Chapter 11

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*Author fangirl moment in 3... 2.... 1...* GUYSGUYSGUYSGUYSGUYS!!! SEEEERIOUSLY THIS HAS 1K VIEWS OMFG THANK U ALL SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!


You were all walking home in silence until Zelda decided to break it. "So, how long have you two been together?" You and Link sighed and rolled your eyes. "We got together... Kinda... A day before we left to find you." Link explained. Zelda tilted her head. "What do ya mean by 'kinda'?" You spoke up this time. "Well, I was practicing spin attack and then I fell cause I wasn't used to it, he caught me around the waist, then an itsy-bitsy fairy I know, decided to knock us over, and we accidentally kissed." You said glaring at Navi who just laughed. "But  it was funny! You two are so cute!" You and Link turned around to look at Navi. "WE ARE NOT CUTE!!" You both said in unison. Zelda laughed. "Sooo how'd ya meet?" You looked down embarrassed as Link explained. "Well, I was taking a walk through the Lost Forest and I saw her surrounded by Octoroks and I saved her." Link said smiling triumphantly. "Ooooh so kinda like a 'damsel in distress' thing? Cute." Zelda said, you laughed, but then the pain in your ankle kicked in. "Gah!" You shouted holding it. Link rushed over to you and helped you up. "You're riding Epona." He said sternly, you shook your head. "No no. It's fine." You said, attempting to get back up but Link picked you up. "LINK! I TOLD YOU I DON'T LIKE GETTING PICKED UP!!" Link chuckled quietly. "Oh well." Link clicked his tongue and whistled a tune and Epona came trotting over. "Can you carry her girl?" Link asked, Epona shook her head up and down as if nodding. No sooner Link threw you up onto Epona. "Link! I'm-" "No 'buts' no 'Links', alright." You crossed your arms and sighed. "Fine." You pouted, Link laughed. "And you say I'm childish."  You stuck your tongue out at him. Zelda shook her head slightly and smiled. "You two are too alike it's scary. Ya know that?" Link was about to say something when.

"Yeah, they most certainly are." Link's face turned from a smirk to a glare quicker that lightning when he heard the voice, you noticed it within a second later and whipped your head around, there he stood. Dark Link. "What do you want Dark?" Link growled. Dark chuckled. "I simply came to see if (Y/n) was okay, I saw that she collapsed back there, did you let her get hurt Link? How pathetic." He snarled, with every word Link's eyes only got darker with rage. "I could take care of you more than him babe" Dark put an arm around you, you pushed him away. "Why would I go out with you?" You snapped. Dark growled. Link knew what was going to happen, they were only half a mile away from Hyrule. "Zelda, go. Run." Zelda nodded and ran off, no sooner Dark picked you up, you screamed kicking and flailing to get out of his grip, Link brought out his sword and went to charge at him...

But it was too late

Dark was gone. And so were you.


BOOOM! Stayed tuned fpr the next chapter, and once again THANK YOU FOR 1K VIEWS! 

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