Chapter 5

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(Your POV)

Yellow Flicker: Chapter 5

I keep my hands in my pockets with my head down as I walk back into the hotel. I think I spent about an hour or two walking around the town. As I walk into the hotel, fan girls are surrounding it while other people leave the hotel in suits - probably for a business trip. I notice that the mess from earlier is cleaned up.

I press the elevator button, then going up to our floor. I enter Demi and I's room. Everybody, including Lauren, is sitting down. They all look up when the door opens.

"Where've you been?" Ally is the first to ask. I lock eyes with Ally.

"Out." Ally raises an eyebrow, but doesn't question it and looks away. Lauren sniffles, causing me to look at her. I've notice she's been crying. I then look at Harry, knowing that Zayn was one of his best friends.

His head is in his heads. I bite my lip and sigh, walking over to the table and putting my gun down. I leave my knife in my shoe. I then take off my sweatshirt, seeing as it's hot in here. I'm now wearing a black tank-top, black skinny jeans and black converses.

"You have tattoo's?" Camila asks, looking at them. At the mention of tattoo's, Lauren looks up.

"Yeah." I mummer, sitting on Demi's bed. I have tattoo's on my left arm and my left collar bone. My phone then starts ringing in my back pocket. I grab it and see an unknown caller calling. I raise an eyebrow as I answer it. "Hello?"

"Y/N? It's Stacey."

"Oh, uh, hey!" The room looks at me confused.

"Yeah, hey. How long are you in town for? I want to meet up."

"I think for about another day, how about tomorrow?"

"Sounds good! I'll text you where and when."


"I love you, Y/N."

My breath hitches. I choose to ignore the 'I love you' and hang up, slowly bringing the phone down to my lap. I haven't heard an 'I love you' since I was 11.

"What do you want to be when you grow up, Y/N?" Stacey asks me as we sit in our spot. I was 11 and she was 12.

"I dunno," I say. "Maybe an astronaut! Yeah! I'll get to see the moon and the stars and the planet!"

Stacey laughs, "Yeah - that sounds cool, but I want to be an actress! I want to be on the big screen and win Oscars. And when I do win one, I'll thank you, mom and dad!"

"Ooh, that means you'd be hot celebrities." I say in awe.

"Yeah," She giggles. "Who do you think is hot?"

"Megan Fo-uhm, I-I uh.." I stammer, seeing as I just said a girl.

"Y/N?" Stacey furrows her eyebrows and sits up. "Do you like girls?"

I bite my lip and sigh, "Y-yes."

Stacey smiles, "That's okay, I won't tell mom and dad. I love you either way, Y/N."

I somehow managed my way to the window, starring out of it. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, but I wipe it away. A hand is placed on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me." I mumble, shrugging their hand off. I turn around to see Lauren. Everyone else is gone, except Lauren.

"Are you okay?" She asks, looking into my eyes.

"Yes," I lie. "Are you?"

"I-I think so." She mumbles. "I don't know, t-that was all too much." She sits down on the edge of the bed, sighing. "But w-what upsets me the most, is that you left."

I moist my lips and hesitate to sit next to her.

"Lauren," I quietly speak. "I left because, well, because after those fights happen, I have to cool off. I have to get my mind off of those things - and when I don't, I'll snap at somebody - and I didn't want it to be you."

Lauren stays quiet and nods. She looks like she's still shaken up from the fight. She's trembling. I sigh and hesitantly grab her hand, lacing it with my fingers. She looks up at me, shocked that I touched her. I avoid eye contact with her, looking anywhere but her. I see a smile on the corner of her lips.

I'm actually enjoying the warmth of her hand.


I tap my fingers on the wooden table, my eyes on the door, waiting for Stacey to walk in. The bells rings and the door opens, revealing Stacey. Her blonde hair has now grown longer and her blue eyes are a little brighter. She scans the room, her eyes landing on me as she walks over to the table and sits across from me.

I don't say anything, I just stare at her. She has mom's nose and dad's eyes and ears. She has a mixture of mom's and dad's hair, which is a darker blonde color.

"Hi." She greets me.

"Uh, hey." I mumble, looking down at the table. Stacey gives me a weak smile.

"How've you been?" She asks. Seriously? How've I been? I've been dandy! Just the usual, you know, killing people and shutting people out. Oh - and let's not forget that our parents completely hate me and I haven't seen you in years!

"I'm good," I lie. "You?"

"I'm alright, I mean, working part time waitress gives you money, but not a lot. I'm still trying to boost my acting career, I've been on some commercials, have you seen me?" She smiles.

"No," I answer. "I don't watch TV." And it's true. All with my job and shit, I hardly have time for TV.

She frowns, "Oh, alright. Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

"Nope." I sigh. "Have you got anybody?"

She eagerly nods, "Yeah! His name is Ben, I'd like you to meet him sometime."

I shrug, "Maybe, have you uh, talked to mom and dad?"

She slowly nods, "Yeah. They're doing okay, but they've been really busy for some odd reason. Something about 'it's a secret', I don't know." I nod as she begins to talk about something else, while I just listen.

Yellow Flicker (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now