Chapter Fifteen

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If it wasn't for the fact Draco tied my hands together, Bellatrix would be dead. She wrote Mudblood on Hermione's arm with a knife.

I notice Draco flinch at the sight of Hermione's arm. Harry and Ron run upstairs, to the main room. Harry quickly takes our wands from Draco.

Before he could get caught in any cross fire, I kick him down. He unties my hands.

"I'll deal with the punishment," he mumbles. I get up and get my wand and start helping Harry and Ron.

"I'd stop it," I hear Bellatrix sing. We all look to see she has a knife against Hermione's neck. "Now put down your wands. Unless you want to see how dirty her blood actually is."

Before we could, there is a weird sound. We look up to see Dobby twisting the tightener on the chandelier.

It falls down. Bellatrix pushes Hermione away and dive to the side. Ron grabs Hermione and Dobby appears next to us.

"YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME," Bellatrix shouts.

"Dobby didn't mean to kill," Dobby states. "Just fatality injure or maim."

"I would have killed," I snicker.

"How dare you?" Bellatrix snaps. "I'm your master. I'm a witch."

"Dobby's a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends."

We all grab each other's hands and Apperate. I land in the water somehow. I get up and run to the others. I see Harry pull a knife out of Dobby's stomach.

"Hermione," he cries. "Help."

I give a good whistle, but Fawkes doesn't come.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Hermione mutters. Luna comes over and see Dobby. She closes his eyes. I wipe away tears.

"I want to give him a funeral," Harry states. "A proper one."

Hermione pulls out some clothes out of her bag and I gently wrap it around him. I pick up the small body and carry him to where Harry wants to bury him. Ron and Harry dig the grave and I lay Dobby in there.

We all help bury him. Luna comes over with a gravestone she made. Harry sets it up and we stand there for a few minutes in silence.

"Bill and Fleur will be worried," Luna states.

"That is they're house?" I ask, pointing at shell cottage. She nods her head and start walking towards there. I look at my friends.

Ron grabs Hermione's hand and they follow Luna. Harry is kneeling by the grave, crying. I place my hand on his shoulder.

"He is in a better place now," I state. Harry nods his head. Maybe I should put a flower. As I finish that thought, a single red rose forms. Harry looks at me.

"She didn't take your gift."

"A gift can't be taken back."

He nods and look at the grave. I sigh and head to the shell cottage.

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