Chapter 8

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(Your POV)

Yellow Flicker: Chapter 8

I gently lay Lauren down on my bed. I press my lips to hers, softly kissing her. Demi went to go some 'important work' stuff. Nobody knows about Lauren and I yet. Yes, we made it official yesterday. And she understood that this is all new to me, so she won't pressure me to tell anyone yet.

Lauren wraps her arms around my neck as I hover over her. I break away from the kiss, opening my eyes to meet her green ones. I stare at her, admiring her beauty. Her green eyes are like a forest, so elegant that you could get lost in them. Her pale skin helps her eyes stand out, along with the red lipstick she wears. And then there is her soft, raven hair that I twirl in my fingers.

"What?" She asks, noticing me starring at her.

"Nothing," I smile. "Just admiring you." Lauren blushes and grins, looking away. I kiss her cheek, then climbing off of her and lying down next to her. I take her hand in mine, interlacing our fingers.

"Yo daw-oh!" Dinah barges in our. I quickly sit up, removing our fingers. "I knew it! Normani owes me money!"

"Dinah - no," I quickly say, standing up. "You can't tell anyone."

"And why not? I want my money!" Dinah quirks an eyebrow.

"Because," Lauren says, standing up. "Y/N isn't ready to yet, she's still getting used to this."

"Mmkay, your secret is safe with me. Y/SN." She winks before leaving and shutting the door. A sigh escapes my lips as I collapse on the bed.


"Alright, so, my guess is that it's someone close to the four of you," Simon tells Demi, Harry, Bea and I. "Like, roommates or best friends."

"I don't have a roommate..anymore." Harry mumbles. "Zayn was my roommate."

"Yeah, I never had a roommate." Bea says. Demi shakes her head, making all eyes turn to me.

"America's Sweetheart," I say, looking up. "Taylor Swift. I always knew she was evil."

Camila furrows her eyebrows, "Taylor? She's also in this Agency? She's one of my best friends."

"Then it all puts together, Camila," I point out. "She got closed to you, she used you. Sorry to sound blunt, but it's true."

Camila sighs, a pout on her face, "I know."


The girls are currently on stage performing. Tonight is the last night of the concert, and we're all on guard.Harry is hacked into the security camera's, Bea and Big Rob are back stage while Demi and I are in the crowd.

"Anything, Styles?" Demi asks through the earpiece.

"No." He responds. "Wait - the camera's, their jammed!" Just as he says that, gunshots go off, stopping everything. Screams are heard from the fans and the girls. "Shit."

"Attention!" Someone appears on the stage. "Where is Y/N L/N?" Shit, how'd he get on stage? Where's Bea and Big Rob? Why does he want me? "Or one of these, precious beauty's, gets it." He smirks.

I push my way through the crowd, eyebrows furrowed. I jump onto the stage, my eyes on Lauren. I avert my eyes from her to the man.

"What do you want?" I ask as the lights twitch on and off.

"Camera's are back online." Harry says into the earpiece.

"Ahh, Ms. L/N!" He exclaims.

"Bea? Are you there?" Demi asks.

"Who are you?" I ask, since his hood is covering his face.

"Yea-what?" Bea groans.

"Take the ear piece out, Y/N." He says. I shake my head, starring at him. "Listen to me, NOW!" He shoots the ceiling, causing people to scream. I take my earpiece out, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it with my foot.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Give me your guns, knifes - oh, and take off the bullet proof vest." I clench my jaw, doing everything he said then throwing it to him. I leave my knife that's in my shoe in, though.

He smirks, "Always the selfless one, Y/N. Even when your sister, Stacey, got in trouble, you took the blame," He sighs, "Too bad she's dead though, right? I mean, you did kill her." I clench my fists together as a few audible gasps are heard from the crowd.

What the hell is Demi doing? Where the fuck is she? The man goes over to the girls, grabbing Lauren.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I growl, stepping forward.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm the one with the gun." He says.

"You're a coward," I spat. "Take off your hood, show your real face." He taps the end of his gun on his chin.

"Alright." He takes off of his hood. My eyes widen and a lump is in my throat. "Missed me, Y/N?"

"D-Dad?" I choke out. "I mean - Matt."

"Oh, did you forget about me, dear?" My mother appears from the crowd. She climbs onto the stage.

Matt grabs Lauren's arm, pulling her upward.

"Isn't she a beauty, Sharron? Our daughter is in love with this girl, she chose good, didn't she?" Matt asks his wife. Sharron cups Lauren's face. Lauren closes her eyes.

"Open your eyes." Sharron growls, Lauren doesn't. "Fine then, play it the hard way." She slaps Lauren on the face. Lauren cries out in pain. The crowd of fans has left the stadium. Chairs are knocked down.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I scream. "I'll do anything! Just don't hurt her or her friends! Please! I'll do anything!" Seeing Lauren being hurt breaks my heart.

"Anything?" Matt cocks an eyebrow.

"Yes." I feel tears going down my face. I then feel something cold wrap around my wrists. I look down to see handcuffs. I look at the person to see Taylor Swift.

She leans into my ear, "Go with it - I got you." Maybe she's not so evil. Matt shoves Lauren back to the girls, who catch her.


"Where are we?" I ask, looking around.

"Our headquarters," Matt says. "You'll be staying right here." We stop at a jail cell. Taylor opens the cell and throws me in. "Tootles!" He walks away with Sharron.

"Don't worry," Taylor whispers to me. "I'll get you out."

Yellow Flicker (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now