12 - Together Again

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Shawn woke up to the phone ringing. He groaned and reached for the phone, not wanting Beyonce to wake up.

"Hello," he grumbled. He hated being awake so early. Shawn looked at the clock and sighed, its only 7 in the morning.

"Hi is this Shawn Carter," a voice asked. He sat up straight and frowned.

"Nurse Marie?"

"Yes, this is her. I need you and your wife to come here. Blue's heart is beating again..."

Then, he screamed. Beyonce sat up quickly and looked at Shawn. He turned to her, his face is white as a ghost.

"Shawn... what's wrong," she asked. Beyonce has never heard him scream like that at all. She knew something wasn't right.


He didn't say much, he just put the phone on speaker as Beyonce listened.

"Nurse... can you repeat what you just told me to my wife?"

The nurse cleared her throat, "Blue's heart just started beating again all of a sudden... Its the strangest thing... It started beating stronger than it has been."

Her eyes got big as she covered her mouth. Shawn stared at the phone in disbelief. He hung up the phone and looked at Beyonce.

"Let's get there as quickly as possible..."

Beyonce nodded and gave her husband a long, passionate kiss before leaving the room. She went to Savannah's room and got her dressed. They all hopped into the car and rushed to the hospital.

When they got there, they went straight to her room and looked inside. Blue wasn't in her bed. Where was she?

Then they heard a voice they never thought they would hear again, "Mommy...daddy?"

Beyonce, Shawn, and Savannah turned around and saw Blue standing there with a big smile on her face. They ran to her and scooped her up in one of the biggest hugs.

"Oh my god, Blue. We missed you so much," cried Beyonce. She kissed Blue all over her face, making Blue laugh. Shawn smiled and hugged his daughter, glad she was alive and well. The doctor smiled at the sight.

Shawn turned around and gave the doctor a huge hug, "Thank you so much for saving our daughter."

She smiled, "No problem. It wasn't her time...."

Savannah just stared at Blue, not believing she was back. She couldn't process it. It was all so overwhelming for her and she started to cry. Blue looked over and hugged her tight.

"No cry, sissy. I am alright now. God healed me," said Blue, hugging her sister tight. Savannah hugged her back tight.

"Don't scare us like that again...."

Blue nodded as they all walked home, together again. They got home and sat down together.

"Mommy, daddy... I went to heaven.. And God said that it wasn't my time. He sent me back down here to be with you all forever,"she said.

Shawn looked up at the sky and mumbled, "Thank you, Jesus."

Beyonce got up and began to cook, in a happy mood. Savannah and Blue began to play with some toys. Shawn went into the kitchen and helped Beyonce.

"We are back together again.... Savannah's prayer came true.."

He nodded smiling and hugged her. Once the food was finished, they all gathered at the table and ate. Then, Blue looked up at them.

"Can I call grandma," she asked Beyonce. She nodded and dialed the number and put it on speaker.

"Hello," answered Mama Tina. Beyonce smiled, ready to tell her the good news.

"Hey mom. We have something to tell you... But I want to let her tell you yourself..."

Mama Tina was confused, who was she talking about?


Mama Tina gasped, "Blue?"

Blue smiled, "Hi grandma. I missed you so much..."

Savannah smiled, hearing Mama Tina crying a little. Beyonce and Shawn let Blue talk to her for awhile. Then, she hung up. Shawn got up and washed the dishes while Beyonce and the girls watched TV.

Shawn walked in the living room, "What do you girls want to do today?"

They thought for a moment then Savannah looked at him,"Let's just watch movies and eat junk food."

Shawn nodded,"What movie do you want to watch?"

Beyonce smiled, "Frozen!!"

Savannah and Blue laughed while Shawn stared at her,"Beyonce.... aren't you a little too old for cartoon movies?"

She put her hands on her hips while staring at her husband,"You're never too old for cartoon movies."

He shook his head and turned on the movie and got some junk food. They all spent the next two hours watching and singing along to Frozen. When the movie ended, both Blue and Savannah fell asleep.

Beyonce and Shawn carried them upstairs and put them to bed. Shawn kissed Blue's forehead, smiling.

"Glad you're back, blue-skadoo. Sleep tight..."

She smiled in her sleep as he left the room and went to bed. Beyonce was already there, laying in bed. Shawn smiled and laid beside her, hugging her.

"Our family is whole again," she said. Shawn looked at her and kissed her passionately. Beyonce kissed him back, smiling. He smiles and they both fell asleep, smiles on their faces.

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