Chapter 6 - Backstabbing Betrayal

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Suddenly, I was watching myself, sitting in the hospital room with Justin. We were talking and joking. This happened only a few hours ago! I thought.

"So," Justin was saying, "If you could do anything right now, what would you do?"

"I would be giving Usher a lap dance!" I laughed and winked.

"You know, that's called molestation!!" Justin said, laughing along with me.

"Not if we both like it!"

We were laughing and goofing off, like we've known each other for years.

Wow..., I thought, I look so happy. With Justin Bieber! Who would have thought!

Justin started talking again.

"You are one crazy girl, Sasha."

"Why?" I asked, "because I want to give Usher a lap dance? Please, Usher is sexy. Age is but a number!" I winked at him and laughed at his face.

He laughed, "No, you're weird because you hated me 1 hour ago, and now we're talking like we're best friends!"

"Hey, maybe I want to be best friends!" I giggled. His smile grew wider and his eyes shown.

"I'd love that!" he exclaimed.

"Bestieeees" I said with a smile.

"We are too cool," he replied with a wink.


I smiled as I watched this. Justin was actually really nice. And cute. And funny. And flirty, but not in a nasty way. And caring. And cute. Wow... he's perfect...

The room became bright, and I closed my eyes.

"SASHA!" I heard someone scream. I was being lifted. Someone familiar was yelling.

"Help her, please! She's bleeding, and she's unconscious!"

Wait. Why was Acadia yelling for help for me? She just hit me!


I woke up drenched in sweat. I was in a different room, with new flowers and balloons. No one was there. I tried to remember what happened in the last few hours. I remembered...

Pain. Shatter. Glass. Justin.


My throat closed. Where was he? Is he OK?

"Hello?" I called. My voice echoed through the white empty room and down the hallway. It was so quiet in the hospital.

I can't remember what happened...

"Sasha? Are you awake?" a voice called me.

No. That voice.

I screamed as the memory hit me, just like that rock did.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME, ACADIA!" I shrieked, hoping the sounds would get someone, anyone, over to the room. Instead, my "best friend" walked in. She shut the door, slid the lock in place, then turned oh so slowly to look at me.

"Call your little Justin," she hissed her voice menacing, "and tell him to leave you alone. To get another girl. Because, last time I checked, you hated 'Justin Beaver'."

I gawked at her. She wasn't serious, was she? "You're telling me," I began, swallowing back the bile that threatened to come up, "that you pushed my mother through glass, knocked me unconscious with a rock, not to mention hurt your precious Justin because you were... JEALOUS?!" No single emotion could describe how I felt.

Shocked. Scared. Hurt.

She laughed, a horrible, shrill, crazy sound. It sent chills down my spine.

"Hun, I've done more than that. You just don't know it." Her eyes showed nothing but hate. "Now, you are either going to call him, or you'll..." she giggled as she pulled out a bottle of painkillers from her purse, "'overdose' on medication."

She's insane. She wouldn't do this to me.

"Why... why are you doing this?" I whispered, fear taking over my body, making it shake. "Reasons you'll never know." she replied with a grin. "Now, call."

I picked up my Blackberry. My hands shook like mad.

"I can't call him. He's getting that glass removed from his back." I said, narrowing my eyes. Suddenly I felt... angry. Not frightened or shocked. I felt a new strength fill me as anger set in. "You just hurt 3 people today. My mother is in surgery right now because of what you did. Justin is in pain, and me... I thought you were my friend, Acadia."

"That was before you messed with my Bieber." she muttered through gritted teeth.

"He isn't yours," I spat back, "he doesn't belong to anyone. You're completely mental."

"Sasha, Sasha, Sasha," she shook her head slowly, grinning cruelly, "He's more mine than you'll ever know."

Suddenly the doorknob jiggled. A voice came through the door.

"Whats going on, Sasha?" came the voice I hoped not to hear at that moment, but instantly relieved me.

Justin was there.

"Sasha? Answer me! Is everything alright?" his voice sounded more frantic.

Acadia looked down on me. "Tell him to leave. Before... you know," she ran her finger across her throat and shook the painkillers with the other hand. The knocking continued. His voice grew louder.

"Answer me!"

"Justin," my voice cracked, "please leave." I shook as tears started to fall. Acadia grinned. I loathed her.

"What?" the knocking stopped. The hurt tone came through clear, making my heart clench.

"Just go. Goodbye." I choked on the last word as a sob escaped me.

No answer. He was gone.

Acadia's demon smile grew wider, if possible. "Now that he's gone," she started, "we can talk."

"Acadia, I did what you told me to do. Now tell me what the hell your hiding."

"Never," she replied, "But, I will tell you something you might find interesting. Let's just say, chances are, your mother isn't in a very stable condition. She hit that glass pretty hard." Her laugh was evil and cold hearted.

Meanwhile, my heart froze all together.



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