Chapter 1

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(Your POV)

Yellow Flicker: Chapter One

My alarm clock beeps, making me jolt out of bed at the loud sound. Swift groans, rolling over to her side.

"Turn it off." She mummers, her eyes still closed. I sigh, picking it up and turning it off. I rub my eyes, yawning as I get out of bed. I put on jeans, a sweatshirt and some converses. I let my hair stay down as I grab my bag from the side of my bed. I already packed it last night. I didn't want to do it today.

I double check everything, looking around my bed to make sure I didn't leave anything. After I do that, I quietly exit the room and make my way outside. Once I get there, there is a tour bus waiting outside. I see Miller and Styles - or, as they're known as, Bea Miller and Harry Styles, waiting by the bus. I make my way over to them.

"Morning." I say, yawning as I greet them.

"Ah! There's our favorite Agent!" Harry exclaims, his British accent ringing. I roll my eyes, adjusting the strap on my bag. Demi then comes out of the building, her bag also in her hand.

"Change of plans, kiddo's, I'm coming with you." Demi tells us as she types something in the tour bus. "The girls are still asleep on here. You'll get your own once we get to the venue." She enters, us following after her.

We place our bags down by the door.

"Our tour bus already has everything in it, such as the gadgets and all." Demi explains. "Someone is already there, guarding it. You're basically these girls body guards, along with Big Rob. Now, get some rest."


I awake to movement. I yawn, opening my eyes, squinting to adjust to the light. I see everyone is awake, along with the girls of Fifth Harmony. I look around, then fully sitting up.

"Bout' time you awake, L/N." Bea jokes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I mumble. I scan each of the girls faces, landing on Lauren. I look her up and down before averting my eyes.

"I didn't know Bea was an Agent, or Harry." Ally mummers, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Dawg, they're both famous, so who are you?" Dinah asks, looking at me.

"That's Y/N L/N," Demi introduces me, coming in. "Top Agent in the business."

"But you're so young?" Normani questions.

"Started at the age of 12." I say, earning shocked looks from the girls.

"Guys," Camila whispers. "It's Harry Styles!" Harry chuckles from next to me, hearing the girl.

"Alright," Demi claps her hands together. "I'll leave you all to get to know each other, I'll be up front with Jerry." And with that, she walks away.

Great, opening up to people, telling them about me. That was never my thing. Actually - it was when I was younger, but now? No. I've became closed off when I was 13. I stopped all emotion. The only people I care about is Demi.

"Let's start with Y/N, yeah?" Harry suggests. I internally groan, closing my eyes.

"Favorite color?" Ally asks. Alright, starting simple, I guess.


"Favorite food?" Camila asks.

"I have various, so.." I trail off.

"Sexuality?" Dinah asks, getting a nudge in the ribs from Ally.

I sigh, "Lesbian." They nod, warmly smiling at me.

"Any talents?" Normani asks.

"No." That's a lie. I have a talent for killing people, obviously.

Lauren tilts her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed, "You said you joined when you were 12, correct? What about your parents?" And there it is. At least her voice is hot.

I open my mouth to answer, but close it. My mouth dries.

"We're here!" Demi announces, coming in. Thank god for Demi.


The three of us enter our tour bus. On the inside are mostly computers and weapons. I walk to the back, where our bunks are. There is a kitchen and a back lounge. I immediately choose the middle bunk, throwing my bag in there.

The Fifth Harmony girls are currently getting ready for their show. Demi is with them. I change into black skinny jeans and a black V-neck. I put on a bullet proof vest, then putting a black jacket on over it. I notice Miller and Styles doing the same.

I grab a large holster, putting it around my waist and snapping it. I grab two pistols, putting the silencer on it and in one of the slots. I grab two knifes, putting it in the other slot.

"Don't you think that's a little to much, L/N?" Styles questions.

"Always be prepared," I answer. "You never know what could happened." I speak from experience trust me. I always put a spare knife in my shoe, just in case. We begin to walk to the girls dressing room.

Once we get there, we walk in to see everyone ready, except Dinah.

"Woah," Lauren's eyes widen at our weapons. "Are we really in that much danger?" Fear flashes through her eyes. I bite my lip, feeling bad for her.

"You never know when it could happened." Demi answers for us. "Styles, you'll be on the railing above the stage, scooping the area. Miller, you're backstage. And L/N, do what you do and stay in the crowd."


I walk around the crowd, passing by screaming girls and boys. To say my ears hurt is an understatement, they fucking hurt. The screaming gets louder as Fifth Harmony preforms Worth It. My eyes travel over to the girls. I look at Lauren, my eyes slightly widening. As she dances, I can't keep my eyes off her.

I have a job to do, don't catch feelings. I take a deep breath, averting my eyes from her.

"See anything?" Demi asks through the earpiece.

"No." The three of us answer at the same time.

"That's some creepy shit." Bea mumbles. I ignore her comment, searching some more.


"Just because we didn't find anything today, doesn't mean we're done yet." Demi informs us. "But, you three did a great job today. Keep it up."


Guys I'm updating on my phone so, sorry for any mistakes. I can't get on the computer on the schooldays. Only Friday Saturday and Sunday.

If I get below a C- I loose my phone

Uh. I had an okay school today. first day is always busy.

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