02 - Meeting Beyoncé & Jay-Z

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The next day for Savannah was like any other day. All the kids in the orphanage was called downstairs and gathered together for a meeting. Savannah came downstairs and sat in the back, hating to be in the front.

"May I have your attention kids," a soft voice spoke.

Savannah smiled a little, she knew that voice from anywhere. That voice is none other than Elizabeth Henry, or Liz for short. Liz has always been friendly to Savannah. She's the one who introduced Savannah to Beyoncé.

"Today is adoption day. Two people are coming in to do interviews with you all."

A little boy stood up, "Who are they?"

Liz smiled, wanting to keep it a surprise. Liz looked back at Savannah, knowing she'll love who the special guest are.

"Now I won't tell you. But all I need is for you all to be on your best behavior..."

Then, the doorbell rang. Liz walked over to the door and opened it. Beyoncé and Jay-Z walked in. All the kids gasped and started squealing. Savannah didn't bother to look up because she was all wrapped up in her book.


Beyoncé and Jay-Z had spent time with the kids and they had finally came to a decision. Then, Shawn noticed that Savannah was in the corner alone.

"Bey.. that's the little girl that Blue was playing with in the park," said Shawn. Beyoncé looked at her and walked to her.

Savannah was just finishing up her book when she looked up and saw Beyoncé in front of her. Her eyes got big a little, realizing that her inspiration is standing right in front of her.

"Hi pretty girl what's your name," asked Beyoncé.

Even though Savannah knew who she was, she didn't feel comfortable talking to her. So, she got up and ran to Liz, hiding behind her. Liz and Shawn looked down, seeing Savannah was nervous.

"Savannah what's the matter honey," questioned Liz.

Beyoncé walked over and kneeled down in front of her, "You were the pretty little girl who was playing with my daughter yesterday. Seems like you two are best friends."

Liz looked at Shawn and Beyoncé surprised.

"She made a friend yesterday," asked Liz.

Shawn nodded, "Yeah. Our daughter Blue Ivy."

Liz looked surprised at them. Savannah walked to Beyoncé and tugged at her skirt. Beyoncé kneeled down to Savannah, "Meeting new people is a scary thing isn't it?"

Savannah nodded, unable to talk. Beyoncé gave Savannah a piece of gum.

"Chew this. It helps me whenever I get nervous," suggested Beyoncé.

Savannah grabbed it and chewed it. She looked at Beyoncé and took a deep breath, "You're my favorite singer."

Shawn and Liz smiled as Beyoncé talked to Savannah, trying to get her out of her shell. Liz took Shawn outside for a talk about Savannah.

"You're thinking about adopting Savannah," questioned Liz.

Shawn nodded, he loved the little girl already. Liz shifted around with a worried look on her face, which concerned Shawn. Something seems off, thought Shawn.

"Is there somethings that we should know about her before we adopt her," asked Shawn.

Liz nods and sat down, "She was brought here when she was 2. Her parents passed away on her 1st birthday. She was put into numerous orphanages. Something traumatic happened because when we first got her. She had bruises and welts all on her body. Savannah is extremely shy, but she is extremely smart for her age. Savannah didn't tell me what happened. But please be careful with her. She has been through so much," warned Liz.

Shawn just sat there for a moment, taking in all the information.

"Me and Beyoncé are going to talk for a moment. Then we will come back with you for our final decision."

Liz and Shawn walked back and saw Beyoncé still talking to Savannah. And for the first time ever, Savannah gave her a small smile. Liz never thought that would ever happen. Beyoncé got up and walked over to Shawn.

Beyoncé and Shawn sat down at a table to talk things over.

"I talked to Liz and from what she has told me, Savannah has been through so much already."

Beyoncé looked at the little girl, worried about her safety.

"Shawn... who would hurt such a pretty little girl? I saw bruises and welts on her. We can't keep her here. We need to give her a loving, safe environment. I say we adopt her right now," stated Beyoncé.

Shawn nodded, completely agreeing with her. They both walk over to Liz, who was sitting with Savannah.

"We made a decision...."

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