I Remember When We Met

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Chapter 6

After shouting at my mom about what happened to 5SOS and me, she told me that she was sorry and that Luke loves me very much even if we were “done with” and was probably only suffering girlfriend withdrawals since I was busy packing and not spending time with him and we weren’t acting like a couple and argued for the first time ever…. Of course I believe her… everything just sucks. Under the circumstances I should be the one crying and having panic attacks and withdrawals, but Luke…

Wow I talk about him like he’s my – oh my god what eve are we? I just care still, okay? And everything is a mess; I can’t handle this mess yet I made it. I need him on my side but he’s so stubborn! Maybe something happened on tour or something… I mean he’s known to be awkward and weird around people but I just… I don’t know. I just keep rambling on.

Oh and now the fans know that I flew away; that I’m in America and we argued at the airport and there are pictures and videos everywhere. That’s the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen but you know what? My world, Luke’s world, my family’s world, it’s all flipped upside down because of me.

I guess now I just think about our good moments… those good memories we had before this me – well all the memories before this week were good. Labi was fun, adventurous, cute – all I could ever ask for. It was strong… but at the same time, really really distant.

I never elaborated on the beginning of our friendship. I should probably explain how we got closer too. Well, it started with the dropping of my phone in Ashton’s house….and then it sort of went something like this:


“Um… I think this is yours.” A deep voice muttered behind me. I turned in Ashton’s arms and let him go, almost falling on my backside because of the blonde haired-blue eyed beauty holding my phone. He’s so gorgeous…tall…but why so nervous…?

“You thought correctly.” I stated, my breath still taken away by how perfect her was.

“It fell out of your pocket, and it cracked.”

“What?!” (That brought me out of my daze.) I took my phone in a panicked manner and the new blonde boy’s hand retreated back to his side. He looked familiar, if I really thought about him.

No,” I whined, “My poor phone. My poor poor phone!” I sniffled, trying to recover from my previous tears of joy.

“Sorry I couldn’t save it.” The boy in front of me cleared his throat and scratched that back of his neck.

“Oh no it’s fine. At least you told me and gave it back. So thank you.” I smiled and he returned the favor. God his teeth are so straight and white and cute.

“Maybe you need to stop loving me so much.” My big brother chuckled behind me.

“Shut up Ashton!” I spun around and punched his arm, “I don’t even love you that much.” I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend Ash?” The other boy voiced and I whipped my head in his direction.

“What!?” Both Ashton and I screeched, bursting into laughter after looking at each other and then looking back towards the other blonde boy.

“She’s too feisty!”

“And he’s old!”

Old?! Abigail, really!?”

“It’d be illegal…kind of.” I shrugged.

“Oh my god get your facts straight, you’re only two years younger than me. You have to be like four in order for it to be illegal!”

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