Chapter 3

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Hia!!! Another chapter!! Wooooo!! Still workin on my Creepypasta also! Wooo. Anyway, you can carry on reading. I'm trying to update as often as I can.


You woke up the next morning to the sound of snoring, you stood up on your bed and peeked over the side of the top bunk, you saw Link snoring, you laughed a bit. He started to wake up, so you decided to play a trick on him.

You got back into your bed and pretended you were sleeping, Link sat up and yawned, before jumping down off the bed. He looked at you.

Link POV. (First one in this story! Yay!)

She's so cute, and damn good with a sword. I do like her, but I know she doesn't like me. Why would she? "You like her don't you?" Said Navi snapping me out of my thoughts, it was only then I realized I had been staring at her. "What? N-No!" I whisper-yelled to Navi, not wanting to wake (Y/n) up. I hadn't realized I'd been blushing until Navi giggled. "Yes you do~" She sang. "I-I just told you Navi I d-don't." I said again, only making my blush darken. She just laughed and flew off downstairs. I walked over to (Y/n) to wake her up, I grabbed her shoulder lightly and shook her a little. "(Y/n)? You up?" I asked whispering, she didn't stir. Suddenly her eyes snapped open and she tackled me to the ground!

End Link POV

"Gotcha!!!" You yelled laughing. "Oh really?" Said Link smirking. He sat up quickly and pinned you to the floor, you tried to get up but couldn't. "Who's got who now?" Laughed Link, you crossed your arms and looked away from him, making a 'hmph' sound. "You gonna let me up?" You asked looking at him, he shook his head, "Nope, not until you say I won." He said smirking. "Ugh, fine! You win." You said, he laughed and got up from the ground, helping you up as well. It was only then you realized Navi in the doorway laughing her head off. You both looked away from each other, you both remembering the conversation Link had with Navi before you "Woke Up".

You both walked downstairs to your mum making pancakes. "Smells awesome mum!" You shouted into the kitchen. "Thanks sweetie! You sleep alright?" She asked from the kitchen. "Yeah!" "How about you Link? You sleep alright?"  "Yeah, just fine actually!" Link replied, your mum walked out holding two plates of pancakes. She set them down in front of you both. "Thanks!" You noth said in unison before digging in.

After you had finished you and Link were talking."Y'know, I would beat you in a fight!" Challenged Link. You raised a brow. "Oh really? Sword duel?" You asked smirking. "You're on." He answered the same tone of challenge in his voice. You both ran outside you grabbing your sword on the way out. Link and you ran to the shop and bought a sword, then you both went to South Hyrule field, to fight.

~Le time skip~ (To the field)

Once you were there you both squared up for a fight, Link kept dodging your attacks, he used spin attack and you jumped back, just missing it, "Hey! No fair! I don't know any tricks!!" You yelled charging at him again. "Well maybe you should learn from my actions!! Copy me!!" He said stopping. You drew your sword too. "Now hold your sword out straight." He explained, you held it out, he looked at you his head tilted to the side examining your position, "Hmm, hang on." He said walking up to you, he stood next to you "And... There! Now hold it there for a few seconds." He said, as you did the sword lit up, startling you a bit. "What the-?" "Focus (Y/n), wait for it to start flashing, then, let your arms drop." He said, it started flashing and you let your arms completely relax, as soon as you did the sword spun you around. "Woah!!" You yelled falling after it had spun around. Link ran over to you quickly and caught you around the waist. "U-Uhh... I... S-sorry..." Stuttered Link, helping you up. "Th-that's o-okay... L-Link..." You answered blushing, Link was blushing too. You both started the duel again, you practicing the spin attack.

Eventually, you started to get tired, giving Link the advantage. You went to swing but missed and he pinned you down to the floor. "I told you I'd win!" He said laughing a little. It was nearly sunset, you had spent some of the day practicing the spin attack, then some of it you had stopped for some food, then you were duelling the rest. You lay there out of breath looking at Link smiling. Link smiled back, it was quiet until Navi swooped down, making Link jump, so his hand slipped, falling on you. "Uhh..." Was all Link could say. You just stared wide eyed.

Link POV

I just love the way her (E/c) eyes shined in the sunlight. I couldn't get any words out of my mouth, I'm so angry at Navi right now. She's just there laughing! I'm just frozen here!

Your POV

Link looks so cute when he's nervous! And his eyes. They're beautiful! They're... amazing. They're... I don't even know how to describe them! Waaaaait!! Hoooold it (Y/n)!! What ARE you thinking?! He would never go for me!!


You just stared at Link, and Link stared back. You were both just frozen. It was all quiet except for the whistling of a gentle breeze. Suddenly Navi, who was still giggling, blurted out. "Link likes (Y/n)~!" Link's eyes grew wide, before looking at Navi angrily. "YOU PROMISED NOT T- Mmph?!?" He got off with you kissing him, he slowly melted into the kiss, and kissed you as well. When you both broke away, you were bright red. Link lay down next to you and you snuggled into him, before whispering. "I love you Link." Link smiled at you. "I love you too (Y/n)." And with that you fell asleep next to him, after a long day of training.

Link carried you back to the house, once he opened the door. Your mother smiled. "Tired is she?" She asked nodding toward you. "Yeah... I am too, I'm heading off to bed, G'night." He said before carrying you up the stairs and laying you in your bed, climing into his own bed, he fell right to sleep.

(Back downstairs, meanwhile)

"Hello Mrs. (L/n)." Said Navi to your mother. She laughed, "Hello Navi, and you can call me (Mother's name)." She said. "Okay, but I have to tell you something." She said, the amusement of knowing what your mum's reaction will probably be was killing her. "Link and (Y/n) kissed in the field today." She said. You mum smiled, "Tell me everything!" She said. As Navi told the story your mum listened intently, while you and Link slept after a long, (and eventful) day.


Jeez that's kinda long! Anyway probably can't update for a while, I have some, well I say some more like ALOT of homework to do! Sooo, I'll update whenever I can. Byeeeeeeeee!!

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