07 - Moving To L.A.

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Beyoncé and Shawn sat down with the girls. Blue and Savannah wondered what did they have to tell them.

"Girls.. your mother and I have talked about this every since we adopted Savannah. And now we think is the time to tell you," said Shawn. Blue and Savannah looked at them.

"We have decided to move," announced Beyoncé.

Blue raised an eyebrow, move to where? She didn't want to move. She loved it here in New York. What other place is better than New York.

"Where are we moving to," asked Blue. Shawn sat her on his lap, looking down at her.

"Remember when we went to LA for mommy's concert? And we stayed in that big house you loved?"

She nodded. He smiled at her, "We're moving in that house in LA. Mommy and I bought the house."

Savannah looked up at Beyoncé, confused. She didn't understand why they were moving away to a new place. Beyoncé saw her face and held her in her lap.

"Honey... your father and I want the best for you and Blue. And New York is a nice place, but it isn't a place to properly raise you two. It isn't safe. So, that's why we decided to move. And you will be able to go to a private school with other kids."

Blue smiles, hearing that she was going to school. She started cheering and hugged her mom and dad, even hugging Savannah. Savannah wasn't so sure about the school thing. She doesn't make friends well with other kids, besides Blue.

"When can we move," asked Blue, anxious and excited about the news. Shawn looked at Beyoncé, then back at the girls.

"Today, if you want. We already have your rooms ready for you both. So if you want, we can leave now.."

Blue rushed upstairs and came back with a bag. She stood at the door and looked back at everyone else.

"What are you all waiting for? Let's go, let's go, let's go...."

Beyoncé chuckled and shook her head, "Blue calm down. We still have to pack up the last of our things. Then we can go."

Beyoncé and Shawn got up and went to pack the rest of their things. Savannah just sat on the sofa, not wanting to leave. Her friends back in foster care were here, and she didn't want to leave them. Blue sat down next to her.

"Why aren't you packing? We are about to leave..."

Savannah stared at her shoes, "I don't want to leave.."

Blue rolled her eyes, her hands resting on her hips. "Well you have no choice, Vannah. And it'll be fun. We can go to school together, we can make new-"

As soon as she said that, Savannah stood up and stared at Blue.

"I said I don't want to go, now leave me alone!"

Blue's bottom lip began to quiver and she started crying. Savannah's expression went from anger to sadness and guilt. She didn't want to make her cry.

"Blue, I-I'm sorry...."

Shawn and Beyoncé walked downstairs and saw Blue crying. Shawn held her and stared at Savannah, who was looking at the floor.

"What happened," demanded Shawn. Beyoncé stared at him, noticing that he is starting to get angry.

"Shawn.. lower your voice, you are scaring Savannah," warned Beyoncé. Blue turned around and faced her mom.

"She doesn't want to move with us," cried Blue. Shawn sighed and held her, walking to the car. Beyoncé kneeled down in front of Savannah.

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