Chapter One

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Harry opens the door. A shock expression cover his face.

"You're face will be stuck like that if you keep it up," I tease.

"Hey C. Others are in the kitchen."

I give Harry a hug and head straight to his kitchen. Others wave hi and Fred gives me a quick kiss. Most of the Order is here. I sit on the counter next to Tonks.

"My husband is a joker. By the way..."

"Time for getting cozy later," Mad-Eye Moody states. I know the news that Tonks was going to share. I'm going to have a younger sibling.

"Hello Professor," I smile.

"No," Lupin snaps. I glare at him and he just smiles. I hop off the counter when Lupin's not looking. I squeeze in between the twins. Fred on my left and George on my right.

"Really?" They ask at the same time. I nod my head as the Polyjuice potion is passed down the row. Right before I can grab it, Moody hands it to George.

"You're still underage."

"Not for long."

I step out of line and watch the others turn into Harry. It's bloody creepy seeing my boyfriend turn into my best friend.

"We're identical," two of the Harry's say. I realize they're the twins.

"You two have always been identical," I point out. Everyone laughs and the seven Harry's get changed to look identical.

I pull my jacket hoodie over my head just in case. I push my blonde hair back and grab my broom out of Lupin's hand.

"Stay next to me," Lupin orders me. "And don't use magic unless I say so."

I nod my head and walk outside. We get into formation and fly off. I stay near Lupin and one of the Harry's. We don't get far before Death Eaters attack us.

"Now?" I shout.



The Death Eater next to me falls. More come towards me. I do move at the last second and avoid getting hit.

"Quidditch," I shout.

"You haven't done Quidditch in a long time, C," I hear someone tease me.

"Oi. Shut up."

I keep this up on the way to the Burrow. Until I get kicked in the face. I fall, screaming. I keep on trying to grab something, but can't. I land on a broom and a pair of arms are wrapped around me.

"I got you," I hear a familiar voice. "It's me. Your joker."

"Well now they know," I laugh.
"Harry would have saved you too."

We finally land inside the barrier. I look to see Fred in clothes too small for him.

"You're bleeding," he states. I just notice the metallic taste in my mouth. I think that Death Eater broke my nose. Mr. Weasley finds us.

"We'll fix it at the house," he states. "Come on."

Fred drags me to the Burrow. Laying on the couch is George. His ear has been blown off. Fred goes to his twin. Mrs. Weasley uses a spell to fix my nose. It feels like I'm being punched.

"Merlin's beard," I shout. I grab a cloth to wipe up the blood and sit next to Fred.

"How do you feel Georgey?" Fred asks.

"Saint like."

"Come again."

"Saint like. I'm holy Fred."

"Of all the ear less related jokes and you go with 'I'm holy'."

We all chuckle at George's goofing grin. Only those two can joke around when they loose an ear.

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