Chapter 9

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(Lauren's POV)

Yellow Flicker: Chapter 9

I lay on Y/N's bed, starring at the ceiling. I feel the tears streak down my face. I hold onto her pillow, breathing in her scent.

By now, all of the girls and everyone else, except the fans, know about Y/N and I - it's pretty obvious.

I choke out a sob just as the door opens. Demi and everyone else comes in, a pity look on their face as they look at me.

"Lauren.." Ally sighs, sitting next to me. I close my eyes and sigh.

"Find anything?" Camila asks Demi.

"No," She sadly mutters. "It's like she's off the grid-like her parents are off the grid."

"What happened with her and her parents? She never told us." Normani asks.

"Yeah." Dinah agrees.

"She came out as lesbian to her parents," Demi hesitates to tell us. "Her parents didn't accept her, so at the age of 13, I found her on the streets. Her sister did accept her, but..yeah."

"Her sister is a lying bitch." I mumble, rolling onto my stomach and stuffing my face into the pillow. If you think about it, Stacey is the partial reason that Y/N got kidnapped. No, Y/N's selflessness got her kidnapped. I got her kidnapped.

(Your POV)

No food. No water. No sleep. That's how it has been the pass few days. Oh-and don't forget the beatings every day. I'm surprised I'm still alive.

If it was up to me, I'd kill myself already. But then I think about Lauren and how devastated she'd be. Hell, she probably is already devastated.

Taylor says she'd get me out of here. But, here I am. Still in this jail cell. The sliding window opens, making a huge rustling sound. I look at it to see a piece of bread and water.

I take it and pull it into my lap. This is the first thing I've eaten or drank in days. I savior each a moment of the bread and water. This might be the last thing I eat in weeks.

My door the slowly creeps open. I look at it, waiting.

Taylor appears, "Let's get you out of here, yeah?"

Hell yeah.

(Lauren's POV)

It's been three days. Three fucking days.

I'm miserable. I'm still in Y/N's bed. Basically I haven't moved since that day. Luckily the tour has ended and we're all just waiting here.

At night I lay awake, hoping that door would open and Y/N would come walking in. But I know it won't happen. I know because she's somewhere far away from here. And I'm the cause of that.

At least that's what I say. The girls and Harry don't think so. They think it was because of her selflessness. Or, she has a plan.

I don't know.

(Your POV)

Blood running down my face, scratches all over my arms, stab wounds and I made it out. I'm now stepping foot into the hotel at 4:30 in the morning.

I know they're still here because of the tour bus's. I'm surprised I was so close to the hotel.

Taylor ran off. She's out of that business, she told me right as we left the place. She didn't get as injured as I did. So that's good.

I limp to the elevator, holding my stab wound that's in my left thigh. I clench my teeth together as I start to bleed once more.

As I go up the elevator, I rip a piece of my clothing off and tie it around my wound. I limp over to my old hotel room number.

I pound on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

(Lauren's POV)

Around 4:30 there is a pounding on the door. Luckily I wasn't asleep. And Demi isn't in this room.

I sigh and get up. I trudge to the door, thinking it's one of the girls.

"You know y-Y/N?" Y/N then falls into me, her eyes shutting.


"She just passed out into my arms." I explain to Harry and the girls as we stare at a sleeping Y/N on her bed. Or, at least we think she's asleep. Yeah, she's asleep. She has a pulse.

"I wonder how she got out." Bea mummers. Me too.

Y/N then jolts up, grabbing the closest thing to her, which was a lamp. She scans are faces, her eyes wide. She sighs out in relief and puts the lamp down.

(Your POV)

I look down at my thigh with my eyebrows furrowed. All I remember is coming back into the elevator. I must've passed out.

I look on the nightstand next to me and grab the bottle of water. I open it and drink it, refreshing my throat.

I look up and immediately lock eyes with Lauren's. I then look back down to see my bloody hands and clothes. I look back up again.

Lauren then latches back onto me, not caring about my clothes or hands. I wrap my arms around her, bringing her closer to me. I feel her tears on my shirt, but I don't care.

She nuzzles her face into the crook of my neck. I close my eyes and softly sigh.

"I've missed you." She mumbles.

I open my eyes, "I've missed you too."


"Taylor helped me."

"As in the traitor? Taylor Swift?" Harry asks.

I nod, "Yeah. But we didn't come across my parents. I don't know if that's bad or good."

"It's good," Demi says. "Because you would've had a smaller chance of getting out of they were there."

I roll my eyes, "Jeez, thanks."

"Yeah. But do you remember where this place is?" Bea asks.

I shrug, "I think so. But it was dark and I was just worried about getting out of there alive."

"Okay. Get some rest." Ally says, walking out. Everyone but Lauren says good night and leaves.

Lauren snuggles up to me, my arm now around her shoulder while her head lays on my chest.

"Good night, Y/N." She mummers, but not before putting a small kiss on my lips.

I look down at the now sleeping girl. And one thing is on my mind;

I'm going to hurt you. And I don't want to because I love you.

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