13 - Cheating?

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Beyonce wakes up and takes a hot shower. She washes her hair and begins to lather her body with soap. Once she rinses herself off, she hops out of the shower and gets dressed. She looks in her closet, wondering what to wear. She eventually puts on some sweats and a sports bra. Beyonce put her hair in a messy bun and headed downstairs, going to the kitchen. As she makes coffee, she realizes that Shawn isn't in the house. Where was he.

She looks around the house until she finds a note on his pillow. Beyonce picks it up and reads the note he left for her.


Sorry I'm not there right now. Have to take care of some business, but I will be back soon. Love you and the girls :)


She shakes her head chuckling and sits in the living room, drinking her coffee. Then, she hears Blue and Savannah coming downstairs. Beyonce turns around and smiles at her girls. They smile back and plop on the couch with her.

"Good morning," greeted Beyonce.

"Good morning mommy," they both replied. Blue looked around and noticed that her dad wasn't there. She frowned a little and looked at her mom.

"Mommy, where is daddy? He is usually here in the mornings," asked Blue. Beyonce looked at her as she gave them their breakfast for the day.

"Your daddy has business to take care of honey... but he will be back home in a little while."

Blue nodded and started stuffing her face with food. Savannah and Beyonce ate with Blue, while talking about random stuff. Then, they all finished and helped clean up. Once everything was clean, they sat together and watched some cartoons. As they watched cartoons, Beyonce's phone started vibrating like crazy. She looked at her phone and saw that there was a text from Kelly. She pulled it up and read it.

Kels: Girl, you need to call me ASAP. Its about Shawn...

Beyonce groans and calls Kelly's phone, walking to another room. Then, Kelly picks up the phone.

K: Hey Bey, is Shawn there with you?

B: Nah.. he left a note saying that he had business to take care of.

K: Hmm.. well he must've lied to you then because they spotted him with another girl outside a restaurant...

B: *chuckling* Kelly... you're lying. Shawn wouldn't do such a thing like that

K: Beyonce....

B: *thinking to herself* She called out my whole name. She usually doesn't say my whole name if she's lying....

B: *trying to calm down* They have any pictures?

K: Girl yes they do.... let me send them to you *sends picture to Beyonce*

B: *looks at picture* Wait a second... is that... Rihanna?

K: That's what it looks like....

Beyonce growls and balls up her fist, her anger starting to rise. Why the hell is she with him? And why is his hand around her shoulders like that? She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. Shawn is going to get it when he comes back home.

K: Don't do nothing stupid that'll get you put in jail, Beyonce. I'm serious....

B: Don't worry about that. I'm just going to grill his ass until he tells me the truth

K: Okay. Call me back and let me know what happened

B: K, Kels. Thanks...

Beyonce hangs up and sighs. She doesn't want to make any assumptions that he's cheating, but she wasn't sure what to believe anymore. She got up and went to the living room, watching the girls playing with their dolls.

"Girls, come on. I'm taking you to grandma's house for the day..."

Both of them dropped their dolls and cheered. Beyonce got them in the car and drove to her mother's house. Her mom recently got married to Richard Lawson. Blue has met him before, but Beyonce wondered how Savannah would react to him. She pulled up in her mother's driveway. The girls hopped out the car and walked to the door. Beyonce answered it and waited until her mom opened the door.

"Grandma," screamed Blue. Blue jumped into her grandma's arms, giving her a big hug. Mama Tina smiled and hugged Blue back. 

"Hey Blue," replied Mama Tina. She looked at Savannah and smiled, "Hey Savannah."

Savannah smiled and waved. Then, she saw a tall guy walk up behind her. Savannah got scared and hid behind Beyonce's leg. Beyonce looked up and saw her father-in-law, Richard. Richard is a nice guy. She just hoped that Savannah didn't freak out.

"Savannah.... this is Richard... Dad, this is my daughter Savannah. I adopted her," she said. Richard smiled a little and slowly walked up to Savannah. She cocked her head to the side, wondering why he was acting so nice to her.

"Hi sweet pea, I'm Richard. But you can call me grandpa or whatever you like," he said, holding his hand out. Savannah smiled and jumped into his arms, hugging him. Mama Tina and Beyonce were shocked. This is the fastest Savannah has warmed up to anybody. And that is an improvement. A huge improvement. 

"Hi grandpa," greeted Savannah, warmly. Richard took the girls inside and Tina looked at her daughter.

"I need you to keep the girls here for the day. I need to talk to him," warned Beyonce. 

"Kelly told me, Bey. I hope that he isn't cheating on you... if he knows what's good for him..."

Beyonce sighed and hugged her mother, before getting back in the car. She took a deep breath and headed to Shawn's office. Meanwhile, Shawn and Rihanna are sitting on the couch. Laughing, giggling, and talking. Then, one of Shawn's assistants rush in.

"Boss... your wife is here," he called out. Shawn's head whipped up. He got up and rushed Rihanna out the door.

"We will finish this later," said Shawn. He gave Rihanna a hug and went to clean up the office. Shawn didn't want Beyonce to know that he was cheating on her. Shawn fixed himself and sat in his office chair, working on his computer. Just then, the door flew open and Beyonce stormed in. She walked up to his desk and slammed his laptop shut. He looked up at her.

"We need to talk," demanded Beyonce.

She sat him down on his couch and stared at him, "Are you cheating on me?"

Shawn scoffed, "Beyonce are you serious right now? I wouldn't even let the thought of cheating cross my mind. Where did you get that nonsense from?"

She gave him the look and at that moment he realized.... he fucked up. Shawn looked down and saw a picture of him and Rihanna at the local cafe that he was at earlier. Shawn looked at him.

"Honey.... reason why me and Rihanna were there was because we had to meet up with Kanye about a possible single...."

Beyonce put her face in her hands. She did it again. Shawn hugged his wife and mentally thanked God. She fell for it. 

"Honey you can't believe what people say. Even if it comes from the ones you love the most....."

She nodded and kissed him, which turned into a long makeout session on the couch. They finished after three minutes and stopped to catch their breaks.

"Let's get the girls and head home..."

He nodded. Hand in hand, he walked out with his wife. Shawn looked back at the office then shut the door.

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