Letters To No One (Jura)

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(A/N) The song is from To The Moon. Today's a short one, so enjoy this little letter to a friend! Thank you so much for all who read this, for giving me a little love. I wish I could talk, but I'm still a bit teary eyed from Season 2 Episode 78 of Fairy Tail. 79 better have the kiss or else!

Dear Master,

How are you? I bet you're giving our comrades a firm spinning for losing to, as you would put, "Overgrown, backwash, spineless cowards for dragons."

Even now my head is reeling for those who have to suffer the torture that is your magic. But old friend, that is not why I write. The leader of our shelter has died recently and I was elected as the leader for the new shelter. Well, it's more of a town thanks to the ally dragons that helped us defeat the invaders.

I'm not one for leadership honestly. I don't know how you or anyone could have done it. Levy always treated everyone with compassion, but bottled up her own feelings. Natsu led his team with the mentality that "If it moves, burn it down."

Mavis as I had read led with a tactical hand and bravado only matched by her childish nature and ideals of peace. Hades ruled with power, Zero with prayers, and Makarov with the promise of a better life.

It makes me wonder if I can be like that. They all say just being there was enough, but all who I had followed or had been followed it feels I can't hold a single candle to. So that's way I wonder how will I lead?

Will I be wise? Or perhaps headstrong. Will I run things with courage, a smile, with hope to light the darkest of paths? Maybe I am just one who sits and watches time pass me by, waiting to pass my dim torch to someone who will in the end surpass me?

All these questions without answers makes me wary. Is this how I think? Has it always been this way?

I have to leave now. Sting is yelling about his son taking his first steps. It's going to give people a headache if I don't make him sit still. He may be a proud father and husband to Yukino, but he about as much of a man as his own offspring.

Thank you for listening,

Captain Jura, New King Of Ishgar

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