of the Queen Fairy, Erza Scarlet. Her eyes were dark, mysterious, and full of fire for battle.

But, they could also be filled with compassion and understanding. With sadness and regret for actions once performed long ago. And with the loving care that a mother has when talking to their child. Eyes that could not be easily lost to time's cruel grasp.

But the eyes I saw were different. Full of hostile glares and cowering behind a snarling facade. Before anyone could put action behind their emotions, one man stepped forward. Tall with a long beard and wise eyes. Eyes that had seen truth for many years and still continue to take own new knowledge that's presented. 

The man was Jura. One of the ten wizard saints appointed by the late council members. He was just like he was at the games, a calm exterior with an ominous amount of power that practically came off him in waves. Truley a worthy adversary if it was a fight. I have heard tales though that he was not one to fight without reason. But if it was a mock battle for fun, he was all ears.

When he finally stood in front of me, I noticed a girl with blackish greenish hair, shouldering a sniper rifle and smile behind him come to my line of sight. Her eyes were clouded with the weight of growing old too soon. But they held a hopeful gleam and childish joy beneath the pain. Such young eyes that had yet to learn the beauty in pain. Or perhaps she had already encountered this fact?

After a standoff of who was to start first, Jura's smile quirked as he spoke. "Welcome Minerva. I have heard the scouts whisper rumours a massive magic presence. I just never guessed it would have been you." His larger than life hand reached out to my slim ones were. 

My hand was engulfed soon after making contact for the shake. Breaking away, retracting both our hands, you hide his hands in his robes once again. I strained to get a few more inches out of my body that I knew weren't there. 

"Why have you graced us with your time today?" his voice wasn't full of venom, but it was careful to make me angry. I had to make sure that the people knew I wasn't there to hurt anyone. With the calmest and humblest bow of respect, I began to speak. "I wish to offer my service to your group."

That one sentence sent the camp into a whispering frenzy. Gossip flew and accusations were thrown about like an eight ball across a pool table. The girl beside Jura drew her rifle up to point the muzzle to the dirt. She turned her head to the taller man, hand on the chamber and one on the butt of the gun. Jura surveyed the crowd of yelling and complaining people and reluctantly nodded.

The marks woman raised the sniper rifle to the air, cocking the hammer back and preparing to shot into the sky. She took a sharp intake of breath, and fired three deafening warning shots. The loud cracks of the gun caused the people to stop talking and look at Jura.

The girl lowered her gun, re shouldering the rifle to her back. She looked up at Jura, a look of expectation written in her soft features. Jura nodded and turned back to me.

"Well, let's see what you can do." 

Though I could never erase the pain I had caused, I knew that I could at least try to make up for lost time. In any small way. I had a long way to go though. 

I know this is crappy, but this series is nearing it's end. This coming weekend we will put a close to this story. Also, I don't own the song. The song belongs to the creators of Bioshock.

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