06 - Worried

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-Shawn's POV-

I wake up the next morning to my beautiful wife, Beyonce. I turned over and watch her sleep. She looks so peaceful. I smile a little and kiss her lips. Then she groaned in her sleep and opened her eyes. She smiled up at me.

"Goodmorning," she greeted, yawning. I smile and rub her forehead.

"Goodmorning baby."

Bey sat up and stretched a little, rubbing her eyes. Man she looks so adorable when she wakes up in the morning. I thank god for her every single day.

"Want some breakfast," I asked her. She nodded.

I get up and put on a tank top and sweatpants. I walk to the door but stop, hearing noises. Beyonce got up and listened too. We then heard screaming. Beyonce and I ran in the direction of the screaming and we found ourselves in Blue's room. We looked and saw her tossing and turning in her bed.

Beyonce and I sat beside her, worried. She has never had nightmares before.

"Blue honey, wake up. It's just a dream..."

Then, she sat up. Her face was white as a ghost and her skin was clammy. She didn't look good. She looked around frantically, sweat dripping down her face.

"Baby girl... are you okay," asked Beyonce, really worried about Blue.

Blue just looked at us, not saying a word. Beyonce held Blue and frowned.

"Honey, you're soaked. Shawn, run the bath for her. And after that, change her sheets," ordered Beyonce. I nodded and did as I was told. Beyonce took Blue to the bathroom, taking her out of her clothes. Blue just stared off into space.

Beyonce sat her in the tub and began washing her up. Once she was done, she put Blue in a towel and changed her into some clean clothes. Then, I walk in to check on her.

"Shawn, I don't know what's wrong with her. She hasn't said a word and it's worrying me," worried Beyonce. I check Blue's temperature and frowned.

"She's hot as an oven..."

As soon as I said that, Blue threw up. She threw up on the floor and on Beyonce. I immediately grabbed her and took her to the bathroom, letting her get it out her system. Beyonce went and changed, proceeding to cleaning the mess. Blue started crying. I hugged her close.

"Shhhh, don't cry honey."

She rubbed her chest, "It hurt daddy."

Her little face broke my heart. I hated seeing my little girl like this. Then, she looked around again.

"I want Vannah..."

Beyonce nodded as we take her to Savannah's room. We walk in and saw Savannah in the bed, snoring. We lay Blue next to her, hoping she would feel better soon. Blue slowly started to fall back asleep, curled up next to Savannah. We tiptoed out the room, heading to the kitchen.

"She must have gotten sick. But how," we both questioned.

Beyonce got up and made soup for Blue. She let it cook for awhile. Then, we hear a gut-wrenching sound. We both looked at each other. Blue was throwing up again. Beyonce went upstairs and frowned. Blue was sitting up, watching tv. She wasn't throwing up at all.

I got worried and followed Beyonce, seeing Blue sitting up and watching tv.

"Blue was that you throwing up," asked Beyonce.

Blue looked and shook her head, "No mommy. That was Vannah. She sick."

We both heard Savannah throwing up in the bathroom. Beyonce went in and saw Savannah hunched over the toilet, throwing up. She held her hair, rubbing her back. Once Savannah was done, she sat on the floor as Beyonce flushed the toilet. She looked down at Savannah, who looked just like Blue.

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