08 - Adjusting

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Beyoncé woke up the next morning and smiled, the sunlight beaming in the room. Today marks a new beginning. So, she decided to make breakfast. Alone. She came up with grits, sausage, eggs, bacon, home fries, and orange juice. The house started to fill up with the pleasant aroma of food. Then, Shawn walks downstairs and hugs her from behind.

"Good morning baby," greeted Beyoncé. He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning to you too... what are you doing?"

Beyoncé turned to him, "Cooking breakfast."

His eyes got a little big and his eyebrow raised. He is surprised she didn't burn down the house this time. She finished cooking and began setting the table. Shawn felt a tug on his shorts and looked down, seeing Blue looking up at him.

"Daddy.... mom cooked," questioned Blue.

Shawn chuckled, hearing the apprehension in her voice. Even Blue knew Beyoncé can't cook. She sounded as shock as he did.

"Yes, mommy cooked. And she did a great job."

Beyoncé smiled a little and sat down with the two. Then, they realized that Savannah wasn't awake yet.

"Savannah still isn't awake," wondered Beyoncé.

"She had a rough night last night. Kept waking up due to nightmares. So she probably won't be up until later..."

She nodded and began to eat. Blue didn't want to eat without her sister. Shawn looked down at her, a little confused.

"Blue why aren't you eating?"

"I won't eat without my sissy," she declared. Both Beyoncé and Shawn smiled at their daughter. Then, Savannah finally came downstairs. Wearing nothing but her nightgown and carrying her stuffed doll. She sucked her thumb and sat at the table, still waking up.

"Morning Vannah bear," smiled Shawn. Savannah smiled and began to eat. They began to make small talk with the girls. Then Beyoncé finished her food first. She stood up, but Savannah stopped her.

"Mommy... can I help do the dishes," questioned Savannah.

Beyoncé smiled and nodded. The two washed the dishes and finished rather quickly. Savannah went to the playroom and sung to herself, braiding her doll's hair. Shawn was listening and decided to spend some time with her. He knocked on the door and walked in.

"Savannah..." She looked up and smiled at her dad.

"Hi daddy," she greeted, cheerfully. He sat down beside her and watched her braid the hair.

"What do you want to do today?"

Savannah thought for a moment, then made her decision.

"I want to go swimming..."

Beyonce nodded and took her and Blue upstairs. She dressed them both in matching two piece swimsuits.

"Okay girls, let's go outside to the pool," announced Beyonce.

Everyone headed outside and spent the rest of the evening in the pool. Splashing, swimming, and laughing together as a family. Savannah is adjusting to a new family and a new home.

A pair of eyes watch the Carter family from a distance.

"You won't have your precious family for long. Soon, you'll be back with us in hell....."

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