Chapter 12 - Together

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Justin went silent. His face was serious. And pale. Deathly pale.

"Justin? Don't-" my voice trailed off. I realized I was completely unable to even try and comfort him. Besides, the look on his face sent chills coursing through my entire body. I hugged him closer. He clung to me, and I knew with all my heart he needed me to do that.

"Baby," Pattie spoke, venom dripping from her motherly voice. "I will do everything I can to get this... demon out of your lives."

I pulled away from Justin just enough to look at his mother. Tears filled her ice blue eyes as she gazed at the blank wall and her bottom lip trembled. From anger or sadness, I'm not sure. She must feel shocked and frightened. Her son was raped. And was almost a father. It's a lot for a mom - any mom - to take.

"Pattie?" I called. She blinked and switched her gaze to look at me. I opened my arms out to her, motioning for her to join her hug. It was the least I could do, comforting her like she did me. She came over slowly, a grateful look filtering through the hurt one with each step she took. She wrapped her arms around us and I heard her sob. The sound of his mother crying brought Justin back from wherever he was and he kissed her forehead, hugging her closer. "Mom..." he began. He wanted to comfort her, but like me, he didn't know how.

After a few minutes of silent crying and hugging, Pattie sniffled and pulled away, wiping stray tears away. As she left, I felt Justin's arms grasp me once again and pull me closer, and I snuggled up against him. I didn't mind, this was the only way I knew how to comfort him. He was shaking, but unlike the laughter from before, it was cold and uncomfortable. I hugged him tighter in a desperate attempt to calm him down, but to no avail.

"I will make sure she pays for this. That little bitc- devil." Pattie murmured, catching herself before she swore.

"Don't worry, Mom." Justin said. "This will all blow over soon." He placed a hand on her shoulder. His mother looked at him with a small smile, obviously seeing through his fake bravery, but deciding to put on a brave face as well. She sighed and stood up.

"I'm going to go get some coffee or something, you kids want anything?" she asked. I figured she needed to get her mind off of this.

"Sour Patch Kids and Swedish Fish?" Justin smiled boyishly, playing along.

Pattie laughed, but it sounded forced. "And for you, Sasha?"

"I'll just steal some of Justin's candy," I giggled as Justin made a face at me. When Pattie finally left the room, everything became silent. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Justin was thinking.

"Don't think about it," I whispered, looking up at his still-pale face. "It's the past. You didn't do anything wrong." I took his hand and kissed it softly. He held my hand and brought it to his cheek, sighing.

"I know, but... I just can't believe Sere- Aca- whatever her name is would do such a thing."

"Believe me, I know what you mean. I never though Acadia was even capable of being mean, let alone being a pshyco obsessed bitch. And I've known her for years! It's still completely unbelievable to me, but what's important is that we get through this." I used my thumb to stroke his warm cheek. He swallowed and closed his eyes. "And then," I continued, "we won't have to worry about these problems anymore." I pulled back our hands from his cheek and intertwined our pinkies.

"Pinky swear," I whispered as he opened his eyes. A smile brightened his face and he leaned forward, brushing his lips against mine. His lips pressed harder and harder against mine, fingers dancing across my back and neck. I pulled him closer without braeaking the kiss, being careful not to press on his cut back too hard. I felt his tongue slide across my lower lip, asking for entry. I decided this probably wasn't the best time to tease him, so I granted it, opening my lips slightly. His mouth tasted like cookies and mint. Mmmm...

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