Chapter 10 - A New Beginning (Part 1)

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Author's Note:

U GUYS DID IT! thanks for the extra support, you have no idea how much your comments and fanning means to me (: So, are you guys ready for another chapter? #LEGGO!


The rest of that hour passed by in a blur. I remember Justin comforting me, holding me close as doctors and nurses filled the room and ushered us out. They could do whatever they want. My mom is gone, and she isn't coming back. That's the thing about my mom, when she makes a desicion about what she wants to do, she never changes her mind. That's how I know they can't save her. Tears no longer fell; shock had taken over my body. It's amazing how used to these feeling I was getting.

The next day I lay in the same dingy white hospital room. The same room I was in yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. But today it was different. It was darker, quieter, as if the dread and sadness that filled my life was poured into the small space. The only shining light was the boy that sat next the me, holding my cold hand and whispering to me, trying to cheer me up, or at least trying to comfort me. I couldn't take it.

"She's gone." I whispered, cutting Justin off midsentence. I haven't said a word since yesterday. The pop star sighed beside me, probably relieved that I finally spoke to him. I glanced at him; his face was twisted in thought.

"Who are you going to live with?" he asked suddenly. Concern and worry was clear in his eyes.

"I-I don't kn-know," I stuttered. Of all the thoughts that had crowded my mind in the last 21 hours, I never once thought of that. "My grand-parents both passed away years ago. My mother was an only child, so I have no aunts, uncles or cousins. And my dad, well, I've never met him. My mom had me when she was 19, so he left her. No surprise." Realization hit me. It shook me so hard, it felt as though I were suffocating. 

"I'm an orphan," I managed to gasp, "I'm all alone now."

*Justin Point Of View*

She lay there, broken in so many ways. I didn't know what its like to not have a family. I didn't grow up with much, but I always had my mom and my grand-parents.

"I'm an orphan," Sasha gasped, "I'm all alone now."

My heart broke just by looking at her face. She no longer cried, but pain was clear in her beautiful round face. There was no way I was leaving her alone, no after all we've been through. I squeezed her hand. "Hey, hey," I shook her arm, trying to get her to listen to me, "You're not alone." I whispered as a lone tear escaped her eyes. I brushed it away with my thumb. "You have me. I promised your mom I would take care of you, and I keep my promises. I wasn't going to leave you even if she didn't ask me to. I'm not going anywhere, not ever." She looked at me, a mixture of gratitude, pain and sadness filling her big brown eyes. I smiled at her. "We'll take you in. You'll never be alone with the whole wolfpack behind you!" Her eyes lit up slightly at that, and I could tell she was thinking about it. It's incredible how I could figure her out so fast. I've only known her for a really short time, maybe a week? Yet it feels like it's been so much longer, like I've known her my whole life. I don't know what it is about her, but I just feel whole when I'm with her. She's so sweet, caring, and funny. And brave. If I had gone through even half the things she endured in the last little while, I don't know what I would have done. Plus, she's beautiful. Not in a show-off, plastic Barbie doll or model sort of way, but in a down to earth cheeky fashion. It was hard not to love her.

Woah, did I just say love? I thought. I haven't known her that long, can I really love her? Or am I just desperate for someone to like me for me and not for the fame? Ok, she's pretty. And nice. And funny. And well, everything any guy could want. But still, love? Stop talking to yourself. Shit, she said something. Snap out of it, Bieber, she needs you right now and you're thinking about love and how pretty she is. Answer her! 

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I grinned at Sasha sheepishly. "Sorry, what did you say?"

She giggled, color returning slightly to her face. The laugh came out kind of halfheartedly, but it was a start. "I said that you have no idea how much this means to me. We've known each other barely a week. I can't ask you to take me in."

"You didn't ask," I replied, pushing her hair out of her face to look into her eyes, "I'm offering you, or more like telling you, to com with us. You'll have a whole new family, crazy times and all. And," I squeezed her hand again and in an attempt to make her laugh again, started to sing, "We will never, ever, ever be apa-art."

She looked at me, wonder written across her face. Then she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I felt her breath on my ear as she whispered. "Thank you, for everything." My heart swelled at the gatitude in her voice, and my love (yes, I was sure of it now) for her grew. I kissed her shoulder as I rubbed her back soothingly. "Believe me," I whispered, pulling away to see her face, "you don't have to thank me, Sasha. I'm here for you, and I always will be." I thought of something. I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her palm.

"Why did you do that?" she asked me, obviously curious, but touched at the same time.

I smiled at her. "Now you have my kiss on your hand. Whenever you feel alone, just bring your hand to your face and know that I'm always there for you. That even if you're alone at that moment, I will be there for you again very soon." I kissed her hand again and closed her delicate fingers over it. I looked at her face and saw she had tears in her eyes. Before I could ask what she was thinking, I felt her lips press against mine. Her lips were soft, and I may sound like a girl when I say this, but my heart definately skipped a beat as the kiss went on. She pulled back but I kept my eyes closed, savoring the moment. I felt blush rise to my cheeks. I opened my eyes and bit my lips, an old habit I have when I get shy, embarrased, or see a really hot girl. I just happened to feel all 3 at once right now.

"Now what was that for?" I breathed, trying to get my heartbeat to slow. She giggled.

"That was for being you. For being the sweet, sensitive, caring, funny, amazing guy that you are. I know it sounds crazy and insane, but Justin," she breathed deeply and my head and my heart screamed "Say that you love me, say that you love me!!"

"I think I'm in love with you."


HEY READERS! well, this isn't the full chapter 10, unfortunately. I have to leave for a little trip again, and I don't have time to finish it. But I will complete it ASAP, promise!

Please comment, fan, vote. I love knowing what you guys think of my work! (:

P.S: please tell me what you think f justin's p.o.v. and if I should do more of them. thanks! (:

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