The Last Of Us (Asuka)

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(A/N) In this chapter, Asuka is 18. Song is from Angel Beats.

"Why are you so down today, Miss Connell?" a voice asked me as I was getting some target practice in the range that the shelter had.

I lifted my head to see Mirajane with her trademark grin that drove men crazy and women jealous. But to me, it was a comfort to see that smile that brightened up any room she was in.

"Gotta stay sharp," I returned my head to the sniper rifle "Can't have you old timers showing me up." And on click of the trigger, I shot a rat that scuttled in front of my target. It was a direct headshot.

Mira clapped. "You have your mother's hawkeyes. I remember when she shot four perfect circles into four flying coins during the Miss Fairy Tail pageant."

I lowered my eyes and gave a shy smile towards the ex-model. "Yeah, she told me about that." I pulled back the hammer and prepared to shoot again, this time aiming for multiple spots on the target. 

Breath in. Breath out. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!

I looked up from the crosshairs and saw that I hit my targets right on point. Even so, all this practice is pointless if I can't get out and actually use my talents as a markswoman. Maybe Mira would take me out tomorrow?

"Nice shooting, Asuka! I bet your parents are rooting for you on the other side!" the said Straus cheered at my complete perfect set. I flicked on the safety and stood up, slinging my rifle over my shoulder as I began to leave the range.

Mira followed after me. As we walked back to the main hall, she hummed under breath. I just kept glancing back and forth, wary of anything in the shadows that could attack and hurt us. My guardian noticed my observance by the way my shoulders twitched and my trigger finger kept tapping my gun's shoulder strap.

"Relax Ashie!" her high pitched tone echoed of the stone cave walls. I stopped and cocked my head in her direction. 

"I can't help it."

Mira sighed and took the lead down the tunnel. "Then I'll watch your back. You hang back and relax kiddo!" I grumbled to let her know I understood. Two minutes later,we were in the main hall. Aunt Wendy was out with Haru while Romeo was bragging to Elfman about how awesome his son was. Elf's wife was sighing in annoyance. The members of Sabertooth milled about talking with other.

Other than that, the only person who was really doing anything alone was Levy, who was just eating her ration for the day. It was best to leave her be when she was eating alone. That meant that she was deep in thought and shouldn't be bothered with useless gossip and trivial bickering amongst the members within the shelter.

Asuka shrugged and walked over to the hunting party that went out once a week to gather food. The leader of the team was Rogue and his cat Frosch. If you wanted to go out, you talked to one of the three resource retrieval unit captains .

As she approached the duo who were going over a list of things to get on the next drop, the dark haired man looked up at the black haired teen.

"Hello Asuka Connell, what is it you need?"

I smiled as big as I could and instinctively put one hand on my camo shorts and popped a hip out like my mother would do. "I was wondering if I could go out on the hunting mission tomorrow?"

The man's straight lined mouth dipped into a frown. "I don't know. You have only been out once. I wouldn't want you to get-"

Before I could let him finish, a flash of brown caught my eye and it was about to jump at Wendy and Haru. But I slung the butt of my gun to my shoulder and grabbed the trigger. 

Breath in. Breath out. BANG!

The rat fell off the medical director's shoulder with a thud. Romeo lept to his wife's side in record speed as soon as he heard the shot. Everyone stared at me as I repositioned my gun to it's resting place on my back. The shadow dragon slayer smirked and shuffled some papers to reach his crew roster, adding my name to the list of volunteers going out.

"Welcome aboard, Miss Asuka Connell."

I gave him a smile as the members of the shelter clapped and cheered for my quick draw that saved our doctor and her child.

Tomorrow rolled around and I woke up bright and early before the sun had even began to kiss the earth it warmed. The hunting group consisted of me, Rogue and Frosch, Cana (do to her skills with traps and plants), Romeo, Laxus, and Mirajane.

As we headed up towards the exit, a beating resided from my chest. I was excited. I hadn't been outside in years. I missed the way the sun would warm my body and soak my hair in light. So when we got to the wall that was an enchantment to protect the shelter, I was practically jumping in my hiking boots, my rifle bouncing in my grip.

Rogue noticed and smiled. He then took down the spell and I stepped out with the others. The sky was beginning to steak pink from the raising ball of light called the sun.

Breath in. Breath out.

"If you ever find yourself lost or hopeless, just look towards the light and charge ahead without fear and a gun in your hands."

"So be brave little one. We will be with you always."

 'Yeah, I love you guys.' I then turned my head up, and took off towards the woods ahead, the unknown in front of me and my family at my heels. Though we are wanted by dragons, we're still winners.

Because we have each other.

Breath in. Breath out.



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