17 - One Month

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Beyonce sat in her bathroom, waiting impatiently. She just took a pregnancy test and was waiting for the results. She hoped she was pregnant. Everyone, including her, will be so happy. Just as she's waiting, Shawn walked in.

"Baby, is everything alright?"

She just pointed to the pregnancy test and kept waiting. He looked at it and stared at her, anxious and excited. Shawn sat beside her and held her hand, waiting for the results. Then, the timer went off and they looked at each other.

"You check it," she told him. He shook his head at her, not wanting to touch that.

"Nah... I'm good, you should check it."

Beyonce stared at him and gave him the puppy dog eyes, "Pretty pleaseee.. check it for me."

Shawn stared at her and sighed, grabbing the test. "Okay, okay.. I'll check it. Keep your panties on.." As he glanced down at the test, his eyes got big and his smile got wider. The test clearly says: Pregnant. He turned to Beyonce, smiling.

"We're having a baby," he exclaimed. She smiled big as they both embraced each other in a long hug. They're going to have another baby. Shawn smiled and kissed his wife passionately, who gladly kissed back.

"God, this is amazing.... but there's one thing," she spoke, thinking for a moment. He glanced at her.

"How are we going to tell the girls," he asked. They sat there for a moment, trying to think of a plan.

"How about we give them each a separate gift. And inside it'll be a shirt that says i'm going to be a big sister," he suggested. Beyonce thought about it and nodded. That is a good plan.

Just then, they hear the girls laughing loudly. Beyonce and Shawn got up and went to see what they were laughing about. They looked up and saw them watching Spongebob.

"Patrick is so weird," laughed Blue. Savannah kept laughing with her sister until tears came down their face. Eventually they stopped and wiped them away. They turned around and saw their parents, watching them.

"Hey mom. Hey dad," greeted Blue. Savannah sat on a chair and changed to Beyonce's favorite show, Judge Judy. She looked at her mom, who was already wrapped up into the television.

"Your mother and I have a gift for you both..."

Savannah and Blue ran to him, hugging and tugging at his legs. They begged and begged for him to tell them what it was. But, he just looked at Beyonce.. who wasn't even paying him any attention. He sighed and grabbed two gift-wrapped boxes and sat them in front of the girls. Beyonce stood beside her husband and began to record.

"Okay girls... open up the gift and look inside," said Shawn. The girls hurriedly ripped open the box and pulled out the shirts. Their faces scrunched up in confusion, trying to read the writing.

"What does it say," Beyonce asked them. The girls looked at the shirts, reading it carefully.

"I....am going.... to be a.... big.. sister," they both read together. Shawn and Beyonce nodded while smiling, waiting for their reaction. The girls didn't know that Beyonce was still recording.

"Do you know what that means?"

Blue and Savannah sat their while looking at the shirts, trying to figure out what it meant. Then, Blue's head whipped up.

"You're having a baby," she asked, surprise in her voice. Beyonce chuckled and nodded. Blue stood up and screamed, jumping around. Savannah looked at Blue, then at her mom and dad.

"You're pregnant aren't you," Savannah asked. Shawn nodded and patted Beyonce's belly.

"Yes, she is. You two are going to be big sisters..."

Now, both Blue and Savannah were screaming and jumping around. Then all of a sudden, Savannah burst into tears. Beyonce smiled and hugged her daughter.

"Honey what's wrong?"

Savannah cried and hugged Beyonce's belly, "I'm so happy. We gonna be family again." Blue smiled and joined in on the hug. Once Savannah was finished crying, they all looked at each other.

"I call for a celebration. We can tell everyone later on.... But right now, let's just all sit on the couch and celebrate as a family," she suggested. Shawn and the girls nodded and sat on the couch, getting the food and drinks. But before they put the movie on, Shawn looked at his wife.

"How far along are you," he questioned. Beyonce wasn't sure so she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't really know... maybe a month? I have to go to the doctor and check about that.."

Shawn nodded and hugged her close.

-The next day-

Shawn and Beyonce were waiting at the doctor's office. They dropped the girls off at school earlier this morning. Beyonce was biting her nails, which is a habit of hers when she gets nervous. Just then, a nurse came out.

"Beyonce Knowles," she called out. Beyonce and Shawn stood up and followed the nurse to a room. The doctor got her weight and height and checked her vitals. She wrote the results down on her clipboard and smiled at the couple.

"The doctor will be with you shortly..."

Beyonce nodded smiling and watched as the nurse walked out of the room. Then, Shawn looked at her.

"I see a little pudge," he teased, poking her belly. Beyonce smirked and stuck her tongue out at him, laughing. Then, there was a knock on the door and the doctor walks in. Shawn looked up and sighed in relief, glad that it was Beyonce's primary OB/GYN.

"Hey Beyonce... how you been," Doctor Lindsay asked, hugging her. Beyonce hugged her back and Shawn gave her a hug.

"We've been pretty good..."

Dr. Lindsay smiled and adjusted the bed, "Beyonce, I need you to lay here so we can check on the baby..." Beyonce hopped up on the bed and laid back, looking at the screen. She shivered as the doctor put the cold jelly on her belly, rubbing it with the ultrasound reader. The room was silent for a minute and the doctor smiled.

"There's the baby," she announced while pointing to the screen. Shawn looked at the screen and smiled, seeing a peanut shape. Beyonce smiled and looked in awe. She was amazed that another life is growing inside of her. The thought of it made her all warm and fuzzy.

"Can we listen to the heartbeat," asked Shawn. Lindsay nodded and pressed a few buttons. Then the room filled with rapid thuds, which made Beyonce smile even more.

"Wow... it sounds so beautiful," she awwed, tears filling her eyes. Shawn looked down and saw them so he wiped the tears away, while smiling.

"So you are one month pregnant today... I will give you a CD and pictures of the baby. Congratulations again Beyonce," smiled Dr Lindsay. Shawn and Beyonce smiled and hugged her and left to the car. When they sat in the car, Beyonce just stared at the photos.

"The baby looks beautiful," she whispered. He smiled and kissed her forehead, driving home.

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