Chapter 4 - Getting to Know You

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Dedicated to JasonSantos for being an amzing friend, fan, and just a really cool dude! Best boy belieber, no doubt :)



The red light was blinking. I decided to ignore the text. I had to inspect the phone first!

Wow, Justin had taken a picture of himself holding up a handwritten note. His messy handwriting covered the page. I squinted as I tried to read the words.

I am so sorry Sasha, the note read, I'm here for you. If you need me, call me anytime xox.

Call? Wait, what?!

I hurried to click on the contact list. No. Way.

Justin had completely filled my contact list with a bunch of new numbers, including his own, his bodyguard Kenny, his manager Scooter, his stylist Ryan and his friend Christian's. And OMG, USHER'S NUMBER, TOO?!

Another message popped up on screen: "2 NEW MESSAGES"

I clicked view, curiosity suddenly taking over. It was Justin!

"Sasha," the text said,"I know you hate me, but for some reason, I really want to get to know you. If you could give e a chance, I promise I'll do better."

My heart skipped a beat as I re-read the texts 3 more times. Okay, I totally take back what I said about him. I might actually give him a chance...

I opened the second text, which was also, surprisingly, from Justin.

"If you need me, I'm at the Ritz Hotel in Downtown Montreal." Hmmm... that's not so far from here. I decided to reply to him:

"Justin, all is forgiven," I typed quickly, "Please, if you don't mind, come back to the hospital. We ca-"

My message was cut off as my phone started to ring.

Justin Bieber Calling

I stared at the phone, completely shocked. He's calling?! I hurried to click the talk button as the phone rang for the forth time.

"Hello?" I whispered into the reciever. This was unreal.

"Sasha," his voice was unmistakable, "I just want to say that I'm sorry... again. Please don't hang up! I just really want to get to know you is all."

"I was just about to text you," I replied, laughing at how nervous and shy he sounded, "Come back, I'd love to chat." I couldn't help but smile as i heard his breath catch.

"Really? Now?" his recently deepened voice filled with joy. I could pratically HEAR the smile that must have been on his face!

"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon"

"Oh haha, don't remind me!" he groaned, "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay, I'll see you soon. Byebye!" I said. This time, it was my breath that caught in my throat as I uttered the last words into the purple phone. Who would have thought that I, me, Sasha Somers, would be hanging out with Justin Bieber? Back at school, everyone knows me as the "Anti-Bieber"!!

I started to laugh. Hard.

"JUSTIN BIEBER IS COMING TO HANG OUT WITH ME!" I managed to choke out between laughing fits. Suddenly there were footsteps speeding down the hallway.

'Hun are you okay?? Calm down and just breathe and relax!" The nurse ran into my room, clutching a long needle in one hand. "NO, no im fine!" I shouted, instantly frightened by the long pointy thing coming closer to my arm. "No you're not. Here's a sleeping drug, so you'll feel better soon."

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