18 - Life Is But A Dream/Fake Pregnancy Rumors

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-4 months later-

Beyonce sighed and grabbed her remote, flipping through the channels. She was bored. Very bored. Then, she happened to flip onto E! News. She groaned and rubbed her stomach. She is now 5 months pregnant and moody. The mood swings got so intense that one day she threw a shoe at Shawn. She didn't mean to do that; she couldn't control it.

"Beyonce is faking her pregnancy? More after these commercials," said Terrence. Beyonce was livid. Who would accuse her of faking her pregnancy? She growled and balled up her fists tightly. As she continued to watch, Shawn walked in.


He turned his head to the television and shook his head. Shawn has heard a lot of rumors about his wife, but this one had to be the worst yet. He sat down and turned off the television. Beyonce stared at him.

"Why did you do that," she asked him, her face red with anger. He laid a hand on her shoulder, lightly squeezing it.

"Baby, you shouldn't be looking at that. Getting upset isn't good for you or the baby," he spoke to her, now rubbing her growing belly. She looked down and sighed, tears falling from her face. Shawn lifted her in his arms and hugged her. She sobbed and sobbed into his arms. He rubbed and patted her back, trying to calm her down. She slowly stopped crying and wiped her tears, looking at him.

"Why would they think that," she asked him. Shawn looked at her for a moment, thinking of the right words to say.

"They're jealous. They want to see you fail because you are so successful... I have an idea," he stared. Beyonce looked in his eyes, seeing nothing but concern and love for her. That made her feel better.

"I think that you should do a documentary. The title should be Life Is But A Dream. What do you think about that?"

She thought about it for a moment, then smiled at him. "That'll be perfect." He smiled and hugged her close, kissing her neck. Beyonce giggled and smiled, wrapping her arms around him.

"Baby.... we got to go... to the doctor... to find out... the sex.. of the...baby," she giggled, in between kisses. He chuckled and nodded, patting her butt. He held her hand and headed to the doctor.

"After this... we have to pick the girls up from school," he said while driving. She nodded and looked outside, still holding his hand. They arrived and walked into the room. Beyonce laid down on the bed and waited until the doctor came in. The doctor walked in and sat down in her chair, getting everything set up.

"Hey, Mr and Mrs Carter... you have any guesses on what the sex is," asked the doctor. Shawn looked at Beyonce, then looked back at the doctor.

"I want another girl," said Shawn, shocking Beyonce. Beyonce would've thought that he wanted a boy instead of a girl. It made her smile a little bit.

"It doesn't matter for me. As long as the baby is healthy," she responded. The doctor nodded and started performing the ultrasound and smiled when they saw the baby.

"Okay, that's the baby. There is the head, feet, arms, and the butt. Hopefully we can get a peek..."

Shawn and Beyonce held each other hands, the anticipation slowly eating at them. The doctor kept rubbing the ball against her growing belly then stopped.

"Congratulations, it's a girl.." Shawn and Beyonce smiled, hugging and kissing each other. They both stared back at their unborn daughter, smiling with pride. The doctor printed out pictures and made a CD, giving it to them.

"I would like to see you in about two months. But if anything goes wrong.. make an appointment with me or call..."

They both nodded and headed to the car. Once they got in the car, Shawn drove to the school. When they pulled up, they saw the girls talking with their teacher. He smiled and waved them over. The teacher held their hands and walked them to the car. She helped them in the car and closed their door.

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