Chapter 9 - Saying Goodbye

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Author’s Note :  Hola Readers :3 so, I just wanted to thank you guys for reading, commenting, voting and becoming fans. I don’t mean to sound cheesy, but I honestly keep writing because of the awesome support I get. Don’t be shy to message me with ideas and suggestions! I’d love to hear what y’all think (: If you want a dedication or a part in the story, all you have to do is give me feedback and help me get people to read my story. Do this and I promise to:

1.       Give you a dedication of any chapter in this story.

2.       Read and comment on one or more of your stories

3.       And give you a part in this story OR in another story I’m coming up with

But make sure to let me know if you help! Also, I’ll do read 4 read’s for anyone who asks (: You guys are amazing! I’m going to continue the story now J ENJOY THE BIEBER DRAMA!


A few days later, I sat in my hospital room with Justin. It’s been awhile since any drama happened, and while most of me was relieved, I was also worried. I don’t know how much more I could take. The only thing keeping me from losing it was the boy lying beside me, who ironically enough, was also the main cause of all the danger we’ve both been put in. I cuddled closer to him and placed my head on his chest. I felt his heartbeat gently thudding, putting the small worried part of me at ease. I had no idea how he was so calm right now...

“Have you heard anything from Ac-“he started but instantly cut himself off. I guess he felt me tense up at the mere thought of her name. His arms wrapped around me. “Sorry,” he murmured into my hair.

“It’s fine, just a little on edge. No, I haven’t heard from her. Something’s not right, Justin. I can feel it.” I had a weird sixth sense like that. I always seemed to know when something was going to go wrong. I sensed that Acadia was far from being done with us.

“I know, baby,” he whispered, “But we’re in this together.” I smiled at that and hugged him tighter.

“Have you heard anything about my mom?” I asked nervously, looking up at him. He had been going to check on her every few hours since the accident. Last I heard she was still in critical condition, but things must have gotten better in the last couple of hours, no?

“She’s still in her coma,” he replied, his eyes not meeting mine,”the damage to her brain was very severe. She might not make it. His voice cracked, making the last part barely audible, but audible enough. I choked, feeling my throat close. His words repeated in my mind.

Might not make it...Might not make it...

“What are the chances that she survives?” I whispered. In my mind, I began to pray. I don’t usually, but I felt a sudden urge to do so. Please Lord, let my mother live; let her be alright...

“Fifteen percent chance she’ll make it. And she doesn’t have much time left, if that’s the case.” He looked as though he might cry. I realized he must have felt at least a little close to my mother, seeing as how they spent nearly 96 hours straight together, waiting for me to wake up.

She couldn’t die. She wouldn’t leave me.

“Can we please go see her?” I asked. He nodded and got up to find a wheelchair, leaving me alone in thought. The room was so quiet. I couldn’t stop Justin’s words from repeating in my head.

 She doesn’t have much time left... Fifteen percent chance... Might not make it...

“Mommy, please don’t leave me alone,” I whispered into the empty room. A lone tear slid down my cheek. I remembered all the things we had done together; bike rides through the park on bright summer days, and the times we spent in Montreal’s shopping hotspots, buying as much as our arms could carry and trying every café and restaurant in the area. The memory of our rainy day movie marathons came to mind, where we watched every old black and white movie known to mankind with a couple of Adam Sandler comedies mixed in. The tears fell faster as more memories flooded me, near pulling me into a depression. Thankfully, Justin walked in the room with my wheelchair.

“Are you alright?” he said as he came towards me. I shook my head. I couldn’t speak for fear I would break down completely. Instead, I held out my arms to him and he understood instantly, picking me up. I buried my head into the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck and cried. He held me, but didn’t say a word.

10 minutes later, my sobs were tearless, soundless. I couldn’t cry anymore, an intense numbness filled me. No more heartache, but emptiness. Justin kissed my forehead and looked down at me, his eyes searching my face.

“Do you still want to go see her?” he asked me, his voice filled with concern. I nodded and he put me in the wheelchair. He went behind me and pushed me all the way to the other end of the hospital, where my mother still lay unconscious.

Justin pushed opened a door to a hospital room. There lay a woman, her face, legs and arms mangled by ferocious cuts, scrapes and bruises. A large bandage was securely wrapped around her pale forehead and her fingers and hands were severely damaged. She was so pale, nearly transparent, her skin a thin layer on top of bones. I gasped at the sight.

“This can’t be my mother,” I mumbled, “she isn’t singing. Or cooking her strange but delicious meals. Or telling me to clean my room.” I’ll just shut my eyes and this will all be a dream, I thought, this can’t be real.

Justin didn’t answer. Instead, he rolled me closer to the woman on the bed. Her heart monitor was steadily beeping.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

I couldn’t look at her. Even though I didn’t want to believe it, I knew it was her. This was my mom.

“Mommy?” I called to her, hoping that by some miracle, she’d hear me, “It’s me, Sasha. You’re going to be okay, I swear.” My throat was closing again. I couldn’t make that promise. I pushed on.”Soon you’re going to be up and running. We’ll be shopping downtown, visiting the science museum, and having dinner at that little Thai restaurant you love. Please don’t leave me, Mommy. You’re all I’ve got.” Again, I found the omnipresent tears fall. “Don’t go, Mommy. I love you so much, don’t leave me alone!” Sobs shook my body. Justin came around and pulled me on his knee, hugging me close. It felt as if he were holding me together.

“Sasha?” a weak voice called me. A voice I had never truly expected to hear again. I looked up and saw her. Her chocolate brown eyes were opened, but were drooping more and more with each precious second.

“Mommy!”I cried, choking slightly. The tears continued to flow freely down my already damp cheeks.

“Sweetheart,” she was gasping, trying to get the words out, “I love you baby, don’t you ever forget that. I’ll never leave you and I’ll make sure to watch over you from the heavens. I love you...” her voice trailed off as she sighed deeply, looking more relaxed. “And Justin,” she pressed on, desperate to finish, “take care of my baby girl for me.”Her eyes shut and she breathed in her final breath. The room suddenly filled with the sound of the heart monitor.

“NOOOO!” I screamed. Justin held me back as I lurched towards my mother’s body. I noticed tears on his cheeks.

“I promise I will. Forever,” he whispered, bringing me towards him.


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