Chapter 11

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Your POV

Yellow Flicker: Chapter 11

We just got back home. And sadly, Demi said that we have to stay with Fifth Harmony since they're still at threat. But, aren't I the one at threat? I mean, they are my parents.

So, now, we all live in one giant mansion. I haven't been myself lately, and I think everyone can tell. I don't talk as much. Like I even talked before, but this time, it's like I'm mute.

Lauren hasn't been herself either. But she's still with Luis. I see him everyday. Basically everyday is my worst day. Is that possible? I don't know.

As I walk pass Lauren's room, her door is open. I sneak a peak in, only to see Luis and Lauren kissing. I scoff and grab the knob, slamming the door.

"Close the fucking door." I mumble, hearing a thump. I roll my eyes and continue walking back to my room.

I walk into my room and collapse on my bed, sighing.


"You need to get out." Bea whines. "You've been stuck in this house. It's either bed, kitchen or the gym." I stare blankly ahead at her. She sighs and sits next to me.  "Please."

"No." I mumble. Bea then cuddles up to me. Bea is like a sister to me now, she's always there for me. Like how real sisters should act. 

I place my arm over her shoulder.

"Why not?" She asks, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I don't want to see Lauren and Luis there," I quietly answer. "It's hard."

" I know. But, just you, Dinah and me can go out!"

"Promise?" I ask, looking down at her.



Dinah, Bea and I are currently at a pizza place.

"I have a question," Dinah says, biting apiece out of her pizza. "When a celebrity dies, how do you guys cover it up?"

"Good question," Bea answers. "Basically we cover it up with an accident, like a car accident or something."

"Oh." Dinah nods. She was about to say something else, but the door to the place opens, revealing Lauren and Luis, holding hands.

"Fuck sakes." I mumble. "You said she wouldn't be here."

"I didn't know!" Dinah holds her hands up in surrender. I sigh and get up, grabbing my plate and throwing it away.

I look at Lauren, who locks eyes with me. I shake my head and walk out.


I walked home. Dinah had the keys. While I was walking out, I completely forgot Dinah and Bea.

I sigh and walk inside the house.

"Where the hell were you!?"

I look up to see Lauren.

I roll my eyes at her, then walk upstairs.

"Y/N!" Lauren grabs my hand. "Where were you?" I close my eyes at the contact of her hand.

I yank my hand away from her grasp, "Like you care?" I spat.

"I do care!" She shouts. "I've always cared!" I turn around, meeting her eyes.

"If you cared," I say. "You would've told me you had a boyfriend. You can't just come and fuck
with my feelings! How would you like it if I did that to you, huh?" She stays silent. "Exactly."

Lauren stares at me. I want to move, but for some reason I don't. It's like, once I look into her eyes, I get stuck in trance. It's like she hypnotizes me.

"I'm sorry." She quietly speaks. I clench my jaw. Sorry? She's sorry? Sorry for breaking my heart? Sorry for using me? Sorry for making me believe that she actually liked me?

I growl and pin her up against the wall, her hands above her head. My breath is against her face. Her pupils are now dilated.

I capture her bottom lip in-between my teeth. I pull on it, then release it.

"You're fucking sorry?" I harshly whisper, still pinning her against the wall. "For what? Sorry for making me believe that you liked me? Sorry for making me feel again? Sorry for breaking my heart? Or, sorry for making me sexually frustrated?"


"That's what I thought." I mumble, letting go of her. "See you later, Lauren."


I'm walking pass Lauren's room, since I pass it on the way downstairs.

"I love you." I hear Luis say.

"I love you too." Lauren responds. I bite my lip and walk pass her room, wiping the small tear in my eyes away.

She doesn't love me. She never did. She didn't even like me. I guess that's life, huh? You fall for someone and you get hurt while they're happy. We sacrifice our happiness for theirs, because we love them. And it's so fucking heart breaking to see her with him.

I've never felt so much feelings for one person before. This is all new to me. It's an unknown territory. It's scary.

I peer into Camila's room to see her and Harry cuddled up. I then look into Dinah's room and see her and Normani kissing. No shocker there.  I pass Bea's room and see her and Jacob Whitesides cuddling. And finally Demi's room to see Ally and her. No, they're not in a relationship. It's more like a platonic relationship.

But hey, at least they're getting a little love. Meanwhile, I'm here. Alone and heartbroken.


I stare into my mirror that's in my bathroom. My hands lay on the edge of the sink, my back hunched over.

Images of Lauren and Luis start to play in my mind. Them cuddling, me walking in on them kissing, hearing the "I love you's."

Something else then flashes in my mind. Images of her and how she captured my attention. I clench my jaw and lift my fist up, punching the mirror. The glass breaks and it falls to the ground. I look at my hand, which has glass in it.

I close my eyes and slide down the wall, letting my fist bleed. I let my tears fall as someone comes in. I look up to see a worried looking Demi.

"What happened?" She hurriedly asks me as she gets the first aid kit.


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