15 - Second Chance

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-Beyonce's POV-

It's been a few days since I kicked Shawn out the house after finding out about him having another child. I'm not angry more. I am more upset than angry. Why would he do something like this to me? What was he thinking? I still love him and I miss having him here.

I wake up the next morning and look over, realizing that Shawn isn't here. I sigh and got up, taking a hot shower. Once I finished, I got dressed and went to make breakfast. When I looked in the living room, I realized that the girls were already awake and continued making breakfast. On the menu today is eggs, sausage, and rice.

"Girls.. breakfast is ready," I called out. Then, I hear two pairs of little feet running in the kitchen. I turned around and looked down at them.

"No running in the kitchen. Now go wash your hands and sit at the table."

They nod and walked to the bathroom, washing their hands. They came to the table and sat down, waiting for their food. I walked in and sat their plates and cups in front of them, sitting down.

"Okay let's say prayer first..."

All three of us held hands and bowed our heads as I prayed over the food. Once I was finished, we began eating our food. It's really quiet, which isn't the same without Shawn here. I sigh and pick through my food. I miss him so much. Should I give him another chance? Just then, my phone rang. I got up and answered.

-No POV-

Beyonce: Hello?

Jessica: Hey Beyonce, it's me Jessica. Just calling to let you know that me and Tristan are on our way there.

Beyonce: *nodding* Alright, thanks for calling me. I will let Shawn know. See you when you get here.

Jessica: Alright, see you.

Beyonce hung up the phone and washed the dishes. Then, she walked to the girls and looked at them.

"Now girls... I need you both to be on your best behavior. I have someone coming over today, along with your father," she told them.

"Mommy is it the lady that daddy messed 'round with," Blue and Savannah asked her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah... how do you know about that?"

Blue scratched the back of her head, "Ummm... you were screaming to daddy 'bout it few days ago..."

Beyonce mentally slapped herself. She wasn't thinking that the girls could've heard the conversation. Too late for that. Savannah looked at Blue, then at Beyonce.

"Mommy... do we have a brother," she wondered. Beyonce sat there for a moment, thinking of whether to tell them or not. But, she decided to just tell the truth.

"Yes, you do. You will meet him when he gets here. Now, enough questions. Please wash up and get into some clean clothes..."

They smiled and nodded, hugging her. They both walked upstairs and spent the next 15 minutes getting cleaned up and dressed. Fifteen minutes passed, and the doorbell rang. Beyonce got up and opened it. When she opened it, she saw a beautiful young lady holding a little boy. The lady had to be mixed, maybe black and mexican. Beyonce smiled a little, seeing the little boy. He was sucking on his pacifier, staring back at her.

"You must be Jessica," she asked her. Jessica nodded, holding her hand out. She wasn't sure if Beyonce would shake it, after everything. But, she was surprised when Beyonce gave her a hug.

"Yes... I'm Jessica," she replied. Beyonce nodded as they came in, closing the door behind them. They all sat down and the little boy took out his pacifier, smiling at Beyonce.

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