The Lament Of A Stranger (Zeref and Mavis)

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(A/N) This chapter had to happen. I'm sorry. Please play the song while you read. Song from the To The Moon ost by Laura Shigihara.

"What a mess you have made." I muttered darkly, looking down upon the once great Magnolia. Such a tiny place that once housed a great guild. Now here it sits, nothing more than a pile of rubble and broken skeletons that once were covered in lively flesh. I stepped past fallen walls, shattered glass, and on occasion the remains of a Magnolian. Nothing new to me as far as today goes. I just had to go to what was left of Fairy Tail, get Lumen Historia, and use it's power to finish off the world in one clean sweep.

Before I knew it, I was at the guild hall. The arch was barely standing straight, and the words of the once grand hall were dull and some were missing. The building itself was collapsing in on itself. The sight of the place was almost a symphony to the eyes. Destruction while I was in this personality was a beautiful sight.

Stepping into what was left of the guild, I walked to the door, or what was left of it, that led to the library. Looking at the books on their shelves or laying across the floor, I wondered if it had been looted recently. No, books were useless to all others at a time such as this.

Walking over to a moss ridden desk with rotting tomes and documents. By the table was a chair with the words "Levy's Chair." The writing made me smile. Who ever this Levy was, she must have to have come to this room often to get her own chair.

Would she be mad at the disarray of her special place? Was this even her special place? Was she a scholar like myself who also thirsted for knowledge? I would never know soon enough. Perhaps in the next life, if there was one, he would find her and tell her of the current state of the place. Then, he could get the answers he craved.

At the back of the sorry room was a hidden door. Pushing it aside wasn't my style, so I simply closed my eyes and let my magic do the work. Once I opened my eyes, the door and surrounding shelves were tipped and books had cluttered to the floor.

Walking into the dark stairwell, the torches that once must've burned with their flames full of pride were cold and empty. I laid a hand on the brick wall, guiding myself down to the end of the tunnel. As I went, I thought of the masters of this guild that had walked this path. Had they expected to find the light that was Historia, the eternal magic that can never end?

No. Their puny human minds can't even fathom the greatness of such magic. I was the only one who could control such a magic. The only one who will use such a piece of the God's that was created by the only one who I could call my equal.

But no one was my equal! Why do I think such things! It must be the lack of clear air and grasp on reality. Yes...that's what it was. A glitch, a mistake. But soon there shall be no more imperfections that plague this world and blacken it with ignorance.

Finally, I reached a massive door. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, outlining the rough detail of the massive slab of wood and metal rivets. I covered my eyes once more, hearing a moaning of pillars and cracking wood.

Opening my eyes, A gaping hole in the door presented itself to me. I walked right through. The room I had stepped into was full of light, I had to avert my gaze for a moment. But I looked forward shortly after, catching a glimpse of a sight beyond all my knowledge.

Mavis's body, suspended in limbo, protected by a lacrima. So this was Lumen Historia. My old friend, my partner, my world, floating above me as I made my advance towards her. It was really her, only her skin wasn't dirty and broken. It was glowing with light and heavenly grace.

"Enjoying the view, old friend?" a bouncy voice called from behind me. Turning, I saw Mavis again. Only this time in her trademark dress and no shoes, with her green eyes smiling back at mine. It was only a reflection, but I couldn't care less.

The girl in the crystal became a distant memory. The blonde was standing tall, hands at her sides and grin ever present. "I see you found what you're looking for." I nodded, grinning back, "Yes... you know of why I came here."

Mavis inclined her head, her smile disappeared. "Of course. You always dreamed of this moment."

"Perhaps, the destruction of this foul earth brings me joy. But what do you think?" The question was odd considering I never asked of anyone's views. They were never correct and were all just white noise. It didn't matter with her though. All bets were off with her.

"I'm not for it," she stepped closer, her steps making little taps on the ground, "But that's not my choice." I smirked rubbing my neck "I guess so. But why?"

"Why what?" Another step closer.

"If you loved me, why didn't you follow me."

The fairy like master stepped up close enough till I could just reach out and touch her soft head of hair and feather light skin. Her smile was now a frown, her face tilting up to meet my gaze. "...The answer isn't what you want."

"But I want to know."

"I know you do, but you don't have to know everything."

"But I deserve to know!"

"You won't believe me!"

"Even now! You deny me what I want!"

"What am I denying you!"

"Answers! Straight answers Mavis!


The walls echoed her words, ringing them back to my ears as Mavis's face contorted with anger. "You always were like this! You never let the real you show!" Tears were raining down her flushed cheeks, panting as she choked on sobs.

"You always push out the man that feels, that yearns to be with others!" She covered her face with her hands. "It doesn't matter if you blow up the damn world, I just want the Zeref I know back!" She broke down on her knees, sobbing her heart out.

I should help her! No-I-I-maybe...maybe I should just die. NO! I can't die! It's impossible! I should- should I? The questions, the answers, it didn't matter! Why should it matter if I'm going to end it all! What was there left to live for?!

Suddenly, a hand caught my wrist pulling me down roughly. I came face to face with puffy green irises, staring at my pitch black ones. Before I could speak or protest, my lips crashed into hers, the feeling of her fingers through my black hair soothed me.

Time stopped. No thought could be thunk and no equation could describe that moment. That wonderful moment that leaves you bitter, but lusting for more. Even if I tried to pull away, I couldn't care! Heat rose until I was nothing but warm and fuzzy inside.

The feeling I felt so long ago that I thought I lost.

When we pulled away, I still felt that rush of heat and the feel of her soft skin. But when I tried to open my eyes, they refused to let the light that Mavis gave through. I was floating, weightless and my breath was clear. No longer did I think of death or pain. No longer the feeling of loneliness or rage against the world.

There was only tears, mixing with the blinding pitch black that engulfed me like a mother's hug.

The tickle of grass made me open my eyes. The world before me made my heart leap into a giddy frenzy of relief and peace. The sky was blessed with the perfect color of blue with wisps of white puffy clouds.

"When this world is noooo mooore...." a soft voice sang.

"The moon is all we'll seeee..." A hand reached up and stroked my head.

"I'll ask you to fly away with meee..." I reached up and grasped the tiny hand with my large calloused one.

"And to the stars I'll fall down..." The hand grasped back, squeazing my own.

"They empty from the sky!" A tear rolled down my face as another hand reached up and kept on brushing through the tangles that weren't there.

"But I don't mind..." I fluttered my eyes closed as soft lips met my forehead.

"If you're with me...Then everything's alright." As Mavis finished her song, I had to be the blubbering idiot I was, and sing back.

"If you're with me, then everything's alright....."

It was alright now. For good this time....


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