21 - Happy Anniversary

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Shawn woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. He went to the girls' room and woke them up.

"Girls, time to wake up. Gotta get ready for school.."

Blue groaned and pulled the covers over her head, not wanting to be bothered. He chuckled and shook his head, she isn't a morning person. She gets that from him. But, she eventually got up and walked to her bathroom. Shawn noticed that Savannah was already getting dressed.

"Did you wash up," he asked.

She nodded, "Yes sir.."

"Did you brush your teeth," he asked again.

She nodded again, "Yes sir.."

He nodded and helped fix her hair. Shawn took them downstairs and fed them breakfast. They had cereal today because Beyonce didn't cook. As they finished their breakfast, Beyonce came downstairs and waddled towards them. The girls smiled and ran, hugging her.

"Mommy," they said, hugging her belly. She smiled a little and hugged them back. Her belly was getting in the way of everything. She couldn't even bend down to tie her shoes.

"Hi girls, going to school today?"

They nodded as Shawn walked up to her, kissing and hugging her. Blue and Savannah made a funny face.

"Stop sucking on each other's face," demanded Blue. Shawn raised an eyebrow and turned to his wife, who was chuckling.

"Time for school. Say bye to mommy.."

The girls waved to her as they walked out the door to school. Beyonce smiled and waved back, closing the door. She sighed and waddled in the kitchen, searching for food. She pulled out some eggs and bacon. She cooked her food and saved some of it for Shawn. Beyonce grabbed her plate and sat down in the living room. As she ate, she felt a kick.

"You sure are hungry. Aren't you," she said, talking to her stomach. The baby kicked again, which made her smile even more. She looked around and glanced at a photo of her and Shawn at their wedding. Then she realized... Today is their 7 year wedding anniversary. She hoped that he didn't forget.

Shawn walked in with some bags and he sat beside her.

"Here you go..."

She looked at him then the bags, kind of confused. Then she opened them to see what was inside. Beyonce pulled out a blue dress that has an open back with a pair of sparkly silver pumps. She hugged him, her belly getting in the way.

"I love it.... but why did you give me this," she asked him, still clearly confused.

"We are going out today. So get ready," he tells her, getting up and heading upstairs. Before he could get upstairs, she called him.

"I need some help... my belly is getting in the way and it's hard to sometimes dress myself..."

Shawn smiled and nodded. He carried her bridal style and took her to the room. He helped her get in the dress, which fitted her easily. Shawn slipped her shoes on her feet and smiled at her.

"You look amazing," he complimented. Beyonce looked at herself in the mirror, not completely agreeing with him.

"I look like a fucking big ass watermelon," she complained, tears filling her eyes. He didn't say anything, but just held her. Her mood swings have been getting to her. He hated seeing her like this, but today he is going to make sure she was happy.

"Ready to go," he questioned her. Beyonce nodded and they headed outside, seeing a limo. They both got into the limousine and drove off.

"So where exactly are we going..."

Shawn turned to her and smirked, "That's for me to know and for you to find out.."

Beyonce groaned and pouted, crossing her arms. She didn't like surprises and she hated that she didn't know where she was going. They were on the road for at least an hour until they stopped. The door opened.

"You have arrive at your destination, sir..."

Shawn nodded and got out first. He turned around and held his hand out, helping her out the car. The driver closed the door and drove away. Shawn guided her up the stairs and inside. Beyonce looked around at all the tables and seats. Where am I? Then, a waiter walks up to them.

"Ah, Mr. Carter. You have arrived. Right this way," said the waiter. Beyonce frowned as the waiter guided them upstairs. Once they reached upstairs, she was in complete awe. There was a table that was set up and everything around them was lit up.

"Oh my god Shawn," she said as she sat down in her seat. Shawn smiled and sat down across the table from her. The waiter comes back with their food. Beyonce stared at her husband, not believing everything that he's done.

"Baby you didn't have..."

Shawn grabbed her hands and looked in her eyes, "I wanted to do this. You are my everything, you are my rock. I love you so much Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter. Happy Anniversary," he said, smiling. She just smiled and got up, hugging him close. Tears fell from her eyes and dropped onto his shirt.

"I love you too, Shawn Corey Carter. You made me the woman I am today. You made me stronger. And I'm so grateful for that."

Shawn smiled as she sat down and ate their dinner together. Once they were finished, the waiter brought out Beyonce's favorite dessert: Butter Pecan Ice Cream. She smiled like a kid and licked her lips, diving right into the dessert. Shawn smiled and they both ate it together. Suddenly, a song started to play as Shawn stood up, extending his hand.

"May I have this dance," he asked, romantically. Beyonce smiled and nodded, taking his hand. They both stood in the middle of the balcony and started dancing. His hands wrapped around her waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder as they slowly danced the day away. Soon, it was getting dark and it was time to head home. The driver picked them up and drove them home.

"Shawn that was amazing. One of the best days of my life. I will never forget it.."

He smiled and kissed her passionately, "Happy anniversary, Beyonce."

She smiled and kissed him back, "Happy anniversary, Shawn."

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