Chapter 2

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(Your POV)

Yellow Flicker: Chapter 2

I awake with a jolt, my breathing heavy and sweat running down my forehead. I prop myself up on my elbows, looking around - but all I see is darkness.

I had another nightmare. Great. I move my hand around, looking for my phone and finding it. I turn it on, squinting my eyes as I adjust to the brightness of the screen.

5:32 AM

I sigh, turning it off and getting out of my bunk. I put on my shoes, then sticking a knife at the bottom. Like I said, always be prepared.

I'm wearing grey joggers and a tank top as I exit the bus. I climb on top of it, sitting down as my feet dangle over the edge.

I look up, the sun rising.


I look down to see Demi. She climbs up, sitting next to me.

"Why are you awake so early?" She asks.

"Wanted to see the sun rise." I lie, still looking at the sun rise. If it's one thing The Agency taught you, it's how to lie.

"Don't lie to me," She sighs. "Are you having your nightmares again?" Demi taught me how to lie, so that's how she knows. She can read me like an open book.

"No." I mummer, looking away.

"Stop ly-"

"I don't want to talk about it." I quickly interrupt, then jumping off of the bus and landing on my feet.

I take one last glance at Demi before walking back onto the bus.


We arrived at the hotel about 5 minuets ago. Harry and Bea lead the girls to their room, while Demi and I unpacked and set everything up in our room.

I'm sharing a room with Bea while Harry is sharing with Demi. Our rooms are connected, but a door is in between the rooms. The girls rooms are just like ours.

I feel Demi's eyes burning into the back of my head as I set my laptop up. I know she wants to ask me about the nightmares, but she isn't.

She's about the only one who knows. When I first came here, it wasn't always like this. But when I was about 14 or 15, I started to have them. It was after that one mission that ruined everything.

"Knock knock!" The girls, Harry and Bea come in.

"Damn, look at all of this technology." Lauren mumbles as she looks around the room in amazement.

I close my laptop, setting it on the table next to me. My back is against the headboard as I watch everybody.

Harry is talking to Camila, Bea is joking with Dinah, Normani is on her phone, Demi is still unpacking and Lauren is looking around the room still.

Lauren locks eyes with me. I stare at her, not daring to break eye contact. Her emerald eyes, you could get lost in them forever.

"Okay!" Demi claps her hands together, causing Lauren to look away, but I keep my gaze on her. "Today you have a day off, do whatever you want, but if you girls go somewhere, get Y/N, Harry, Bea or I to go with you. Tomorrow you have another day off, then your concert."

As Demi speaks, I avert my eyes from Lauren to the ground. I then grab my laptop, logging back on as I have this odd gut feeling.

Demi is still speaking, but I block her out. I furrow my eyebrows as I hack into the cameras.

I scan the area, finding nothing. I bite my lip as I go into the elevator cameras. Once I do, a person in a black hoodie is in it with a gun.

I stand up, ignoring the odd looks for everyone.

"Someone is in the elevator with a gun." I calmly say as I grab my pistol, putting the silencer on it. "I'll handle it, you guys stay here."


The elevator dings and opens, revealing the person in the black hoodie. The person walks out of the elevator, passing me. I push off of the wall and tapping on their shoulder.

"Don't move." I say, my voice emotionless. "And give me the gun."

The person chuckles, and oddly, it sounds familiar. The person turns around.

"Mahone. Austin Mahone." I grit my teeth.

"Ah, isn't it the one and only Y/N L/N?" He smirks, an evil glint in his eyes.

"Why are you here, Austin?" I ask.

"You know why." He says, then throws a punch at me. I quickly dodge it. He's slow and doesn't have speed.

I charge at him, punching him in the gut. He grunts and pushes me off of him. I stumble, regaining my balance. He runs at me, but inside step him, making him run into a wall.

I tackle him to the ground, straddling him and punching him in the face. I then grab his gun, throwing it far away as I grab mine and aim it at him.

"No! P-please! I-I'll tell you anything!" He pleads as he stares at my gun.

"Go on."

"A-A mole! A mole is in The Agency! Not just me, b-but a lot more! That's all I know!"

"Thanks," I say. "Now, goodbye." I place my hand over his mouth and then shoot him in the head. His screamed is muffled by my hand.


"A mole, he said." I tell Demi and the others.

"Did you really have to kill him?" Ally asks.

"Yes. I did. Or else he would've went running back to whoever." I say, washing my hands as they have blood on them.

"L/N strikes again!" Harry pats me on the back.

"Again? You mean you've killed another person?" Camila blurts out. I don't respond as I dry my hands off.

"You guys go get some sleep, it's been along day." I tell them, changing the subject. They nod, not bothering me with it. I notice Lauren looking at me as she leaves, but I ignore it.

"Sweet dreams, L/N." Demi says as she turns the lamp off.

Right, sweet dreams.

Yellow Flicker (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now