Chapter 21

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~time skip a few months~

You woke up to Link poking you. "(Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n)." He kept chanting your name until eventually you groaned. "What?!?" You asked annoyed. He smirked and kissed you. "Happy Biiiirthdaaaaay~" He sang slightly. You shot up jumping. "BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAAAAY!!" Link jumped back slightly but laughed. "Yay you are now 20 congratulations!" He said clapping and laughing. Navi flew over and landed on your shoulder. "Happy birthday (Y/n)!!" She said in her tiny, high pitched voice, you giggled. "Thanks Navi!"

You walked downstairs and your mum hugged you "Happy birthday sweetie!" You hugged her back. "Thanks Mum!" Link walked down as well, watching you run aroumd looking at everything. He chuckled "(Y/n) calm down will ya?" He said smiling you stopped for a second and looked at him before saying. "Nope!" Popping the 'p' and started jumping again. He chuckled amd pinned you down "QUICK GET THE ROPE I'VE CAPTURED HER!!" Link yelled jokingly, just then Dark and (F/n) walked in. "Happy birthday (Y/n)!!!" They chanted in unison. You smiled "Thanks!" You answered.

You got up dragging Link up with you as (F/n) ran over to hug you. "We have been friends all our lives! Jeez!" She said happily. You giggled and hugged her back. "Yep!!" Then Dark spoke up. "You two are like sisters honestly." He chuckled. "I wish we were!" You said. Just then Link stopped laughing. "Maybe you can be." He said smirking. You tilted your head. "Wha?" You said confused. He chuckled. "You'll see." Was all he said until your Mum spoke up. "So I have a HUGE surprise for your birthday present. Link has been wondering about you two having your own house soooo..." She brought a key out of her pocket. Your jaw dropped. "Oh. My. God." Was all you could muster.

Once you got to this new house it took your breath away. It was a cottage with (f/c) flowers around the doorway and a garden with a cherry blossom tree. Link smiled, he walked ahead and you followed.

You walked in to see it was fully furnished with white walls and (f/c) decor. You smiled and hugged your Mum. "Thank you thank you thank yoooou!" You yelled happily. She laughed. "Your welcome sweetie." Just then Dark and (F/n) walked up to you. "Here. Open it!" (F/n) said excitedly. You opened the present (F/n) had given you from her and Dark. It was a sword. "It's beautiful.." You breathed. The handle was black with (f/c) gems encrusted in it and the blade was tinted a slight (f/c) colour. You hugged (F/n) then Dark, repeatedly saying 'Thank you!'. Link chuckled. "I'll give you my present later in the party." He said winking. You tilted your head. "Party?" You asked, he smirked. "Suprise~!" He said laughing. You smiled, "Thanks! Yay!"

~le time skeep~

You had a (F/c) dress on and your hair in a (ponytail/bun/braid). Link saw you and walked over smiling. "Beautiful as always~" He said winking. You looked down and blushed. (F/n) came over."LET'S PARTYYYYY!!!" She yelled. You giggled "I see somebody's already at the sweets and energy drink." Link laughed and nodded along. Dark stood behind you a little. "She kinda scares me when she's like this..." He said shaking, you giggled. "Get used to it Darkie boy." You said ruffling his hair. He whined "I just fixed my hair!~" He whined trying to fix it. "Nah I prefer it like that. You look too formal otherwise." You commented, he gave up, huffing. "Fine..." (F/n) giggled at Dark's childish mood. You smile, they were such a cute couple.

Later on it was time to bring out the birthday cake, you were just there beaming. Link seemed a little fidgety though, you smiled at him and he stopped and sat still while smiling at you. The birthday cake was (f/c) with white roses on it. You gasped "I love it!" Link smirked "As much as you love me?" He asked. You shook your head. "Nah I can't love anything more than you." You said hugging him. He whispered in your ear "Good because..." He got down on one knee and brough out the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. "(Y/n) (L/n), you are the love of my life, your eyes brighten my soul as does your beautiful personality. So... Will you marry me?" You had tears of joy in your eyes at this point and you hugged him "Yes!" You blurted out. He smiled and kissed you. You kissed back as well. (F/n), Dark and (M/n) clapped. You were happy. You'll have the love of your life forever.

Worth waiting for people? Haha. I am smiling like an idiot while writing this XD

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