Chapter 7

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(Your POV)

Yellow Flicker: Chapter 7

As I train, I have The Killers playing in my ears. I've been training for about 2 hours now, so I stop. I leave my earphones in as I put my jacket on. I throw my bag over my shoulder as I exit the gym. The gym is attached to the hotel.

I get on the elevator and plus my floor. Once the elevator gets there, I get off. I then notice I forgot my gun at the gym.

"Fuck." I curse, putting my bag down in Demi's and I's room. I exit the room again, just as the elevator opens, a black figure comes out. I raise an eyebrow and stay behind the corner. The figure goes over to Dinah's, Lauren's and Camila's room, getting a pick locket out.

I furrow my eyebrows and creep up to the figure, just as they unlock the door. I tackle them to the ground. They grunt - she, grunts. Her hoodie falls off and it's a flash of dirty blonde, a familiar blonde. My face falls as I turn them over.


"Stacey?" The lights turn on in the room, revealing an awake Dinah, Lauren and Camila. "W-What?"

Her face hardens, "So you're that agent, huh?" She pushes me off of her and gets up. "I should've known. You're not just a bodyguard, you're an agent. And you fucking lied to me."

I growl, "You lied to me too. You said you loved me, yet, here you are, getting ready to kill me." She pulls out her pistol.

Stacey smirks, "I've never loved you. You're just a filthy, dyke. Just like Mom and Dad said. That's why they kicked you out," I look at the three girls, who are listening in fear. "Oh, what? Now these three know about you, and how our - no, my, parents never loved you?"

"Shut up." I mummer, taking a step closer to her.

"Ah-ah-ah, one step closer and they die." She waves her gun at the girls. "Oh well, they're going to die anyway. Which one first?" My eyes land on Lauren, praying that Stacey doesn't kill her. "Let's do..the one who has the most value to you first, yeah? I see the way you look at Lauren, you don't like her, you love her." Stacey grabs Lauren's hair, tugging on it. Lauren whimpers as tears form in her eyes.

I clench my jaw as a shock expression plaster Lauren's face. Stacey's looking away from me, so I take my chance to tackle her to the ground. The gun slides out of her hand to across the room.

"Don't fucking touch her." I growl, straddling her and immediately throwing punches to her face. Blood pours out of her nose. She struggles to push me off, but I grab my knife from my shoe. I hold it to her throat. "You're not my sister, you're a fucking monster." And with that, I slit her throat.

I close my eyes, panting as I climb off of her. I open my eyes, feeling tears swell into my eyes. This is the first emotion I've shown in years. I stand up, the bloody knife in my hand. I throw the knife on the ground, running a hand through my hair. The girls stand up as they watch me.

"Fuck." I curse as I kick the wall. I rest my arms on the wall, my head on my arms. I hear footsteps leave the room, probably going to get Demi.

"Y/N." Lauren's soft voice comes from behind me. Before she can say anything else, I turn around and wrap my arms around her waist. Lauren doesn't hesitate to hug me back.

"I'm sorry." I mumble. "She hurt y-you and-and-"

"Shh, it's okay, I'm okay." She cuts me off, rubbing my back. Footsteps are now heard in the room.

"What happened here?" Demi's voice is heard. "And - stop your crying."

I grow angry and pull apart from Lauren. I march up to Demi.

"You shut the fuck up," I growl. "I just had to kill my sister, okay? How would you like it if you had to kill Maddie? Huh? It's okay to fucking cry." Demi looks taken back from my outburst.

Demi stands up straighter and clears her throat, "You're right. I'm sorry."


I sit on my bed, starring at the wall ahead of me. Demi and everyone else went out, leaving me here. I avert my eyes from the wall to the mirror. I stand up, walking towards it.

This is me now, huh? After years and years with no emotion, I'm crying. After years of nobody caring for me, someone does now. Bags are under my eyes and my cheeks are tear-stained. I touch the mirror, my thumb over my cheek. I sigh, removing it and walking away from the mirror. I sit back down on my bed, bringing my knees up to my chest as my back rests against the headboard.

My door then opens, causing me to look up. I see Lauren standing their with a tube of ice cream and two spoons.

"Uhm," I wipe my tears away. "What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the girls?"

"Yeah," She grins. "But, I wanted to be with you, so, I got some ice cream." She sits down next to me.

"Why? What does ice cream do?"

She opens the ice cream, "It's like comfort food - it is, comfort food. Don't question it, it just somehow helps. Try it." She hands me a spoon. I take the spoon and look at her, then the ice cream. I sigh, scooping the ice cream and putting it in my mouth.

My eyes widen, "Wow, this is good." My mouth is full.

She giggles, "Close your mouth." I eat some more, as does she. We eat in silence until it's all empty. She takes our spoons and puts it on the nightstand next to us.

I turn my head to look at her, "Thank you."

"For?" She asks, looking at me.

"For being here with me." I say, starring into her green eyes. She slowly nods. I take a deep breath and plant my lips on hers.

Her soft lips move in sync with mine. This is the first kiss that I've had in years.

And for once, I feel happy with Lauren.

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